• Lightning Minerals identifies multiple pegmatite intrusion outcrops at Dundas project
  • Galan moves to 100pc ownership of the Green Bushes South Lithium Project
  • Critical Resources’ recent assay results at Mavis Lake extends the current strike length of known mineralisation by 599m to 1,300m

All your lithium news, Tuesday December 13.


On Monday the US Energy Department (DOE) announced the finalisation of a $2.5bn low-cost loan to Ultium Cells – a joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy Solution — to help finance the construction of three lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing facilities.

The facilities will be based in Ohio, Tennessee and Michigan.

“DOE is flooring the accelerator to build the electric vehicle supply chain here at home—and that starts with domestic battery manufacturing led by American workers and the unions that support them,” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said.

As well as boosting the nation’s standing as a global leader of EV manufacturing, Granholm added it would also directly support President Biden’s goals to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and having EVs make up half of all new vehicle sales by 2030.

“This loan will jumpstart the domestic battery cell production needed to reduce our reliance on other countries to meet increased demand and support President Biden’s goals of widespread EV adoption and cutting carbon pollution produced by gas-powered vehicles,” she explained.


Here’s how ASX lithium stocks are tracking:

TKL Traka Resources 0.007 17% $4,132,647
THR Thor Mining PLC 0.007 17% $8,653,277
CTN Catalina Resources 0.009 13% $9,907,895
LSR Lodestar Minerals 0.0055 10% $8,692,187
FRS Forrestaniaresources 0.135 8% $7,601,413
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.205 8% $28,275,681
BTH Bigtincan Hldgs Ltd 0.575 7% $295,507,332
AML Aeon Metals Ltd. 0.03 7% $30,699,217
IMI Infinitymining 0.305 7% $18,892,883
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.016 7% $11,299,278
RGL Riversgold 0.032 7% $28,364,031
EPM Eclipse Metals 0.016 7% $30,363,853
FTL Firetail Resources 0.165 6% $10,075,000
WMI WAM Microcap Limited 1.57 5% $315,067,559
EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.094 4% $9,578,980
CRR Critical Resources 0.049 4% $74,158,399
LRS Latin Resources Ltd 0.125 4% $244,507,353
ZEO Zeotech Limited 0.05 4% $78,753,872
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.028 4% $31,808,059
VSR Voltaic Strategic 0.028 4% $8,273,628
MMC Mitremining 0.29 4% $7,583,828
WC8 Wildcat Resources 0.029 4% $18,536,636
BMM Balkanminingandmin 0.305 3% $12,688,173
LIS Lisenergylimited 0.35 3% $56,410,824
MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.038 3% $40,140,098
OML Ooh!Media Limited 1.285 2% $734,053,332
CY5 Cygnus Gold Limited 0.45 2% $72,904,653
NMT Neometals Ltd 0.93 2% $502,994,470
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.093 2% $279,707,751
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.255 2% $87,828,645
PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc 0.845 2% $437,883,764
CGC Costa Group Holdings 2.63 2% $1,203,175,347
DTM Dart Mining NL 0.066 2% $10,091,910
SGLLV Sunrice - B Ltd-Voting Ord Fpo 6.6 2% $408,082,305
VUL Vulcan Energy 6.74 2% $951,746,399
IGO IGO Limited 14.87 2% $11,093,973,460
FGG Future Glb Invest Co 1.135 1% $442,748,088
RDT Red Dirt Metals Ltd 0.445 1% $183,095,362
LPI Lithium Pwr Int Ltd 0.475 1% $183,864,529
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.1 1% $28,966,519
SLC Superloop Limited 0.72 1% $351,189,796
WES Wesfarmers Limited 48.08 1% $54,140,871,556
LEL Lithenergy 0.87 1% $52,029,750
IFM Infomedia Ltd 1.115 0% $417,123,570
AKE Allkem Limited 13.065 0% $8,315,061,441
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.008 0% $21,346,683
1MC Morella Corporation 0.016 0% $95,224,893
ASN Anson Resources Ltd 0.21 0% $247,433,534
AVZ AVZ Minerals Ltd 0.78 0% $2,752,409,203
EMH European Metals Hldg 0.67 0% $80,086,956
GLN Galan Lithium Ltd 1.2 0% $365,483,857
LIT Lithium Australia 0.046 0% $56,174,817
LPD Lepidico Ltd 0.014 0% $106,928,797
RLC Reedy Lagoon Corp. 0.012 0% $6,689,123
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.072 0% $11,301,228
PAM Pan Asia Metals 0.42 0% $61,679,348
AX8 Accelerate Resources 0.029 0% $9,019,804
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.24 0% $11,207,494
AS2 Askarimetalslimited 0.37 0% $18,255,475
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.026 0% $7,312,590
