High Voltage: Vanadium gets a big boost as battery metal takes centre stage in election
Our High Voltage column wraps all the news driving ASX stocks with exposure to lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel, rare earths, and vanadium.
Last week WA Premier Roger Cook announced plans to cut royalties on vanadium products – if re-elected. The move would incentivise the emerging industry along with a major battery investment the state’s leader claims will make Kalgoorlie-Boulder the “vanadium power house of WA”.
Vanadium is primarily used to strengthen steel but the metal has come into the spotlight in recent years due to its growing use in energy storage, with vanadium electrolyte a key component in vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB).
As opposed to lithium batteries for electric vehicles, VRFBs are better suited to large scale applications (stationary storage), such as network support for electricity grid operators and telcos looking to power off-grid communications towers and utility scale installations.
Those batteries are forecast to play a central role in the energy transition, providing a long-term energy storage solution, and it looks like the state government is betting they will, killing two birds with one stone by trying to back-up the fragile Kalgoorlie power grid.
Frequent and prolonged blackouts in the gold capital have become a local election issue for Labor MP Ali Kent, who faces competition from Liberal challenger Rowena Olsen and independent (and former MP) Kyran O’Donnell – the Seat of Kalgoorlie has not been successfully defended by any party since 2005.
Important for vanadium explorers in other parts of the state, the re-elected Cook government is promising to halve the historic 5 per cent royalty on vanadium products to 2.5 per cent, the lowest tier. The onus is on making more things locally in WA.
The state government is also promising to maintain no royalty rate for vanadium electrolyte, with a similar strategy to that of lithium hydroxide, aiming to help stimulate growth in the sector.
“With our Made in WA plan, we’ll invest in local battery manufacturing and create thousands of local jobs,” Premier Cook said.
“These policy settings to cut the royalty rate are about ensuring we can support a full supply chain from WA mines to WA-made batteries, powering WA homes and businesses.
“We know that Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a big contributor to WA’s economy and we need to continue to invest, undertake diversification projects and sustain job-building initiatives, and this is what we’re doing.”
WA carving out a slice of the market
Western Australia has one of the world’s largest vanadium deposits with potential to be developed south of Meekatharra in Australian Vanadium’s (ASX:AVL) namesake project, which is expected to be a source of local vanadium supply in the future.
AVL plans to build an open cut mine at Gabanintha as well as a vanadium oxide processing plant at Tenindewa, inland from the port city of Geraldton – and certainly looks set to benefit from a re-elected Labor Government.
The company’s project hosts a resource estimate of 395.4Mt at 0.77% V2O5 and has already been granted Major Project Status by the state government, along with Environmental Protection Agency approvals.
Plus, AVL is also planning to build a utility scale vanadium flow battery called Project Lumina.
Cook also recently promised to build a $150 million Australian-first 50-megawatt 10-hour WA made vanadium battery project in Kalgoorlie which is expected to drive growth in the emerging vanadium industry and stimulate opportunities for downstream processing and exports.
Adding to its vanadium election promises, the state government has also committed to delivering a WA-first residential battery scheme with a $387 million investment to help WA families purchase residential batteries and save up to $1500 on their power bills every year.
Having virtually wiped out the opposition Liberal Party in the 2021 state election, Cook’s Labor is expected to win Saturday’s vote comfortably but cede ground, especially in previously Blue Ribbon seats.
The Association of Mining and Exploration Companies CEO Warren Pearce said the decision creates a powerful incentive for companies to invest in going down-stream and developing electrolyte – the key ingredient in vanadium batteries.
“The opportunity for Western Australia to value-add to our vanadium, make vanadium electrolyte, and build vanadium batteries in Western Australia, for use here in Western Australia and Australia, is an opportunity too good to miss,” he said.
“Today’s announcements ensure that Western Australia will have the economic and regulatory framework in place for this to happen.”
The promised Household Battery Scheme will also help create a domestic demand for vanadium batteries, Pearce said.
“These commitments, combined with the Commonwealth’s Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive (which AMEC also lobbied for), create a powerful incentive to deliver a local vanadium battery industry in Western Australia,” he said.
“This commitment will help attract investment in vanadium projects, and the value-adding required to make vanadium electrolyte and vanadium batteries. AMEC has been working closely with the Government and vanadium members over the past four years to find ways to support this emerging market.
