In Tasmania the Roger River Project comprises two granted exploration licences, EL20/2020, and EL17/2021, which together cover 261km2, located 410km northwest of the capital city of Hobart. The Project is prospective for gold and base metals over the permitted 30km length of the Roger River Fault and its interpreted splays. Since listing in March 2022 the company has completed geophysical work via gravity and areomagnetic surveys. Geochem work has been conducted to assist in future targeting of the potentially spatially coincident gravity and magnetic anomalies. The company has several targets identified which are being drilled out on a ranking basis comprised of prospectivity access and safety. The maiden hole has proven to be very exciting with native copper visible over discrete sections of circa 100m length. There is intense alteration at the contact of basalts and sediments with intense pyrite veins throughout sections of the sediments. The company will continue to drill out the targets while reporting exploration and assay results to the market.
In South Australia the Orroroo Uranium Project comprises two granted exploration licences, EL6552, and EL6814, which together cover 659km2, located approximately 274km northwest of the capital city of Adelaide, South Australia within the Walloway Basin, which is an elongate Tertiary Basin approximately 50km long and up to 15km wide. It consists of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments unconformably underlain by Adelaidian basement. The sediments of the same age as the Frome Embayment which is host to several commercially viable Uranium deposits. Norfolk has the opportunity to define a potentially new uranium district within well-endowed region. The maiden exploration program is expected to be finalised imminently. Previously drilled for Hydrocarbons the historical wells present data which supports the roll front Uranium prospect similar to Kazakhstan and Niger which are host to world-class sandstone hosted uranium deposits.
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Closing Bell: Local market on its knees after Fed’s big night of being tight; Norfolk Minerals up 137%
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Resources Top 5: Norfolk Metals gains a whopping +90pc on copper hits
Top 10 at 10: The tenacious ASX tech, copper and critical mineral stocks taking off on a tumultuous Thursday
Norfolk Metals flags native copper in first hole at Roger River project
Uranium stocks guide: Sit back and relax, here’s everything you need to know
Weekly Small Cap and IPO Wrap: War and metal has emerging companies up 2pc this week, 10pc over the past month
Norfolk Metals is on track to list with drill-ready uranium and gold projects
IPO Watch