Stockhead’s In-Case-You-Missed-It highlights today’s most interesting small cap stories that might have slipped beneath your radar.
Below is a wrap of the top 20 performing stocks, by percentage, who made announcements today.


ICYMI Leader Board

Code Company Price % Today Market Cap
ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.009 29% $10,082,710
BTE Botalaenergyltd 0.125 25% $13,610,000
EMD Emyria Limited 0.1 25% $24,667,945
PEX Peel Mining Limited 0.13 24% $60,980,626
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.011 22% $9,227,326
JAY Jayride Group 0.13 18% $22,400,158
CXU Cauldron Energy Ltd 0.007 17% $5,709,412
YPB YPB Group Ltd 0.0035 17% $2,230,384
TPC TPC Consolidated Ltd 5.79 14% $57,848,571
ATP Atlas Pearls Ltd 0.055 13% $20,751,951
GSS Genetic Signatures 0.5 12% $63,815,668
AUC Ausgold Limited 0.038 12% $78,068,801
BMN Bannerman Energy Ltd 2.3 12% $310,051,960
LYN Lycaonresources 0.24 12% $8,367,531
MRZ Mont Royal Resources 0.24 12% $17,693,411
LDR Lode Resources 0.145 12% $13,881,939
CF1 Complii Fintech Ltd 0.039 11% $19,311,009
HXG Hexagon Energy 0.01 11% $4,616,243
LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd 0.31 11% $12,539,800
PEC Perpetual Res Ltd 0.021 11% $11,659,650
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Asra Minerals (ASX:ASR) continues to progress initial metallurgical test work on the Yttria clay-hosted rare earths deposit, part of the Mt Stirling project near Leonora, WA.

Botala (ASX:BTE) has successfully spudded the first of four coal seam gas pilot production wells that will determine the commercial flow potential of its Serowe project in Botswana.

Emyria (ASXS:EMD) has secured firm commitments from new and sophisticated investors to raise $2 million (before costs) through an oversubscribed placement.

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for Peel Mining’s (ASX:PEX) Mallee Bull exploration decline project, part of its South Cobar project, has been approved by the NSW Resources Regulator.

Viking Mines (ASX:VKA) hit significant vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) intercepts at its Fold Nose deposit, such as 42m at 0.74% V2O5 (>0.5%) from 79m, including 17m at 0.80% V2O5 (>0.8%) from 83m and 8m at 0.99% V2O5 (>0.8%) from 108m.

Scanner tech group YPB Group (ASX:YPB) says J F Houston Holdings, an entity associated with the executive chairman, has agreed to extend a further new unsecured loan facility of $500,000 – on top of its $2m placement announced in March.

Biotech Genetic Signatures (ASX:GSS) submitted a 510(k) application to the US FDA, seeking regulatory clearance to market its EasyScreen Gastrointestinal Parasite Detection Kit in the US.

Ausgold (ASX:AUC) delivered a resource increase at its Katanning gold project in WA, bringing it to 3.04Moz (98Mt at 1.06g/t) – with Measured and Indicated of 2.42Moz.

Lycaon Resources (ASX:LYN) has intersected over 13m of nickel-copper sulphides in the first 800m-deep diamond hole at Bow River, indicating the potential for “economic sulphides” in a large, >1km long gravity anomaly.

And Mont Royal Resources (ASX:MRZ) flagged that outcropping spodumene-bearing pegmatites have been identified in the south-west of the property with two outcrops of spodumene-bearing pegmatites (30m2 and 45m2 ) 16m apart at its at its Bohier and Léran projects – in Canada’s James Bay lithium hotspot.


More Top Small Cap Stories: Monday


Hastings Technology Metals (ASX:HAS) has appointed a new CEO to lead the company into production at its at its world class Yangibana rare earths project in WA.

Clay rare earths front-runner Ionic Rare Earths (ASX:IXR) says the massive Makuutu project in Uganda has additional resource growth potential after new drilling intersected some of the highest grades to date.

Maiden diamond drilling at MTM Critical Metals’ (ASX:MTM) Pomme rare earth element (REE) and niobium project in Canada is off to a great start with widespread visual mineralisation pointing to a ‘very large’ +2sqkm mineralised system.

Fresh IPO Lithium Universe (ASX:LU7) has launched straight into on-ground exploration work at the Apollo project in Canada’s prolific James Bay region following the completion of early permitting and field preparation.

Silver Mines (ASX:SVL) has struck a native title agreement in relation to a parcel of Crown land within the Bowdens silver project, enabling further progress at what is the largest undeveloped silver deposit in Australia and one of the largest in the world.

New drilling results, including a highlight of 6.5m at 2.56% nickel, indicate continuous high-grade nickel sulphides over a 2km (and growing) trend at Leeuwin Metals’ (ASX:LM1) William Lake project in Canada.

Diablo Resources (ASX:DBO) has started a 9 hole, 1,200m drilling program at its exciting Devil’s Canyon gold-copper project, located along US’ Carlin Trend which has produced more than 195Moz of gold.

Summer drilling at American West Metals’ (AX:AW1) Storm project on Somerset Island in Canada has returned “outstanding” near surface high-grade results ranging from 1.3% to a whopping 42.8% copper.

Extensional drilling outside the mine plan at Black Cat Syndicate’s (ASX:BC8) Paulsen’s gold mine continues to hit high-grade gold up to 223g/t.

Several new high-grade gold and silver resource growth targets have been confirmed at Titan’s (ASX:TTM) 3.12Moz Dynasty project in southern Ecuador with most results returning grades over 20 g/t gold.

Maiden drilling is underway at the greenfields Highway project, where Taiton Resources (ASX:T88) believes it is on the trail of a large mineral system.

And Miramar Resources’ (ASX:M2R) executive chairman Allan Kelly says initial diamond drilling at Whaleshark hit bedrock copper, providing the most significant evidence for IOCG mineralisation since the project was first highlighted by WMC the 1990s.



BPH Energy’s (ASX:BPH) investee company Cortical Dynamics has achieved a major milestone, securing US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for its flagship tech the Brain Anaesthesia Response Monitor or BARM system version 1.


Latin Resources (ASX:LRS) has been added to the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Global Small- Cap Index. 

And Adavale Resources (ASX:ADD) received total applications from eligible shareholders of approximately $261,302 for its entitlement offer to fund exploration at the Kabanga Jirani Nickel Project in Tanzania.


At Stockhead we tell it like it is. While Asra Minerals, Botala, Peel Mining, Lyacon Resources, Hastings Technology Metals, Ionic Rare Earths, MTM Critical Metals, Lithium Universe, Silver Mines, Leeuwin Metals, Diablo Resources, American West Metals, Black Cat Syndicate, Titan, Taiton Resources, Miramar Resources, BPH Energy, Latin Resources and Adavale Resources are Stockhead advertisers, they did not sponsor this article.