“We are delighted to see WA Labor recognise the potential of this industry, and the benefits that it will deliver for Western Australia.”
Also set to benefit from these election promises in WA is Viking Mines (ASX:VKA) which is progressing the Canegrass battery minerals project in the Murchison region – an outcropping hard-rock vanadium magnetite project – with a pit constrained resource of 61Mt grading 0.81% V2O5 and 35.9% iron.
This is currently envisioned as a 1.5Mtpa project that can produce vanadium for 20-60 years.
Metallurgical testwork has also succeeded in the production of V2O5 flake with work underway to roast the remaining magnetic concentrate to optimise and further purify and enhance the product.
Other companies with vanadium assets in WA include Venus Metals (ASX:VMC) with its Youanmi project that hosts a vanadium resource of 135Mt at 0.34% V2O5 and Neometals (ASX:NMT) with the 280Mt at 0.44% V2O5 Barrambie project, where it is attempting to divest the vanadium/titanium resource as it focuses on gold exploration.
QEM (ASX:QEM) has also been progressing its Julia Creek vanadium and oil shale project in Queensland, which has a resource of 461Mt grading 0.28% V2O5 in the higher confidence indicated category. Indicated resources can be used in future reserves and mine planning.
Another 2406Mt at 0.31% V2O5 sits within the inferred category, which highlights the sheer scale of the project.
It includes best estimate (2C) contingent oil shale resource of 92 million barrels of oil equivalent that is a valuable co-product in its own right.
A recent scoping study highlighted a 30-year mine schedule with a production target of approximately 10,571 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide (99.95% pure) and 313 million litres of transport fuel per annum over the life of mine.
In the same neighbourhood is Richmond Vanadium Technology (ASX:RVT) with its Richmond-Julia Creek project, which consists of five tenements covering 1403km2 and an ore reserve of 459.2Mt at 0.49% V2O5 at the Lilydale deposit.
This shallow ore reserve lends itself to the development of an open cut, free dig vanadium mining operation and is the subject of a pre-feasibility study outlining a project mining 101.5Mt of ore to produce 317,500t of V2O5 flake with a purity of 98%.
Capex is estimated at $242.2m with net present value and internal rate of return – both measures of a project’s profitability – estimated at $613m and 38% respectively.
A bankable feasibility study is due for completion in the June quarter of 2025, along with results from pilot plant test work.
The company has also commenced discussions to secure potential grant funding from federal and state governments to enable development of a proposed Vanadium flow battery demonstration plant in Queensland.
Here’s how a basket of ASX stocks with exposure to lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel, rare earths, magnesium, manganese and vanadium is performing >>>
