A three-day conference in Sydney next week will highlight investment opportunities in crypto and blockchain as well as more traditional opportunities on the ASX and elsewhere.

The Emergence Sydney conference at the Fullerton Hotel next Wednesday to Friday will feature over 40 speakers, headlined by angel investor Jason Calacanis, AirTree partner John Henderson, Apollo Capital investment partner Marc Woodward and Binance Australia chief executive Leigh Travers.

There are free virtual passes to attend online, or in-person attendance is $101. It’s the first time the annual conference will be held in-person in Sydney in two years.

It’s sponsored by Wholesale Investor but there appears to be plenty for retail investors to digest.

Day one of the conference will include the keynote address by Calacanis and panel sessions on renewable energy and problems on the power grid.

Thursday’s session will include panels on fintech and personalised healthcare, with speakers including Ernst & Young partner May Lam; Seed Space Ventures partner Cathy Lyall; and deputy InvestHK head Yin Roberts.

Friday’s session is all about the rise of blockchain, NFTs and Web 3, with speakers including Travis, Henderson and Woodward as well as Lasanka Perera from the Independent Reserve; Jon Deane from Trovio Capital Management; Casey Flint from Square Peg; Daniel Puzny of Blockchain Labs and James and Robbie Ferguson of Immutable.

Binance Australia has organised what’s being described as Australia’s first NFT art gallery for the conference.