Non-fungible token (NFT) projects continue to keep the Twitter-based cryptoverse frothing with FOMO, despite speculation it could all be a bubble very much due for a pop. Here, we look at some upcoming mints catching our eye.

While the NFT boom has undoubtedly been exciting to observe, it’s also pretty confusing and challenging to keep on top of. There are more new NFT projects created and minted every week than you can poke a pixellated, Minecraft-like stick at.

This ultimately means that overall demand might end up being outstripped by the exponentially rising supply of NFTs in circulation – particularly the randomly generated 5-10K “avatar” or PfP (profile pic) variety, such as CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Pudgy Penguins, etc etc. (Never mind the hundreds of shameless imitations.)

But, in the meantime, how to sort the wheat from the absolute chaff crap? One tip is to follow NFT heads with large followings on Crypto Twitter (for example, this bloke: @beaniemaxi, or even Snoop Dogg himself: @CozomoMedici), and look at who they’re following, too.

Or… you can just watch this space as we occasionally post articles and lists like this one…

(Note, these are all Ethereum-based NFT projects.)


Feel Good


What: “A randomly generated collection whereby every piece of artwork has been designed and created by a world-renowned artist from the traditional art world.” Artists include: Maxim, Dan Pearce and Opake, whose work may (or may not) be worth collecting as first NFTs. It’s always tricky to tell with art, as it’s highly subjective, obvs. 

When: Minting right now, but it’s either flying under the radar, or just isn’t generating much interest at this point. We’re not sure which. At the time of writing, 1259 NFTs had been minted, with 7629 to go.

Where:; Twitter; Discord


Party Degenerates


What: A “10K NFT” generative offering with abstract-art vibes. Apart from looking cool (subject to taste, of course) the NFTs also provide access to exclusive experiences, merchandise and networking opportunities.

Numerous reputable figures in the NFT space have helped establish this one, which is essentially an NFT art club. There’s some strong hype surrounding Party Degenerates, but be aware that it’s being minted through a Dutch auction process.

This means it will start out with a very high minting price (2.5 ETH) and will likely decrease as the 24-hour minting period takes place. The minimum price it can reach through minting is 0.5 ETH, although it may not hit that lower end of the scale. There also may still be decent opportunities on these when they hit the secondary markets, such as OpenSea.

When: October 18, 7am AEDT for the public sale – (October 17, 8pm UTC).

Where:; Twitter; Discord




What:  A great-looking collection of post-apocalyptic-themed NFTS. Comic-book artist Ben Mauro is the creator, who has also designed for top AAA games Halo and Call of Duty, as well as films including The Hobbit, Chappie and Elysium.

“Huxley is the culmination of my life’s work, my magnum opus,” says Mauro. “Taking all the skills learned from an acclaimed career building universes and IPs for others, and creating one of my own.”

“Issue 1” of Mauro’s NFT comic is minting now, in fact, so there’s a chance you may miss that event by the time this is read. It’s still worth mentioning for possible secondary market pick-ups, in case you’re interested.

Note: character collectibles will be coming at a later date.

When: October 16, 1am, AEDT for the public mint (October 15, 2pm UTC).

Where:; Twitter; Discord




What:  Another hyped project minting today. These are 9,999 randomly generated, unique “Metasaur” NFTs, created by an artist known as Dr. DMT, who has some connection to the highly successful Bored Ape Yacht Club (although he is not officially part of Yuga Labs). Judging by its Discord channel, the community looks very active with this one…

When: October 16, 6am AEDT (October 15, 7pm UTC)

Where: metasaurs.comTwitter; Discord


Jungle Freaks


What: A 10K collection of randomly generated “100 per cent hand-drawn freaks” by the renowned Hustler mag cartoonist George Trosley.

There’s been plenty of buzz about this one on Twitter. Again, a possibly tricky pick-up at mint, but perhaps worth a go, and maybe one to keep an eye on at secondary-listings stage on OpenSea.

When: October 16, 8am AEDT (October 15, 9pm UTC)

Where:; Twitter




What:  Pure, 8-bit, pixelated fun. Created by Bitlectro Labs, which also developed Dreamloops (current floor price: 0.078 ETH), these are generative audiovisual NFTs, some of which are apparently redeemable for accompanying physical media on vinyl and cassette. Yep, it’s back to the future past with this one.

When: October 17 – exact time TBA.

Where: More info at and @bitlectro on Twitter. Discord: