Stockhead’s Top 10 at 10, published at ~10.30am each trading day, highlights the best (and worst) performing ASX stocks in morning trade using live data.

It’s a short, sharp update to help frame the trading day by showing the biggest movers in percentage terms.

The market opens at 10am (eastern time) and the data is taken at 10:15am, once every ASX stock has started trading.



Stocks highlighted in yellow have made market-moving announcements (click headings to sort).

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Explorer Mamba Exploration (ASX:M24) hit wide zones of clay rare earths in 20 of 22 drill holes at its Hyden project in the WA wheatbelt.

Highlights include 54m at 758ppm from surface to end of hole.

14 of the holes end in mineralisation, suggesting “that there is potential for not only clay hosted mineralisation, but also bedrock mineralisation in the area”, M24 says.

The Malawi government has approved the mining agreement (MDA) for Globe Metals and Mining’s (ASX:GBE) Kanyika niobium project.

With the execution of the MDA, all relevant approvals are now in place allowing GBE to develop the project. It also provides confidence to third parties “looking to participate in the project in terms of financing and off-take”, the company says.



Stocks highlighted in yellow have made market-moving announcements (click headings to sort).

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Besieged Jervois Mining (ASX:JRV) has suspended final construction at Idaho Cobalt Operations (ICO) in the US due to continuing low cobalt prices and inflationary impacts on construction costs.

Having already spent US$130m, JRV expects to complete construction and commission ICO when cobalt prices recover.