90 Seconds With… Mike Bartels, Sparc Technologies (ASX:SPN)


Got 90 seconds? Then listen to Managing Director, Mike Bartels tell us about their company news.

Sparc Technologies Limited (ASX:SPN) is a South Australian based company that is focussing on the development of innovative technology solutions using the unique properties of graphene.

Graphene, which can be extracted from graphite, is a 2-dimensional nano material made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern which gives it unique and powerful properties that, with the right technology, can be imparted on products to improve performance.

Sparc Technologies has licenced graphene-based technologies from the University of Adelaide, a leading institution in the field of graphene research, and will focus on commercialising graphene-based technologies for large industrial markets for marine and protective coatings and environmental remediation.

We gave Mike Bartels, Managing Director of Sparc Technologies, 90 seconds to tell us more about the recent announcement

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