• Azure Minerals (ASX:AZS) is hitting more outrageous 100m-thick lithium intersections at Andover
  • Drilling underway at Wildcat Resources’ (ASX:WC8) Tabba Tabba lithium project in the Pilbara
  • Near term miner Leo Lithium (ASX:LLL) awards  open pit mining contract worth $520m over 5.5 years

All your lithium news, Thursday July 13.


Mark Creasy and SQM-backed Azure Minerals (ASX:AZS) is hitting more outrageous 100m-thick lithium intersections at Andover.

What a monster.

AZS says these intercepts, like a highlight 100.2m @ 1.24% Li2O from 101.5m, are close to true width.

This super thick mineralisation now extends for more than 1,200m along strike, and down-dip from surface to vertical depths more than 350m – and remains open.

All up, the peggie swarm extends over an area of 9km (east-west) and up to 5km (north-south).

A 100km drilling program continues in efforts to find the edges of this behemoth, which the company believes could hold 100Mt of lithium resources.

An exploration target is due out in the current quarter, ahead of a maiden resource in Q1 next year.


Whos’ Hot:

The day’s biggest gains

Red Mountain Mining (ASX:RMX) + 25%

Tambourah Metals (ASX:TMB) +25%

Viking Mines (ASX:VKA) +20%


Who’s Not:

The day’s biggest falls

Lodestar Minerals (ASX:LSR) -20%

Intra Energy (ASX:IEC) -17%

Pan Asia Metals (ASX:PAM) -12%



Here’s how Aussie lithium stocks are tracking:

Scroll or swipe to reveal table. Click headings to sort. Best viewed on a laptop.

Stocks missing from this list? Email [email protected]

