Dynamic Metals is the successful spin-off from Jindalee Resources Limited (ASX:JRL) and raised its maximum subscription of $7M in its IPO in December 2022. Dynamic is progressing exploration across  its portfolio of projects in the critical minerals space in Western Australia including the Widgiemooltha Lithium-Nickel-Gold Project, the Lake Percy Lithium-Nickel Project and the Deep Well Nickel-Copper-PGE Project.

The flagship project, Widgiemooltha, covers an extensive area of approximately 880km2 extending between Norseman and Kambalda. The region is well known for its numerous nickel and gold mines, but more recently has emerged in significance for its lithium mineralisation and prospectivity.

Located approximately 100km to the west of Widgiemooltha is the Lake Percy Project, which covers the northern extension of the Lake Johnson greenstone belt and hosts several nickel mines and lithium prospects.

The Deep Well Project is 80% owned by Dynamic, and is located in the Murchison Region of Western Australia. Outcropping gossans were identified at Deep Well in 2020 and remain untested by drilling.


  • Karen Wellman | Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

    Mrs Wellman is a geologist with over 20 years’ experience covering all aspects of the mining cycle from early stage exploration, production and mine geology, through to resource definition and estimation.

    Mrs Wellman is currently the Managing Director of Dynamic Metals, having overseen the spin-off of Jindalee Resources’ Australian assets into the new entity in her previous role as Jindalee’s CEO. Prior to Mrs Wellman’s position with Jindalee, she held senior roles at Silver Lake Resources Limited and Doray Minerals Limited where she made significant contributions to the success of the Deflector Gold-Copper Project in Western Australia. Previously she worked as a Geology Consultant for Optiro on a range of international and Australian exploration and resource projects. Mrs Wellman spent three years working in Scandinavia on volcanogenic massive sulphide and gold-copper porphyry deposits for Boliden Minerals AB and held multiple roles at St Ives Gold Mine in Kambalda with Goldfields Australia.

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  • Jimmy Thom | Exploration Manager

    Mr Thom is a geologist with 15 years’ experience across project generation, brownfields exploration and resource development in Australia, Africa and Canada.

    Prior to joining Jindalee, Mr Thom was Exploration Manager for Paladin Energy and contributed to prioritising Paladin’s geologically and geographically diverse exploration assets and Mineral Resource inventory.

    Mr Thom holds a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia and is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

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