On Stockhead today, the plan to unlock more WA magnetite, the unicorn not good enough for the ASX, and who’s been shorting who in May?

But first…



The busy week of IPOs will end with a bang today.

Iron ore developer Juno Minerals (ASX:JNO) will list at 12pm (AEST) followed by pathology network Australian Clinical Labs (ASX:ACL) at 12.30pm.

The only economic data out today is HIA’s New Home Sales, to be released at 10am.




Creso Pharma (ASX:CPH) – acquisition target


Horizon Minerals (ASX:HRZ) – acquisition
Jatcorp (ASX:JAT) – product developments
Predictive Discovery (ASX:PDI) – capital raising
Alice Queen (ASX:AQX) – capital raising
Roots Sustainable Agricultural Technologies (ASX:ROO) – new venture



Gold: $US1,826.39 ($2,363.34) (+0.60%)

Silver: $US27.08 ($35.04) (+0.18%)

Oil (WTI): $US63.78 (-3.48%)

Oil (Brent): $US66.99 (-3.36%)

Coal: $US101.40 (+1.91%)

Iron 62pc Fe: $US212.05 (-2.90%)

AUD/USD: $US0.7725 (-0.02%)

Bitcoin: $US49,690.21 (-8.96%)



It’s been a tough week in markets and it continued yesterday.

Market Feelings
byu/gorgo_c inwallstreetbets

But there have been a few sweet spots this week particularly in the junior iron ore and copper spaces.

Our readers were particularly hooked to Wednesday’s “Top 5 Resources” recap which was headed by a big copper hit by Helix Resources (ASX:HLX). 

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Lefroy Exploration (ASX:LEX) rocketed again, after hitting more copper and gold at its ‘Burns’ porphyry discovery near Kalgoorlie.

Fremont Petroleum (ASX:FPL) rose too after providing an update on its oil inventory sell-down.



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Mining services stock Perenti (ASX:PRN) fell after an operational update. Despite winning over $700 million in contracts in 2021, it warned it was seeing impacts from COVID-19 and headwinds would continue for the next 12-18 months.

The latest gold IPO Australasian Gold (ASX:A8G) didn’t have a good debut and made the losers’ list.