EMS Eastern Metals 0.081 0% $3,164,217
FG1 Flynngold 0.145 0% $9,433,852
LRV Larvottoresources 0.195 0% $10,414,073
RAG Ragnar Metals Ltd 0.018 0% $6,825,328
TEM Tempest Minerals 0.026 0% $13,123,921
WML Woomera Mining Ltd 0.019 0% $17,852,102
AZI Altamin Limited 0.085 0% $33,295,924
ENT Enterprise Metals 0.009 0% $6,345,726
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.003 0% $6,401,370
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.67 0% $140,473,053
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.005 0% $8,211,819
A8G Australasian Metals 0.235 0% $9,675,066
SRZ Stellar Resources 0.012 0% $12,055,571
NWM Norwest Minerals 0.05 0% $11,105,369
AOA Ausmon Resorces 0.0075 0% $6,429,670
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.01 0% $10,252,584
IPT Impact Minerals 0.007 0% $17,369,594
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.135 0% $24,040,622
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.023 0% $4,705,564
EVR Ev Resources Ltd 0.016 0% $14,863,745
MXR Maximus Resources 0.043 0% $13,712,948
M2R Miramar 0.09 0% $6,361,357
AOU Auroch Minerals Ltd 0.053 0% $19,668,925
WMC Wiluna Mining Corp 0.205 0% $74,238,031
AUN Aurumin 0.081 0% $10,939,628
GW1 Greenwing Resources 0.325 0% $41,028,222
DAF Discovery Alaska Ltd 0.03 0% $6,727,041
LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.03 0% $28,884,767
OCN Oceanalithiumlimited 0.43 0% $15,189,750
CMD Cassius Mining Ltd 0.026 0% $10,620,815
MSB Mesoblast Limited 0.95 0% $700,265,157
GMD Genesis Minerals 1.195 0% $490,194,622
DJW Djerriwarrh 2.86 0% $745,598,368
SKT Sky Network 2.1 0% $305,703,701
JRL Jindalee Resources 1.96 0% $112,749,668
PLS Pilbara Min Ltd 4.515 0% $13,580,308,799
INR Ioneer Ltd 0.4725 -1% $996,710,677
GT1 Greentechnology 0.86 -1% $164,988,710
RUL Rpmglobal Hldgs Ltd 1.69 -1% $391,105,252
HSN Hansen Technologies 4.9 -1% $997,955,373
HUM Humm Group Limited 0.55 -1% $277,718,346
QXR Qx Resources Limited 0.0515 -1% $45,856,841
CVW Clearview Wealth Ltd 0.455 -1% $304,077,778
SYA Sayona Mining Ltd 0.2175 -1% $1,910,486,938
AZL Arizona Lithium Ltd 0.067 -1% $163,874,938
INF Infinity Lithium 0.1475 -2% $69,388,814
KMD KMD Brands Limited 0.9975 -2% $722,017,938
WAX WAM Research Ltd 1.3 -2% $264,247,111
CXO Core Lithium 1.1375 -2% $2,132,450,526
AGY Argosy Minerals Ltd 0.5925 -2% $849,666,536
GSM Golden State Mining 0.046 -2% $5,499,668
RIO Rio Tinto Limited 113.86 -2% $43,191,006,499
EHE Estia Health Ltd 1.975 -2% $521,889,289
QPM Queensland Pacific 0.1075 -2% $192,098,271
MNS Magnis Energy Tech 0.4 -2% $397,835,908
TKM Trek Metals Ltd 0.078 -3% $29,115,607
TUL Tulla Resources 0.385 -3% $79,234,130
ESS Essential Metals Ltd 0.38 -3% $104,156,011
SRI Sipa Resources Ltd 0.038 -3% $8,852,451
LTR Liontown Resources 1.7 -3% $3,832,779,686
LLI Loyal Lithium Ltd 0.37 -3% $17,761,200
SGQ St George Min Ltd 0.073 -3% $60,857,574
LKE Lake Resources 0.91 -3% $1,301,191,543
A11 Atlantic Lithium 0.665 -3% $414,933,037
LLL Leolithiumlimited 0.47 -3% $478,528,602
OPT Opthea Limited 0.92 -3% $443,572,537
EFE Eastern Resources 0.03 -3% $35,756,999
MTM Mtmongerresources 0.086 -3% $5,075,156
PSC Prospect Res Ltd 0.135 -4% $64,716,325
PNN Power Minerals Ltd 0.525 -4% $39,326,265
MLS Metals Australia 0.052 -4% $32,779,954
MIN Mineral Resources. 84.95 -4% $16,757,600,490
TYX Tyranna Res Ltd 0.025 -4% $62,541,058
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.024 -4% $49,102,337
WR1 Winsome Resources 1.295 -4% $187,909,228
IR1 Irismetals 1.51 -4% $99,113,400
MQR Marquee Resource Ltd 0.041 -5% $13,657,556
LRD Lordresourceslimited 0.205 -5% $7,156,194
EUR European Lithium Ltd 0.078 -5% $118,837,612
CAI Calidus Resources 0.285 -5% $131,379,512
MM1 Midasmineralsltd 0.185 -5% $11,140,694
IHL Incannex Healthcare 0.185 -5% $309,467,020
GL1 Globallith 2.02 -5% $453,047,285
SCN Scorpion Minerals 0.066 -6% $23,359,433
CHR Charger Metals 0.54 -6% $25,073,470
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.054 -7% $19,993,175
TMB Tambourahmetals 0.1325 -9% $5,972,927
RAS Ragusa Minerals Ltd 0.1275 -9% $18,944,541
DAL Dalaroometalsltd 0.1 -9% $3,286,250
KGD Kula Gold Limited 0.029 -9% $11,558,781
CZL Cons Zinc Ltd 0.019 -10% $9,721,350
TON Triton Min Ltd 0.035 -10% $53,928,583
ARN Aldoro Resources 0.255 -12% $32,744,572
XTC Xantippe Res Ltd 0.005 -17% $48,871,379
PGD Peregrine Gold 0.31 -18% $14,725,718
STM Sunstone Metals Ltd 0.036 -22% $120,540,535
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43 lithium stocks finished in the green today while another 60 tumbled into the red.


