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Stockhead’s In-Case-You-Missed-It highlights today’s most interesting small cap stories that might have slipped beneath your radar.
Below is a wrap of the top 20 performing stocks, by percentage, that made announcements today.
Code | Company | Price | % Today | Market Cap |
BAT | Battery Minerals Ltd | 0.06 | 36% | $5,912,038 |
CYQ | Cycliq Group Ltd | 0.004 | 33% | $1,072,550 |
DOC | Doctor Care Anywhere | 0.06 | 33% | $16,498,901 |
KNB | Koonenberrygold | 0.034 | 21% | $3,352,974 |
TTT | Titomic Limited | 0.04 | 21% | $29,443,976 |
BCA | Black Canyon Limited | 0.135 | 17% | $7,836,268 |
TMT | Technology Metals | 0.245 | 14% | $54,671,487 |
CMP | Compumedics Limited | 0.27 | 13% | $42,519,108 |
ASQ | Australian Silica | 0.063 | 13% | $15,784,181 |
HAR | Harangaresources | 0.19 | 12% | $13,637,929 |
CVN | Carnarvon Energy Ltd | 0.175 | 9% | $287,633,245 |
AS2 | Askarimetalslimited | 0.175 | 9% | $12,376,034 |
PPE | Peoplein Limited | 1.055 | 9% | $100,611,861 |
PGD | Peregrine Gold | 0.265 | 8% | $14,461,468 |
RWD | Reward Minerals Ltd | 0.075 | 7% | $15,949,720 |
SW1 | Swift Networks Group | 0.016 | 7% | $9,698,616 |
BUR | Burleyminerals | 0.165 | 6% | $15,700,997 |
NIS | Nickelsearch | 0.084 | 6% | $15,716,085 |
MSB | Mesoblast Limited | 0.285 | 6% | $269,315,465 |
POL | Polymetals Resources | 0.285 | 6% | $41,085,420 |
Cycling company Cycliq (ASX:CYQ) announced a successful Black Friday campaign, with a strong increase in the number of individual orders (total order count increased by 29%) and $1.2 million in unaudited gross revenue for the month of November.
UK-based telehealth company Doctor Care Anywhere Group PLC (ASX:DOC) is set to repay its December 2022 senior loan facility with AXA PPP Healthcare Group and is looking to raise £10.6 million under an offer of convertible notes, subject to shareholder approval.
Drilling at Koonenberry Gold (ASX:KNB) Bellagio prospect at its namesake project has intersected visible gold in drill chips.
Advanced manufacturing player Titomic (ASX:TTT) has nabbed a strategic manufacturing partnership agreement with South Australian-based Stärke Advanced Manufacturing Group, which is set to leverage Stärke’s ‘deep industry connections’.
And Black Canyon’s (ASX:BCA) maiden resource of 40 Mt at 11.9% manganese containing 4.7 Mt of manganese at the Balfour East and Damsite deposits in WA has bumped up the global mineral resources across the Balfour Manganese Field to 314 Mt at 10.5% manganese containing 33.1 Mt of manganese.
Iltani Resources (ASX:ILT) says its Stage 2 drilling program at the Orient silver-lead-zinc-indium project in northern Queensland will be paused due to cyclone Jasper and will recommence in early 2024.
Arizona Lithium (ASX:AZL) pilot plant has produced more than 6,000L at a steady extraction state of 95.6% lithium concentrate equivalent (LCE) and shown it can remove 99.9% of impurities from the brines at its Prairie project in Saskatchewan, Arizona.
NickelSearch (ASX:NIS) has added four new exploration licences and one prospecting licence to its footprint WA’s Ravensthorpe district which now totals 194.5km2.
Kula Gold’s (ASX:KGD) maiden drilling at the Cobra prospect within its Kirup project in WA has intersected multiple stacked pegmatites.
Spartan Resources (ASX:SPR) has reported even more thick, high-grade gold intersections ahead of an imminent resource upgrade at its Never Never deposit.
Hillgrove Resources (ASX:HGO) is gearing up for first copper production at its Kanmantoo underground copper-gold mine in South Australia next year, preparing for its first stope to access the ore.
Scorpion Minerals (ASX:SCN) has kicked off maiden lithium-focused drilling at its Pharos project in Western Australia’s Murchison district.
Burley Minerals (ASX:BUR) has intersected high value pollucite mineralisation, the premium caesium-bearing mineral, classified as critical by the USA and Canada, which is rarely available in economic deposits, at its Chubb lithium project in Québec, Canada.
Maronan Metals (ASX:MMA) has reported assays including 3.22m at 5.4% lead, 115g/t silver (267g/t silver equivalent) and 18.8m at 0.74% copper, 1.43g/t gold at its namesake silver-lead and copper-gold deposit in QLD.
Reach Resources (ASX:RR1) says phase 2 drilling has expanded the scale of the lithium potential at its Morrissey Hill project in WA, confirming multiple, thick, stacked pegmatites within a previously unrecognised package of the Leake Springs Metamorphics – the same rocks that host Delta Lithium (ASX:DLI) nearby Malinda and Jamieson projects.
Charger Metals (ASX:CHR) has met funding conditions for Rio Tinto to grab up to 75% of its Lake Johnston lithium project and potentially spend up to $42.5m across the largely underexplored tenure.
Sunshine Metals (ASX:SHN) has confirmed one out of three high-grade gold feeder zones at the Liontown prospect, part of its Ravenswood Consolidated project in QLD.
Peregrine Gold (ASX:PGD) has picked up seven new tenements surrounding its Newman gold project in the Pilbara region of WA.
Raiden Resources (ASX:RDN) has acquired 100% of Welcome Exploration’s interest in the lithium, caesium, tantalum, nickel, copper and platinum group element mineral rights over 12 tenements which comprise the Mt Sholl project in WA.
And RooLife Group (ASX:RLG) has switched up its board composition, with Warren Barry stepping down as director to an executive role and Terence Leung joining as a new independent non-executive director.
At Stockhead we tell it like it is. While Koonenberry Gold, Iltani Resources, Arizona Lithium, NickelSearch, Kula Gold, Spartan Resources, Hillgrove Resources, Maronan Metals, Sunshine Metals, Scorpion Minerals, Peregrine Gold, Raiden Resources, Reach Resources, Charger Metals, Burley Minerals and Roolife Group are Stockhead advertisers, they did not sponsor this article.