The Collins Street Value Fund has achieved a 25.09% annualised return over the last 3 years, with 0% fixed management fees.

Delivering a 18.4% p.a. net return since inception in February 2016, the Collins St Value Fund has consistently ranked in the top 10% of its peer group over the medium to long term (on both a gross and net basis) as measured by independent research consultants.

Following an active value investing style, with a willingness to consider contrarian ideas, the fund follows a process of deep, bottom up research on companies that seek to provide genuine insights into the merits of an opportunity in a way that others are yet to fully recognise. In doing so, a close look will be given to the financial metrics of the business, but even closer at the track record of management and the views of key stakeholders within the businesses broader operating environment.

Open to wholesale investors, the fund charges zero fixed management fees, charging performance fees only – meaning it only benefits when clients do.

To find out more about the Collins St Value Fund and how you can become a client here.


  • Michael Goldberg

    Co-Founder, Managing Director & Portfolio Manager

    Michael is a Founder, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of the Fund. Prior to founding the fund, Michael was a senior portfolio manager at a Melbourne based Managed Investments provider. During his time there he managed portfolios for and advised some of Australia’s largest family offices and high net worth individuals.

    Michael has a Bachelor’s degree from Monash University where he studied Banking & Finance and Management. Additionally, Michael is RG146 compliant in superannuation, securities and geared investments.

    Michael has previous practical experience in the service and retail industry, both through his family business and as the founder of a service business. Michael’s experience gives him a unique insight into business and business relationships enabling him to better understand and identify attractive investments.

    Michael and his family are invested in the Collins Street Value Fund on equal footing with all the funds investors.

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Level 9
365 Little Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000