Adavale is continuing its string of successes at the Kabanga Jirani project in Tanzania with the identification of a strong off-hole conductor that indicates that mineralisation remains open along strike and at depth.

The company noted that a down-hole electromagnetic survey completed on drillhole DDLUHC002 had identified the 360m by 160m late time conductor southwest of DDLUHC001, correlating with recent massive nickel sulphide intercepts.

Not only do the results indicate the extension of massive sulphide mineralisation such as the 4.13m intersection grading 0.99% nickel from 223.35m in DDLUHC001, they also increase the efficacy of drilling required when evaluating an emerging prospect like the Luhuma Central by indicating where best to position the next holes.

Additionally, DHEM forms part of the suite of exploration tools that can improve understanding of an ore body, something that Adavale Resources (ASX:ADD) is counting on as it progresses DHEM surveying on the two remaining drillholes.

Drilling of DDLUHC004 to intercept a strong conductor about 80m to the southwest of DDLUHC002 has started and is expected to intersect the target zone in the coming days.

“The DHEM survey has delivered a strong off-hole response, indicating the massive and blebby nickel sulphide intersections from Adavale’s first three holes may represent distal mineralisation, with potential better grades and thicknesses to the southwest,” executive director David Riekie explained.

“With strong coincident magnetics, gravity, EM, geochemistry and drilling intercepts, we are now seeing a clearer picture develop of a potential mineralised corridor of over 1.5km length from Luhuma Central in the north down to HEM2 in the south.”


Luhuma Central exploration

Adavale has drilled three holes to date at Luhuma Central, all of which have intersected massive sulphides, leading to the decision to commission DHEM surveying to determine the orientation of sulphide mineralisation in order to plan the location and orientation of the next drillholes.

The interpreted size of the identified off-hole conductor is currently limited by the small number of survey points completed so far though supporting geophysical data has hinted that a much larger target zone might be present – a finding that will be confirmed by future drilling and DHEM surveys.

Other findings from exploration to date include the intercepted sulphides in all three holes coinciding with conductors identified by ground audio-magnetotelluric surveys and hole DDLUHC003 showing that massive sulphides extend north of the initially intercepted sulphides in DDLUHC001.


Forward program

With two rigs operating at the project, Adavale expects to carry out further drilling to test the strike extension within the 1.5km mafic-ultramafic intrusion at Luhuma Central.

Along the way, it expects to receive over the next 4-6 weeks the visual results from DDLUHC004 as well as assay results from DDLUHC003 and DDLUHC004.

Other upcoming news include visual and assay results for drilling at HEM2, all of which will assist with drill planning and targeting.



This article was developed in collaboration with Adavale Resources, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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