Code Company Price % Week % Month % Six Month % Year Market Cap XTC XTC Lithium Limited 0.2 19900% 19900% 19900% 19900% $17,528,272 BSX Blackstone Ltd 0.075 56% 159% 87% 35% $52,302,399 VML Vital Metals Limited 0.0015 50% -50% -25% -63% $11,790,134 BUR Burleyminerals 0.075 50% 32% -32% 29% $10,225,224 IMI Infinitymining 0.014 40% 40% 0% -81% $5,894,221 PNT Panthermetalsltd 0.019 36% 90% -17% -41% $4,715,244 RVT Richmond Vanadium 0.16 33% 7% -48% -54% $35,493,333 REC Rechargemetals 0.019 27% -5% -34% -73% $4,873,309 SCN Scorpion Minerals 0.022 22% 47% 57% -27% $9,984,124 STK Strickland Metals 0.083 22% 15% -6% -1% $169,970,935 LML Lincoln Minerals 0.006 20% 0% 20% 0% $10,281,298 LSR Lodestar Minerals 0.012 20% 9% -40% -50% $2,316,787 AKN Auking Mining Ltd 0.006 20% 20% -25% -76% $3,448,673 SMX Strata Minerals 0.037 19% 19% 68% 3% $8,640,201 FRS Forrestaniaresources 0.02 18% 122% 82% -5% $4,724,180 1AE Auroraenergymetals 0.044 16% -4% -2% -63% $7,878,804 CAE Cannindah Resources 0.069 15% 77% 50% 1% $50,237,517 DYM Dynamicmetalslimited 0.33 14% 22% 113% 61% $15,920,125 RAS Ragusa Minerals Ltd 0.026 13% 100% 63% -21% $3,707,568 GAL Galileo Mining Ltd 0.145 12% 0% -12% -43% $29,643,739 KOB Kobaresourceslimited 0.059 11% -19% -55% -46% $9,355,135 PMT Patriotbatterymetals 0.295 11% -11% -25% -66% $155,295,616 BC8 Black Cat Syndicate 0.9 11% 25% 154% 291% $529,752,809 RXL Rox Resources 0.255 11% 13% 96% 56% $148,931,420 TEM Tempest Minerals 0.0055 10% 22% -45% -28% $3,489,914 LPM Lithium Plus 0.066 10% 14% -28% -64% $8,767,440 FRB Firebird Metals 0.099 9% 10% -1% -14% $14,093,779 IXR Ionic Rare Earths 0.0065 8% 8% 30% -62% $31,430,570 CTM Centaurus Metals Ltd 0.39 7% -4% 1% 42% $196,196,979 CHN Chalice Mining Ltd 1.44 6% 17% 46% 13% $542,692,369 DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.017 6% 70% 13% -6% $66,547,200 DLI Delta Lithium 0.17 6% 0% -13% -46% $121,812,105 VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.09 6% 30% 48% -6% $17,651,581 EV1 Evolutionenergy 0.018 6% 0% -33% -80% $6,527,709 LTR Liontown Resources 0.6775 6% 0% 8% -47% $1,602,129,364 LYC Lynas Rare Earths 7.235 6% 12% 7% 21% $6,692,582,205 ABX ABX Group Limited 0.038 6% -5% -16% -38% $9,010,564 SRL Sunrise 0.285 6% 27% -42% -25% $22,556,875 A8G Australasian Metals 0.078 5% 15% -40% 10% $4,515,399 PGM Platina Resources 0.02 5% 0% -5% 11% $12,463,607 AQD Ausquest Limited 0.04 5% -15% 313% 244% $49,525,666 LIN Lindian Resources 0.1 5% -5% -20% -20% $111,857,707 VTM Victory Metals Ltd 0.44 5% 28% 16% 73% $44,486,113 EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.1675 5% 8% 52% 120% $36,924,333 FLG Flagship Min Ltd 0.045 5% 15% -31% -72% $9,161,740 EMN Euromanganese 0.046 5% -4% -16% -51% $9,561,749 GBR Greatbould Resources 0.07 4% 40% 49% 15% $51,618,823 AVL Aust Vanadium Ltd 0.0125 4% -4% -11% -31% $112,250,555 EG1 Evergreenlithium 0.083 4% -1% 93% -25% $4,723,320 RON Roninresourcesltd 0.175 3% -10% 35% 75% $7,065,627 ETM Energy Transition 0.073 3% -8% 265% 109% $106,853,999 NMT Neometals Ltd 0.076 3% -4% 5% -51% $57,706,881 GLN Galan Lithium Ltd 0.1075 2% -10% -4% -73% $87,602,477 SYR Syrah Resources 0.235 2% 0% 18% -65% $239,693,307 SYR Syrah Resources 0.235 2% 0% 18% -65% $239,693,307 GT1 Greentechnology 0.05 2% -24% -44% -75% $19,437,605 MEK Meeka Metals Limited 0.1275 2% 28% 136% 275% $325,405,298 IG6 Internationalgraphit 0.055 2% -10% -30% -52% $10,645,708 ARR American Rare Earths 0.28 2% 2% 0% -2% $144,615,640 ASN Anson Resources Ltd 0.058 2% -3% -39% -47% $83,204,192 INR Ioneer Ltd 0.1525 2% -15% 5% 5% $341,572,515 CNB Carnaby Resource Ltd 0.33 2% -10% -18% -33% $70,800,546 LOT Lotus Resources Ltd 0.1725 1% -30% -16% -52% $401,650,830 