Tech Jobs Boom: Curtin University and Institute of Data Join Forces to Supercharge WA Workforce

A new collaboration is seeking to help fill a tech skills gap that is looming for Australian industry. Pic via Getty Images.


Western Australia’s Curtin University has partnered with the Institute of Data (IOD) to address the growing demand for technology skills in the rapidly-evolving industry.

A new collaboration aims to provide students with next-generation learning programs, equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in fields such as Data Science & AI, Cyber Security, and Software Engineering.

This groundbreaking partnership marks the first-ever collaboration between Curtin University and the Institute of Data.

By combining traditional in-person and remote academic education with industry-specific skills training, the joint venture seeks to prepare students for employment in the tech sector.

One of the key advantages of the partnership is the opportunity for students to learn from experienced instructors and industry experts.

Through practical, hands-on experience using state-of-the-art technologies, students will be better equipped to secure jobs in the tech industry and contribute meaningfully from day one.

Record of Success

The Institute of Data has an impressive track record of success, with its technology skills courses already being implemented in countries such as Singapore, New Zealand, and the United States.

Notably, these programs have achieved a remarkable 93 percent job success rate in New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (VIC), highlighting the tangible impact of the training offered by the Institute of Data.

The partnership between Curtin University and the Institute of Data will enable students and residents of Western Australia to access the Institute’s proven curriculum and state-of-the-art learning platform.

Bootcamps, which can be attended either remotely or in person at the Curtin Bentley campus, have been designed to meet the demands of the Australian tech industry.

Learners can choose from a range of programs, including full-time and part-time bootcamps, focusing on high-demand industries such as software engineering, data science & AI, and cybersecurity.

“Even before we have formally begun operations in Western Australia, we’ve seen strong demand for our courses with over 2000 enquiries from residents of WA,” Andrew Campbell, the Executive Director at the Institute of Data, said while expressing excitement about the partnership.

“With this in mind, we are thrilled to join forces with Curtin University, an institution known for its commitment to excellence in education, to offer a solution for those with the ambition to retrain into these technical fields,” he continued.

What’s the plan?

The collaboration between Curtin University and the Institute of Data aligns with the mission of both institutions to help individuals from diverse backgrounds acquire the skills needed for successful careers in the tech industry.

The partnership will enable them to reach more students and assist them in achieving their goals.

Professor Tele Tan, Acting Head of the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Curtin University, highlighted the importance of such partnerships in addressing talent shortages in areas like AI, data science, and cybersecurity.

These fields face a significant gap between demand and supply from traditional university courses.

Professor Tan explained that while traditional courses are invaluable, industry-led bootcamps, with their condensed 12 or 24-week formats, attract non-traditional adult learners who may not have pursued a university degree.

This collaboration serves as a catalyst to bridge the skills gap and empower individuals with practical knowledge and expertise required to thrive in these rapidly evolving fields.

For those interested in learning more about the partnership between Curtin University and the Institute of Data, detailed information can be found on the official website at https://bootcamp.curtin.edu.au/.

This article was developed in collaboration with the Institute of Data, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.

This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

Categories: Tech


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