Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki tells investors they ‘NEED to get into crypto’
Yep, the US dollar’s on a rocket and crypto’s in the trainee astronauts’ toilet again today. BUT… Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has told his mailing-list subscribers to ape into magic internet money “now”.
Kiyosaki has been trading off his best-selling financial literacy book since 1997. Look, it’s no Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, but Rich Dad Poor Dad has proven to be a pretty damn successful and lucrative (for Kiyosaki at least) bunch of words over the years. It’s something like 32 million copies sold across 109 countries in over 51 languages, according to and Wikipedia.
Consequently, when he speaks, people… at least those who aren’t on the fence about whether he’s some sort of fraud or not… tend to take some notice.
One thing we do know – the guy makes for a decent headline now and then. (Just keeping it real. And we’re not suggesting he’s a fraud, by the way.)
Anyways, here’s what the American author and financial commentator emphasised, using shouty CAPITALS, as reported by Business Insider Africa, which we assume must be on his mailing list…
“It’s not enough to WANT to get into crypto … Now is the time you NEED to get into crypto, before the biggest economic crash in history.”
My interview with @theRealKiyosaki is about to go LIVE.
He tells me:
– #Bitcoin is peoples money
– Fiat currency is fake money
– All teachers are communists 😅Subscribe:
— Layah Heilpern (@LayahHeilpern) September 13, 2022
Kiyosaki (who also spoke to British crypto content producer Layah Heilpern recently, above) has indicated many times in the past his interest in “safe haven” assets such as gold and silver as a hedge against severe economic turmoil.
But he’s also sometimes mentioned Bitcoin in virtually the same breath, albeit usually as a speculative play that shows pretty much no interest in the asset’s long-term fundamentals.
Stockhead‘s Christian Edwards has proof of Kiyosaki’s Bitcoin-investing/trading interest in this article from a few months ago, actually. Good read, although a warning, it does link to an Ace of Base ear worm.
Back then, in July, Kiyosaki was reiterating the writing he’d already seen on the wall, and mentioned he was in a “cash position waiting to pick up bargains, especially in real estate and bitcoin.”
Well, he’s at it again, according to also highlighting that “bear markets are the best times for investors to get rich as everything will be on sale”.
Last thing to note here… aside from gold, silver, Bitcoin and real estate, Kiyosaki also earlier this year recommended stocking up on canned tuna, baked beans, bin liners and toilet paper.
Some grains of salt could probably be added to the shopping list, too.