LTM Arcadium Lithium PLC 9.33 1% 2% 161% 13% $1,994,929,982 NIC Nickel Industries 0.755 1% 1% -2% -4% $3,195,908,361 S32 South32 Limited 3.655 1% 6% 20% 24% $15,853,547,762 AR3 Austrare 0.083 1% 1% 32% -17% $13,673,117 MLX Metals X Limited 0.5425 0% 17% 36% 60% $474,219,473 NWC New World Resources 0.022 0% 22% 10% -37% $62,508,198 RIL Redivium Limited 0.004 0% 0% 0% 33% $13,609,422 LPD Lepidico Ltd 0.002 0% 0% 0% -65% $17,178,371 MRD Mount Ridley Mines 0.003 0% 20% -70% -80% $2,335,467 CZN Corazon Ltd 0.002 0% 0% -50% -80% $2,369,145 CLA Celsius Resource Ltd 0.011 0% 10% 0% -15% $29,361,623 NH3 Nh3Cleanenergyltd 0.023 0% 15% 0% 92% $12,091,305 MNS Magnis Energy Tech 0.042 0% 0% 0% 0% $50,378,922 SRI Sipa Resources Ltd 0.011 0% -8% -27% -42% $4,580,382 NTU Northern Min Ltd 0.018 0% 0% -25% -45% $150,428,805 CWX Carawine Resources 0.096 0% -4% 1% 0% $22,431,918 TKL Traka Resources 0.001 0% -50% 0% -33% $2,125,790 PRL Province Resources 0.041 0% 0% 0% 0% $48,441,219 JRV Jervois Global Ltd 0.011 0% 0% 0% -65% $29,730,402 FBM Future Battery 0.02 0% -9% 5% -62% $12,641,763 AUZ Australian Mines Ltd 0.009 0% -22% 29% -40% $13,985,121 EGR Ecograf Limited 0.125 0% 32% 32% -24% $52,225,159 ATM Aneka Tambang 0.995 0% 11% -3% -10% $1,297,131 LEL Lithenergy 0.37 0% 0% 12% -30% $41,440,581 ASL Andean Silver 1.04 0% -12% 11% 230% $153,216,674 RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.008 0% 0% -20% -54% $4,184,620 GW1 Greenwing Resources 0.035 0% -13% -34% -53% $8,422,802 MRC Mineral Commodities 0.026 0% 0% 0% 18% $25,596,288 BMM Bayanminingandmin 0.053 0% 13% 8% -23% $5,098,041 MOH Moho Resources 0.004 0% 0% -43% -33% $2,865,898 AML Aeon Metals Ltd. 0.005 0% 0% 0% -17% $5,482,003 WKT Walkabout Resources 0.095 0% 0% -5% -17% $63,769,838 AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.02 0% 0% -35% -71% $2,347,669 AS2 Askarimetalslimited 0.011 0% 10% -35% -88% $2,717,860 BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.003 0% 0% -40% -63% $1,880,402 DTM Dart Mining NL 0.005 0% -29% -72% -68% $3,782,702 EMS Eastern Metals 0.012 0% -8% -54% -61% $1,364,115 GSM Golden State Mining 0.008 0% 0% -27% -11% $2,234,965 RAG Ragnar Metals Ltd 0.017 0% 0% -6% -15% $8,057,762 OB1 Orbminco Limited 0.002 0% 33% -20% -56% $4,333,180 KOR Korab Resources 0.008 0% 0% 0% 33% $2,936,400 CMX Chemxmaterials 0.026 0% 0% -30% -61% $3,354,580 ENT Enterprise Metals 0.003 0% 0% -25% 0% $3,534,952 RBX Resource B 0.036 0% 20% 6% -10% $4,146,641 WIN WIN Metals 0.018 0% -8% -42% -56% $9,901,046 PGD Peregrine Gold 0.12 0% -14% -29% -49% $9,138,357 ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.044 0% 2% 16% -54% $17,112,540 WC8 Wildcat Resources 0.19 0% -25% -16% -73% $247,873,103 THR Thor Energy PLC 0.013 0% 18% -13% -46% $9,214,268 YAR Yari Minerals Ltd 0.006 0% 100% 50% 0% $2,411,789 CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% -98% $1,544,026 HRE Heavy Rare Earths 0.025 0% -24% -16% -37% $5,304,864 IDA Indiana Resources 0.071 0% -1% 36% 52% $45,634,005 M2R Miramar 0.004 0% 0% -73% -74% $1,369,040 TAR Taruga Minerals 0.01 0% 0% 25% 43% $7,060,268 AOA Ausmon Resorces 0.002 0% 33% 0% -33% $2,179,455 WC1 Westcobarmetals 0.018 0% 20% -36% -56% $2,814,599 DM1 Desert Metals 0.021 0% 0% -5% -25% $6,679,322 KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.01 0% 11% 