Moho Resources NL (MOH) is focused on acquiring prime exploration acreage to explore and if successful to develop commercially viable gold and base metal mineral deposits in Australia. MOH has interest in Empress Springs Project, Silver Swan North Project & Burracoppin Project.


  • Shane Sadleir, Managing Director

    Extensive experience in exploration, mine geology, research, environmental protection, IPOs.

    Founding director of Bannerman, Trafford, Ironclad, Scotgold, Athena and NED of Robust

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  • Ralph Winter, Commercial Director

    Specialising incorporate affairs & finance, marketing & promotion and business development in both exploration and development companies (Trafford, Ironclad, Robust Resources, Mineral Products).

    Director of Breast Cancer Care WA and

    Owner of Australian Remote Assistance

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  • Terry Streeter, Non Excutive Chairman

    Extensive experience in funding, listing and overseeing junior explorers in all exploration and economic cycles and has served in various roles in the nickel sulphide industry for over 30 years.

    Previous Director of Jubilee Mines

    Non-Executive Director of Western Areas & Fox Resources and additional mining interests.

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  • Adrian Larking, Non Executive Director

    Extensive experience in exploration, mine geology and commerce (Kambalda Nickel Operations, Olympic Dam Operations, various senior management roles in WMC)

    Experience as director of listed and unlisted resource companies.

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