Stockhead TV
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Nickel: The path to development for two emerging producers
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Gold: Up 20pc in six months, outperforming all other indexes
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Copper: A booming market
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Battery Metals: A look at Australia’s expanding battery metals sector
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Molybdenum: Local opportunities and what’s driving the price surge?
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Clay-Hosted Rare Earths: Growing demand and local exploration
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Rare Earths: Future applications, supply chain concerns and local potential
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Natural Hydrogen: Two companies on the hunt for ‘gold hydrogen’
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Gold: Two emerging producers and their outlook throughout 2023
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Graphite: Growing interest in value for new and emerging battery tech
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Copper: Price set to keep rising as we transition to renewable power
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Gold: Price analysis, investments and one local junior explorer
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The high cost of natural gas – looking to 2023 and beyond
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3D Oil: A look at high LNG prices, and why they look set to stay
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