11% -13% $5,901,340 TKM Trek Metals Ltd 0.024 0% -11% -36% -31% $13,043,072 WR1 Winsome Resources 0.31 0% -30% -36% -64% $74,387,503 OM1 Omnia Metals Group 0.078 0% 0% 0% 0% $5,233,153 VHM Vhmlimited 0.295 0% -5% -48% -43% $64,059,236 LLL Leolithiumlimited 0.332997 0% 0% 0% 0% $401,204,047 SRN Surefire Rescs NL 0.003 0% -25% -57% -73% $7,248,923 WSR Westar Resources 0.01 0% 25% 43% -19% $3,987,248 TMX Terrain Minerals 0.004 0% -11% 33% 0% $10,017,783 MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.02 0% -9% 0% -60% $4,697,978 FIN FIN Resources Ltd 0.007 0% 40% 0% -63% $4,544,881 LCY Legacy Iron Ore 0.009 0% 0% -28% -42% $97,620,426 ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.003 0% 50% -50% -50% $7,119,380 KNG Kingsland Minerals 0.115 0% -15% -32% -55% $8,344,505 CXO Core Lithium 0.0835 -1% -9% -2% -65% $180,013,306 VUL Vulcan Energy 3.97 -1% -5% 6% 58% $944,274,719 TVN Tivan Limited 0.086 -1% -25% 79% 51% $170,654,408 BHP BHP Group Limited 39.21 -1% -2% 1% -12% $200,622,052,974 ILU Iluka Resources 4.195 -1% -7% -28% -39% $1,778,499,847 BM8 Battery Age Minerals 0.065 -2% -18% -48% -57% $8,220,028 NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.285 -2% -2% 90% 2% $83,714,128 AGY Argosy Minerals Ltd 0.0235 -2% -10% -41% -82% $34,942,102 BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.045 -2% 22% 2% -40% $12,331,760 PAT Patriot Lithium 0.045 -2% -4% 25% -36% $6,068,062 HAW Hawthorn Resources 0.044 -2% 0% -25% -41% $14,740,687 DEV Devex Resources Ltd 0.079 -2% -2% -49% -75% $34,893,563 GL1 Globallith 0.19 -3% -7% -5% -68% $45,803,122 WA1 Wa1Resourcesltd 12.77 -3% -17% -22% 2% $815,297,943 PUR Pursuit Minerals 0.068 -3% -15% -55% -73% $5,614,576 OMH OM Holdings Limited 0.34 -3% 0% -14% -15% $260,527,312 LKE Lake Resources 0.033 -3% -15% -15% -71% $57,655,943 EUR European Lithium Ltd 0.048 -3% -25% 26% -38% $70,813,892 FTL Firetail Resources 0.064 -3% -7% -18% 16% $24,701,818 LRV Larvottoresources 0.77 -3% 12% 114% 1085% $301,237,106 IGO IGO Limited 3.98 -3% -20% -24% -49% $2,983,635,183 ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 0.43 -3% 10% 0% -13% $87,860,483 ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.14 -3% -3% 8% 0% $9,377,626 BUX Buxton Resources Ltd 0.028 -3% -20% -56% -78% $6,223,909 KNI Kunikolimited 0.14 -3% -15% -13% -35% $11,713,851 ICL Iceni Gold 0.084 -3% 6% 91% 163% $23,091,411 EFE Eastern Resources 0.027 -4% 0% -40% -64% $3,404,429 TMB Tambourahmetals 0.027 -4% -7% -23% -69% $3,174,931 ESR Estrella Res Ltd 0.026 -4% -13% 333% 420% $53,350,358 AZI Altamin Limited 0.025 -4% 0% -22% -50% $14,362,572 COB Cobalt Blue Ltd 0.049 -4% -11% -31% -69% $21,398,081 TOR Torque Met 0.095 -4% 40% -5% -42% $25,618,073 HAS Hastings Tech Met 0.345 -4% 10% 28% -39% $62,578,216 FGR First Graphene Ltd 0.044 -4% -30% -4% -23% $31,404,639 TLG Talga Group Ltd 0.44 -4% -15% 10% -47% $193,324,022 GED Golden Deeps 0.022 -4% -4% -70% -45% $3,388,492 ITM Itech Minerals Ltd 0.043 -4% -14% -39% -49% $7,345,922 PEK Peak Rare Earths Ltd 0.105 -5% -28% -50% -45% $36,969,882 PEK Peak Rare Earths Ltd 0.105 -5% -28% -50% -45% $36,969,882 PNN Power Minerals Ltd 0.083 -5% -5% -1% -60% $10,133,084 JLL Jindalee Lithium Ltd 0.2 -5% -5% -13% -74% $15,454,288 SYA Sayona Mining Ltd 0.02 -5% -17% -17% -52% $242,409,216 MLS Metals Australia 0.02 -5% -9% -5% -23% $13,845,671 E25 Element 25 Ltd 0.2425 -5% -7% 15% 21% $53,723,914 RNU Renascor Res Ltd 0.0475 -5% -12% -49% -46% $122,017,543 BOA BOA Resources Ltd 0.019 -5% -14% 6% -17% $2,220,351 DVP Develop Global Ltd 2.725 -5% 13% 36% 10% $722,528,828 BCA Black Canyon Limited 0.07 -5% 6% 13% -33% $7,425,882 WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.017 -6% -11% 6% 6% $34,118,473 LLI Loyal Lithium Ltd 0.08 -6% -9% -20% -69% $8,562,310 MHK Metalhawk. 