Code Company % Today YTD% Price Market Cap
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 25% 0% 0.005 $9,087,404
TMB Tambourahmetals 25% 114% 0.225 $7,608,457
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 20% 20% 0.012 $10,252,584
LLO Lion One Metals Ltd 15% -9% 1.07 $12,585,545
1MC Morella Corporation 14% -33% 0.008 $42,690,063
RLC Reedy Lagoon Corp. 13% -10% 0.009 $4,533,757
MTM MTM Critical Metals 12% 33% 0.105 $8,368,277
IPT Impact Minerals 12% 107% 0.0145 $36,981,151
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 12% -67% 0.087 $27,485,709
QPM Queensland Pacific 10% 0% 0.11 $174,634,792
REC Rechargemetals 9% 159% 0.35 $33,787,032
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 8% -38% 0.065 $199,663,693
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 8% -34% 0.135 $11,756,263
SRZ Stellar Resources 8% 8% 0.014 $13,077,535
LRS Latin Resources Ltd 7% 278% 0.37 $903,111,301
VUL Vulcan Energy 7% -24% 4.81 $753,008,855
LIT Lithium Australia 6% -27% 0.033 $37,856,942
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 6% -51% 0.335 $66,430,338
MLS Metals Australia 6% -21% 0.035 $20,593,194
GSM Golden State Mining 6% -16% 0.036 $6,497,001
CRR Critical Resources 6% 28% 0.055 $82,927,253
PL3 Patagonia Lithium 5% 0% 0.2 $9,310,665
EPM Eclipse Metals 5% 44% 0.023 $44,617,315
RAS Ragusa Minerals Ltd 4% -39% 0.07 $9,554,119
NMT Neometals Ltd 4% -35% 0.52 $276,370,588
ARN Aldoro Resources 4% -16% 0.135 $17,475,087
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 4% -36% 0.135 $20,162,946
GL1 Globallith 4% -7% 1.71 $427,517,529
DYM Dynamicmetalslimited 4% 0% 0.295 $9,975,000
MMC Mitremining 3% 7% 0.3 $11,088,179
JRL Jindalee Resources 3% 0% 1.88 $105,003,508
SYA Sayona Mining Ltd 3% 0% 0.19 $1,857,240,534
A8G Australasian Metals 3% 0% 0.19 $9,642,291
LNR Lanthanein Resources 3% -10% 0.019 $20,749,148
PNN Power Minerals Ltd 3% -25% 0.4 $28,522,370
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 2% -19% 0.043 $8,240,478
AS2 Askarimetalslimited 2% -26% 0.3225 $21,536,692
SGQ St George Min Ltd 2% -34% 0.045 $36,982,464
GT1 Greentechnology 2% -14% 0.71 $148,019,378
IR1 Irismetals 2% 27% 1.47 $114,811,200
CXO Core Lithium 2% -4% 0.985 $1,793,468,706
IGO IGO Limited 2% 20% 16.12 $11,979,976,802
NWM Norwest Minerals 2% 11% 0.06 $16,380,436
RIO Rio Tinto Limited 2% 2% 119.02 $43,506,540,281
LPI Lithium Pwr Int Ltd 1% -23% 0.34 $210,794,583
AZI Altamin Limited 1% 0% 0.08 $30,945,623
MIN Mineral Resources. 1% -6% 72.5 $13,942,317,368
GLN Galan Lithium Ltd 1% -15% 0.91 $303,223,865
LTR Liontown Resources 1% 120% 2.91 $6,364,518,644
WES Wesfarmers Limited 0% 6% 48.85 $55,214,091,368
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0% 0% 0.007 $18,818,347
AGY Argosy Minerals Ltd 0% -26% 0.42 $589,851,149
ASN Anson Resources Ltd 0% -14% 0.16 $203,283,770
AVZ AVZ Minerals Ltd 0% 0% 0.78 $2,752,409,203
INF Infinity Lithium 0% -13% 0.105 $48,572,170
INR Ioneer Ltd 0% -8% 0.35 $738,294,477
LKE Lake Resources 0% -64% 0.29 $412,508,965
LPD Lepidico Ltd 0% -19% 0.013 $99,297,974
PSC Prospect Res Ltd 0% 8% 0.13 $60,093,730
TKL Traka Resources 0% 38% 0.011 $9,584,622
TON Triton Min Ltd 0% -8% 0.033 $51,524,735
BMM Balkanminingandmin 0% -36% 0.21 $10,032,123
AX8 Accelerate Resources 0% -9% 0.021 $7,971,637
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0% -26% 0.019 $6,564,600
FG1 Flynngold 0% -45% 0.055 $7,474,265
IMI Infinitymining 0% -38% 0.17 $13,001,314
LRV Larvottoresources 0% -3% 0.155 $10,424,482
RAG Ragnar Metals Ltd 0% 110% 0.024 $9,100,437
CTN Catalina Resources 0% -60% 0.004 $4,953,948
TEM Tempest Minerals 0% -35% 0.015 $7,602,325
WML Woomera Mining Ltd 0% -32% 0.013 $12,430,529
AZL Arizona Lithium Ltd 0% -44% 0.035 $96,651,769
KGD Kula Gold Limited 0% -28% 0.018 $6,717,815
QXR Qx Resources Limited 0% -40% 0.025 $22,421,558
ENT Enterprise Metals 0% -50% 0.005 $3,747,355
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0% -17% 0.0025 $5,334,475
EFE Eastern Resources 0% -59% 0.012 $14,903,358
AOA Ausmon Resorces 0% -29% 0.005 $4,846,447
SRI Sipa Resources Ltd 0% -31% 0.022 $5,019,479
RGL Riversgold 0% -50% 0.015 $14,268,922
EVR Ev Resources Ltd 0% 0% 0.014 $13,103,777
WC8 Wildcat Resources 0% 463% 0.135 $89,852,166