Who’s got news out?


Multiple pegmatite intrusion outcrops have been spotted during a recent site visit at the Dundas project by CEO Alex Biggs.

The company has kicked off the interpretation of geophysical survey data with a view to developing exploration targets which will form the basis of further exploration.



Galan has moved to 100pc ownership of the Green Bushes South Lithium Project after acquiring the remaining 20pc interest from Lithium Australia.

Once the binding term sheet has been completed, Galan will hold a 100pc interest in the project which comprises four granted exploration licences, one pending exploration licence and seven prospecting licences.

“We have the necessary personnel in place to undertake the pending exploration programmes and workload at Greenbushes South and are extremely excited with what is to come there,” GLN managing director JP Vargas de la Vega says.



Recent assay results returned at Mavis Lake has extended the current strike length of known mineralisation by 599m to 1,300m.

Standout assays include 7.1m at 1.23% Li2O from 13.35m, 7.6m at 1.30% Li2O from 135m, and 7.7m at 1.23% Li2O from 183.82m.

“In less than two months, the strike length of known lithium mineralisation at Mavis Lake’s main zone has increased significantly and remains open, our drilling strategy is delivering results that will directly support our maiden resource,” CRR managing director Alex Cheeseman says.



VTX geologists have located three sets of pegmatites in a northern area of the Taylor Rock nickel-gold project alongside Lake Johnston in WA.

The pegmatite rocks have been identified based on coarse quartz, feldspars, and Micas, emanate from nearby fertile granites, and are injected into adjacent greenstones.

Vertex has dispatched samples for both assay and petrology.



MRR has started RC drilling at the Tambourah North Project along with the completion of drilling over the Talga- Moolyella North Lithium Tin-Tantalum Project near Marble Bar.

Drilling of 10-12 RC drill-holes totalling roughly 1,540m will be carried out with MRR focusing on the target Zone 1 which mainly consists of spodumene rich pegmatites hosted within the Apex Basalt in the northern portion of the tenement.



Laboratory assay results have been received from the first phase of exploration drilling at the NT Lithium Project, located in the Litchfield Pegmatite Belt in Northern Territory .

Ragusa completed a total of 18 reverse circulation exploration drill-holes comprising a total of 1,505 metres drilled – with 149 samples logged as pegmatite.

A total of 232 samples (including duplicates) were submitted for laboratory analysis testing.

Laboratory assay sample results show several elevated lithium values up to 0.35% Li2O within shallow intersections of pegmatite, well within the known lithium depleted zone as documented by Core Lithium and Lithium Plus in their projects to the north within the same geological host-rock.

RAS is now preparing the remaining priority sites for drilling works during the next dry season.



More than 50 drill holes have intersected spodumene bearing pegmatite at the McCombe deposit within the Wider Root Project in Ontario, Canada.

Results have returned 14m at 1.35% Li2O from 47.4m, 13.1m at 1.39% Li2O from 12.4m, and 12.6m at 1.18% Li2O from 51.8m.

Phase 2 drilling has continued to intersect additional pegmatites to the northeast and the whole deposit is still open along strike and down dip, executive director Luke Cox says.

“The second dill rig has now mobilised to the Morrison prospect, so looking forward to continued progress through the winter.”



A11 has awarded the processing plant Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) contract for the Ewoyaa Lithium Project in Ghana, West Africa to Primero Group.

Under the terms of the agreement, Primero will provide services to optimise the Project’s flow sheet, identify long lead items, look to maximise the Project’s long-term profitability, reduce execution risk and ultimately support the advancement of the Project towards becoming a financially and operationally robust lithium-producing mine.