0.3125 -6% 1% 268% 360% $35,725,951 QEM QEM Limited 0.062 -6% -10% -52% -57% $11,831,689 S2R S2 Resources 0.062 -6% -10% -27% -54% $27,624,338 GRE Greentechmetals 0.062 -6% -9% -31% -78% $6,504,264 JMS Jupiter Mines. 0.155 -6% 0% -6% -11% $313,766,682 PVW PVW Res Ltd 0.015 -6% 15% -32% -44% $2,784,667 MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.0075 -6% 7% -17% -42% $8,678,940 SRZ Stellar Resources 0.015 -6% 0% 7% 36% $31,196,259 KM1 Kalimetalslimited 0.087 -6% -21% -44% -79% $6,299,865 GCM Green Critical Min 0.014 -7% -30% 600% 133% $27,050,496 GRL Godolphin Resources 0.014 -7% 8% 0% -53% $5,027,381 PLS Pilbara Min Ltd 1.875 -7% -20% -27% -54% $6,097,977,361 ARU Arafura Rare Earths 0.1625 -7% 20% 5% -2% $406,614,234 M24 Mamba Exploration 0.013 -7% -19% -13% -54% $3,837,153 MEI Meteoric Resources 0.063 -7% -23% -30% -70% $138,171,767 PSC Prospect Res Ltd 0.088 -7% -8% -16% 24% $49,249,016 INF Infinity Lithium 0.025 -7% -19% -32% -68% $12,489,987 ASM Ausstratmaterials 0.375 -7% -22% -41% -62% $64,368,471 KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.0185 -8% 16% 85% 42% $47,356,419 CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0.12 -8% 0% 76% 85% $97,661,642 LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd 0.12 -8% 4% 48% 50% $6,896,038 L1M Lightning Minerals 0.079 -8% 4% 13% 13% $7,336,311 EMH European Metals Hldg 0.11 -8% -19% -41% -66% $21,781,694 ASO Aston Minerals Ltd 0.0165 -8% 27% 38% 10% $22,016,093 AXN Alliance Nickel Ltd 0.03 -9% -14% -9% -14% $21,775,188 EVG Evion Group NL 0.02 -9% -20% -17% -9% $8,698,399 MQR Marquee Resource Ltd 0.01 -9% 0% -38% -55% $5,340,285 CHR Charger Metals 0.047 -10% -22% -41% -61% $3,638,752 AZL Arizona Lithium Ltd 0.009 -10% -14% -36% -67% $41,056,331 AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.009 -10% -10% -44% -44% $2,109,553 1MC Morella Corporation 0.018 -10% -25% -45% -76% $5,944,779 G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.009 -10% 13% -5% -10% $4,898,231 KGD Kula Gold Limited 0.0045 -10% -10% -47% -47% $4,145,642 CRR Critical Resources 0.0045 -10% -10% -57% -72% $9,856,885 OD6 Od6Metalsltd 0.036 -10% -16% -8% -61% $5,892,092 PBL Parabellumresources 0.045 -10% -18% 0% -43% $2,741,200 SUM Summitminerals 0.07 -10% -44% -68% 1% $6,098,959 QPM QPM Energy Limited 0.051 -11% -12% 65% 38% $123,542,511 KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.068 -11% -9% -16% -30% $14,958,876 NC1 Nicoresourceslimited 0.076 -11% -10% -37% -59% $8,318,244 SBR Sabre Resources 0.008 -11% -11% -43% -53% $3,143,695 REE Rarex Limited 0.008 -11% -11% -36% -58% $6,406,767 PVT Pivotal Metals Ltd 0.008 -11% 33% -38% -50% $7,257,807 SLZ Sultan Resources Ltd 0.008 -11% 33% 33% -43% $1,851,759 OCN Oceanalithiumlimited 0.024 -11% -11% -6% -56% $3,162,417 CRI Criticalim 0.016 -11% 0% 23% -33% $40,326,729 ANX Anax Metals Ltd 0.008 -11% -20% -60% -60% $7,062,461 FG1 Flynngold 0.023 -12% -8% -12% -36% $7,055,545 AXE Archer Materials 0.285 -12% -26% 19% -28% $75,179,869 MIN Mineral Resources. 