MNS Magnis Energy Tech 0% -61% 0.145 $161,723,065
THR Thor Energy PLC 0% -33% 0.004 $5,837,166
YAR Yari Minerals Ltd 0% -12% 0.015 $7,235,367
LLI Loyal Lithium Ltd 0% 8% 0.32 $19,036,800
LRD Lordresourceslimited 0% -46% 0.09 $3,341,891
WMC Wiluna Mining Corp 0% 0% 0.205 $74,238,031
AUN Aurumin 0% -57% 0.026 $7,645,030
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0% -39% 0.014 $16,493,068
LIS Lisenergylimited 0% -16% 0.27 $44,796,830
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0% -20% 0.035 $12,718,180
DAF Discovery Alaska Ltd 0% -9% 0.029 $6,792,806
FTL Firetail Resources 0% -44% 0.089 $6,853,000
TKM Trek Metals Ltd 0% 45% 0.11 $48,743,209
CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0% -16% 0.32 $71,446,572
TUL Tulla Resources 0% 6% 0.35 $118,262,971
A11 Atlantic Lithium 0% -24% 0.47 $286,343,580
VSR Voltaic Strategic 0% 211% 0.073 $26,970,415
PAT Patriot Lithium 0% 0% 0.265 $16,267,688
BUR Burleyminerals 0% -16% 0.185 $18,329,200
CHR Charger Metals 0% -27% 0.325 $20,187,170
ENT Enterprise Metals 0% -50% 0.005 $3,747,355
FIN FIN Resources Ltd 0% -21% 0.015 $9,278,030
FBM Future Battery 0% 117% 0.115 $49,202,190
XTC Xantippe Res Ltd 0% -60% 0.002 $22,960,199
KOB Kobaresourceslimited 0% 18% 0.165 $17,393,750
LRD Lordresourceslimited 0% -46% 0.09 $3,341,891
AZS Azure Minerals 0% 622% 1.625 $634,133,617
TMX Terrain Minerals 0% 0% 0.006 $6,499,196
MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0% 82% 0.01 $29,362,787
MHK Metalhawk. 0% -18% 0.135 $9,189,426
PLS Pilbara Min Ltd 0% 35% 5.08 $15,260,774,278
PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc -1% 34% 0.865 $333,081,675
LEL Lithenergy -1% 5% 0.805 $83,438,100
ESS Essential Metals Ltd -1% 60% 0.52 $140,472,514
LLL Leolithiumlimited -1% 144% 1.185 $1,184,681,971
EMS Eastern Metals -1% -4% 0.071 $4,790,868
ANX Anax Metals Ltd -1% 26% 0.067 $27,838,848
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd -2% -37% 0.059 $17,615,466
PMT Patriotbatterymetals -2% 133% 1.745 $604,005,414
AKE Allkem Limited -2% 46% 16.44 $10,668,019,779
GW1 Greenwing Resources -2% -15% 0.235 $35,978,346
EUR European Lithium Ltd -2% 19% 0.088 $134,481,526
ZEO Zeotech Limited -2% -9% 0.043 $75,060,615
MAN Mandrake Res Ltd -2% 5% 0.042 $25,746,677
SLM Solismineralsltd -2% 1273% 1.03 $66,380,778
M2R Miramar -2% -46% 0.041 $3,882,438
CAI Calidus Resources -3% -28% 0.195 $121,522,032
DLI Delta Lithium -3% 93% 0.915 $490,565,341
MQR Marquee Resource Ltd -3% -3% 0.036 $12,236,178
EG1 Evergreenlithium -3% 0% 0.35 $20,242,800
DAL Dalaroometalsltd -3% -31% 0.069 $3,076,075
TOR Torque Met -3% -8% 0.165 $16,377,296
NIS Nickelsearch -3% -61% 0.062 $6,096,663
LPM Lithium Plus -3% -18% 0.305 $20,786,283
EMH European Metals Hldg -3% 22% 0.7825 $101,262,583
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd -3% 34% 0.028 $63,338,711
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd -4% 66% 0.13 $25,613,372
SCN Scorpion Minerals -4% 10% 0.077 $27,656,495
STM Sunstone Metals Ltd -4% -35% 0.024 $77,049,622
TYX Tyranna Res Ltd -4% 0% 0.024 $77,660,633
FRS Forrestaniaresources -4% -18% 0.115 $11,174,689
ICL Iceni Gold -4% 44% 0.115 $25,028,571
WR1 Winsome Resources -4% 45% 1.78 $302,211,902
OCN Oceanalithiumlimited -5% -10% 0.31 $13,057,363
MM1 Midasmineralsltd -5% 40% 0.28 $21,667,577
AML Aeon Metals Ltd. -6% -37% 0.017 $19,735,211
MRR Minrex Resources Ltd -6% -50% 0.016 $18,442,748
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd -6% 121% 0.045 $15,810,696
PGD Peregrine Gold -6% -25% 0.29 $17,391,809
DTM Dart Mining NL -8% -38% 0.034 $6,374,627
MXR Maximus Resources -9% -20% 0.032 $11,166,952
CMD Cassius Mining Ltd -9% 60% 0.032 $17,385,487
SBR Sabre Resources -9% 8% 0.041 $13,116,878
NKL Nickelxltd -9% -24% 0.061 $5,791,164
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd -9% -29% 0.01 $12,729,404
LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd -10% 0% 0.395 $19,705,400
EMC Everest Metals Corp -11% 159% 0.205 $29,769,615
EMC Everest Metals Corp -11% 159% 0.205 $29,769,615
PAM Pan Asia Metals -12% -46% 0.22 $38,816,576
IEC Intra Energy Corp -17% -38% 0.005 $4,234,690
LSR Lodestar Minerals -20% -20% 0.004 $9,216,987
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Who else has news out?

