Silver City Mineral’s has received preliminary soil results from 450 samples at the Shadow target at its Austin project in WA – and has identified four gold-in-soil anomalies that extend around 3km.

And prospecting close to two of the anomalies has revealed extensive gold nuggets recovered over an area of around 750mx300m.

Some nuggets are angular and often occur within quartz veins, indicating a bedrock source may be nearby.

New Shadow Intrusive target

Geological interpretation of the rocks upstream indicates outcropping pyrite-altered porphyry intrusive rock with assays up to 0.2 g/t gold, which Silver City Minerals (ASX:SCI) believes could be the source.

This high priority prospect is now called Shadow Intrusive and will be drilled as part of the company’s ongoing program.

Aircore drilling planned

An aircore rig has been secured for the new prospect due to the extensive soil cover across the target area and will commence drilling next week.

Notably, the Shadow Intrusive lies close to the company’s tenement border with Musgrave Minerals’ (ASX:MGV) Cue gold project which includes the high-grade Break of Day Deposit and Starlight discovery.

Diamond and RC drilling ongoing

The current drilling program is well underway at Austin with a diamond and an RC rig in operation and around 3,000m drilled to date across the Brunswick Hill, Brians and Mt Sandy targets.

At Brunswick Hill, previous drilling has intersected six metres at 15.8 grams per tonne gold from just 36m, including 2m at 43g/t – a hit never properly followed up.

At Brians, visible gold in surface veins has returned assays of up to 1109g/t gold, and a previous drilling intersection of 2m at 20.1g/t gold from 31m, including 1m at 28g/t was also never properly followed up.

Meanwhile, outcropping narrow veins at Mt Sandy which were sampled by Silver City returned up to 10g/t gold and have never been drill-tested.




This article was developed in collaboration with Silver City Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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