21.68 -12% -37% -33% -66% $4,142,612,172 TON Triton Min Ltd 0.007 -13% -13% -13% -53% $10,978,721 ENV Enova Mining Limited 0.007 -13% 0% -22% -82% $7,383,862 EMT Emetals Limited 0.0035 -13% -13% -13% -30% $3,400,000 WMG Western Mines 0.105 -13% -16% -58% -36% $9,487,101 NVX Novonix Limited 0.4175 -13% -27% -24% -55% $279,854,923 A11 Atlantic Lithium 0.16 -14% -20% -29% -61% $107,437,834 KFM Kingfisher Mining 0.051 -14% 46% -18% -43% $2,739,465 MAN Mandrake Res Ltd 0.019 -14% -14% -24% -50% $11,917,938 PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc 0.105 -14% -19% -9% -52% $68,943,358 CNJ Conico Ltd 0.006 -14% -25% -60% -70% $1,424,924 LMG Latrobe Magnesium 0.012 -14% -20% -63% -76% $30,530,986 PFE Pantera Lithium 0.017 -15% -6% -26% -67% $8,528,106 SLM Solismineralsltd 0.079 -15% 25% -17% -34% $6,383,309 VR8 Vanadium Resources 0.022 -15% -24% -41% -45% $13,503,005 NWM Norwest Minerals 0.011 -15% -21% -50% -66% $5,336,315 IPX Iperionx Limited 3.47 -16% -19% 28% 61% $1,061,243,393 CTN Catalina Resources 0.0025 -17% -17% -17% -38% $3,948,786 ODE Odessa Minerals Ltd 0.005 -17% -17% 100% -9% $7,997,663 IPT Impact Minerals 0.007 -18% -26% -38% -43% $21,416,036 CMO Cosmometalslimited 0.018 -18% 35% -26% -50% $2,357,872 QXR Qx Resources Limited 0.004 -20% 14% -43% -81% $5,240,311 BKT Black Rock Mining 0.024 -20% -20% -56% -65% $37,561,458 VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.004 -20% 33% -20% -33% $18,117,573 ADD Adavale Resource Ltd 0.002 -20% 0% -33% -60% $6,819,838 LEG Legend Mining 0.008 -20% -11% -38% -50% $23,275,817 EVR Ev Resources Ltd 0.004 -20% 33% 9% -64% $9,662,517 AX8 Accelerate Resources 0.008 -20% -33% -11% -74% $6,720,785 RGL Riversgold 0.004 -20% 33% -11% -50% $6,734,850 LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.002 -20% -33% -33% -33% $4,887,272 LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.002 -20% -33% -33% -33% $4,887,272 LU7 Lithium Universe Ltd 0.008 -20% -6% -38% -60% $7,073,817 LIT Livium Ltd 0.011 -21% -27% -48% -59% $19,751,829 ARN Aldoro Resources 0.365 -22% 16% 306% 329% $63,868,387 PTR Petratherm Ltd 0.235 -23% -41% 1075% 1075% $72,802,198 ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.006 -25% 0% 0% -14% $8,246,534 STM Sunstone Metals Ltd 0.006 -25% -14% -14% -40% $30,900,022 AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.008 -27% -60% -60% -60% $1,175,518 MTM MTM Critical Metals 0.1575 -30% -27% 221% 90% $77,916,595 RLC Reedy Lagoon Corp. 0.002 -33% -33% -33% -50% $1,553,413 CDT Castle Minerals 0.002 -33% 0% -50% -69% $3,793,628 RR1 Reach Resources Ltd 0.009 -40% 29% -31% -2% $7,869,882 RR1 Reach Resources Ltd 0.009 -40% 29% -31% -2% $7,869,882 SGQ St George Min Ltd 0.019 -41% -34% -37% -10% $48,020,804 POS Poseidon Nick Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $23,380,727 LRS Latin Resources Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $477,661,711 CAI Calidus Resources 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $93,678,206
A review of the company’s drill core assay dataset has identified multiple distinct areas of considerable caesium enrichment (>1%) that is coincident with its Vega high-grade lithium zone (CV13).
