The Secret Broker

The Secret Broker: Green shoots, or a tangled old Twiggy? Who’s laying bets?

What's all this business about just filling shareholder pockets with cash instead of growing their long-term returns? Poppycock and balderdash,…

The Secret Broker: No, these are fat profits

Healthy margins on not-so-healthy products? Who would have thought? Looks like it's time to short the entire country of Denmark…

The Secret Broker: Shoplifting? I didn’t think she was strong enough…

The perils of trusting people to be responsible - $3bn a year in cheeseball losses and TSB's Jag filled up…

The Secret Broker: Nothing like getting knocked around to learn some core values

TSB's watching Core Lithium crumble and it's bringing back his halcyon days in the Granada Ghia. To the time machine!

The Secret Broker: Three hot tips to avoid the next ‘messoblast’

It wasn’t a blast last week for the holders of the ASX listed Mesoblast (ASX:MSB), when their shares fell 50%…

The Secret Broker: Couldn’t make this up? You don’t have to!

The stars aligned when the Australian finance department hired a consultant to advise them on how they should go about...…

The Secret Broker: This episode is brought to you by the letter ‘D’, and the number ‘435 million’

TSB's got a case of the Ds. That's D.I.V.O.R.C.E. to you, with a healthy helping of Dire Straits and deliciously…

The Secret Broker: Goodbye, Yellow Brick rubbish

Nothing like a death in the family to sort out the trash from the treasure. Look out Mrs B, it's…

The Secret Broker: Once upon a time, in a small coffee shop, a cash revolution got underway…

Isn't technology incredible? Now you can order a coffee and pay for it, instantly, without fees! It's just like handing…

The Secret Broker: Got cash to invest? Step into my time machine…

TSB's letterbox is full again, with offers for free solar panels and enlargement kits. Best riffle through them before Mrs…