The Secret Broker

Dear Secret Broker, I need to know more about your dirty call options. A lot more.

TSB's got his hands full, with endless suitors in his inbox, and mess all over his suit after a boozy…

The Secret Broker: All good things must pass

On Thursday, September 22 I will be raising a glass of ‘black velvet’ to the Queen... and all the other…

The Secret Broker: Given the options, I’ll take Bed Bath and Begone every time

I zig when others zag and zag when others zig, especially when I’m trading options and shares. So should you.

The Secret Broker: Bet, Hope and BHPray!

After 35 years of stockbroking for some of the biggest houses and investors in Australia and the UK, the Secret…

The Secret Broker: Even Lazarus can’t save these soon to be delisted ASX souls

Even the ASX is not interested in these soon to be delisted stocks, or it would let them to pay…

The Secret Broker: Now – how about an investment that yields a breath of fresh minty air?

What do Chelsea Football Club, Bruce Springsteen and Listerine have in common? Let's just say it involves Mrs B not…

The Secret Broker: You know how to squeeze me, you know how to please me

If you have been following all the market data on how many shares are currently short, TSB has some bad…

The Secret Broker: History will always repeat itself. That’s why God created grey hair

If you come from a country where its most famous icon was built and funded by a lottery in 1960,…

The Secret Broker: Rising inflation? Thank you, thank you very much…

TSB is heading back to the op shop to find an Elvis outfit to prove his personal inflation rate has…

The Secret Broker: A Nother Zombie bank

'Captain Mainwaring, there's a bunch of people at the door who say they're ANZ shareholders... and they look very angry,…