The primary zone of enrichment can be traced in drill holes over a very large area of about 600m by 400m and remains open in several directions.
Pollucite, the principal and preferred ore mineral for caesium, has been identified at the CV13 pegmatite and is interpreted to be the principal source of the caesium enrichment at the project.
Caesium is a rare and valuable commodity with a range of significant industrial applications such as in atomic clocks, fuel cells, nuclear medicine and batteries. It is listed as a critical mineral by Canada, Japan and the US.
And it’s generating some serious buzz right now, with Toronto-listed Power Metals up over 400% in the past year after making a discovery of the under the radar commodity in Ontario.
PMT’s discovery is significant for the company as it has the potential to be a meaningful by-product to future lithium operations at CV13, which is just 5km from the main CV5 spodumene pegmatite.
This is particularly true as there are only a handful of operators globally currently producing caesium products.
“The identification of multiple zones of extensive cesium (caesium) mineralisation in drill hole at Shaakichiuwaanaan is very significant,” vice president of exploration Darren Smith said.
“Cesium pegmatite occurrences over 1% Cs2O are very rare and represent only the most fractioned and evolved portion of a pegmatite body. “Although the focus for the company is lithium pegmatite and advancing CV5 to production, there is a clear opportunity to potentially delineate a pollucite (cesium) zone of significant scale.”
Firebird is now one of a handful of non-Chinese owned companies to have produced lithium manganese iron phosphate (LMFP) batteries after starting LMFP cathode material testwork at its state-of-the-art R&D centre in China’s Hunan Province.
The company has already produced five batches and produced LMFP button batteries from this early round of testing.
It expects to produce a total of 100 batches under its binding strategic collaboration agreement with Central South University of Hunan and will turn each batch into button batteries for full evaluation and analysis.
This is in line with the company’s growth strategy of becoming a near-term, low-cost manganese-based cathode material business that will deliver products into the electric vehicle market.
Thanks to bypassing the packaging and crystallisation steps as well as reduced handling within the sulphate process, FRB expects to be able to reduce the projected manganese sulphate operating cost by ~32% or US$167/t.
Besides this significant operating cost reduction, the company also expects its approach to produce a higher quality LMFP product.
Testwork results will be used to undertake a scoping study and once completed, the company will assess options to expand the current pilot plant to produce approximately one metric tonne per day of LMFP.
FRB has taken an interesting approach, in virtual opposition to its Pilbara manganese neighbour Element 25 (ASX:E25).
FRB is chasing the speed to market with joining an existing industry in China, while E25 has garnered enormous financial support from government and carmakers to build a manganese sulphate plant in the undeveloped US market.
The explorer has announced an exploration target for Stinger, part of the Mangaroon critical metals project in the Gascoyne region of WA, of between 15-60Mt at 0.5-1 per cent niobium for 150,000-300,000t.
“The Gifford Creek carbonatite complex is one of the largest carbonatite complexes globally and already contains multiple critical minerals including niobium, rare earths, titanium, scandium and phosphorus,” MD Dean Tuck said.
“Stinger has produced some of the thickest and highest-grade niobium intercepts to date and our internal study justifies the next stage of work in conjunction with an industry partner.
“Importantly, the exploration target compares well to the deposits at global operating mines.”
The project is predominantly a gold one, with the plan to eventually bring the Star of Mangaroon gold mine into production, with some niobium by-products.
A scoping study for the project has already flagged an initial production target of ~20koz at 10g/t gold delivering robust financials including a maximum cash drawdown of ~$10M at a AISC of $1800/oz and a post capital and tax operating cashflow of ~$40M at a $4100/oz gold price – increasing to ~$50M at forward gold prices of $4600/oz.
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