Drilling is underway at Wildcat Resources’ (ASX:WC8)  Tabba Tabba lithium project in the Pilbara, a stone’s throw from a 10Mt-15Mt resource surreptitiously drilled out by mining major FMG (ASX:FMG).

The 30 hole, 4600m program will target outcropping pegmatites (rocks that can contain lithium) in the northern and central mining leases.

“It is a great feeling to see Wildcat drilling at Tabba Tabba, a project that last saw drilling activity in 2014, when tantalum was prized far more than lithium,” managing director Samuel Elkins says.

“Our exploration team has done a great job to get us in this position so soon after announcing the deal to acquire this amazing asset.”

READ: These aerials show FMG has drilled out a Pilbara lithium deposit. This explorer is right next door


Near term Malian miner Leo Lithium (ASX:LLL) has awarded an open pit mining contract worth $520m over 5.5 years to “specialist West African operator” Corica.

“With the mining contractor now in place, Leo Lithium has taken another major step towards realising its target of first spodumene concentrate production in H1 2024,” LLL managing director Simon Hay says.

“We look forward to working with Corica over the long term, commencing with DSO activities this quarter.”

LLL says the 506,000tpa (ramping up to 830,000tpa) Goulamina project –- a 50/50 JV with Ganfeng — represents the next lithium project of significant scale to enter production.


More assays are in from advanced, hard drilling lithium stock Green Technology Metals (ASX:GT1) as it looks to bolster the size of its 8.1Mt @ 1.32% Li2O Root project in Canada.

New results include several hits between 16-20m thick at 1.6-1.78% Li2O. The mineralised trend is now 2.7km long, the company says.

45 holes for 7,668m have been completed from the planned 22,000m program, with assays pending for 36 holes.


In short:

Yari Minerals (ASX:YAR) — formerly zinc play Consolidated (ASX:CZL) — has refocused efforts on an early stage lithium portfolio in the Pilbara.

Drilling continues at Pan Asia Metals (ASX:PAM) Bang I Tum lithium prospect ahead of a maiden resource due later this year. An additional rig has been mobilised to accelerate the program.

Gascoyne explorer Odessa (ASX:ODE) has unearthed four “well defined and compelling” lithium drill targets at Lockier Range, ~8.5km from Delta Lithium’s (ASX:DLI) Jameson lithium discovery.