LAST ORDERS: A short treatise on the cavalcade of whimsy from the ASX and elsewhere today

Pic via Getty Images.


Welcome to the end of the start of the week. We trust you’ve all had a restful weekend, full of whatever it is you like to do when you’re not reading about stocks and stuff, and completely devoid of stuff you hate, like housework, your extended family and having the flesh ripped from your bones by angry weasels.

But seeing as how it’s the end the day, join us poolside as we relax, sip a cocktail or two and look back at the the things you might have missed because you’re about as much of a fan of Mondays as the bastard lovechild of Garfield and that fella from the Band-Aid concerts, Bob Gandalf or whatever his name is.



From Korea comes news that, once again, Best Korea Leader Kim Jong-un has been firing rockets all over the place, leading many in South Korea to pause for a moment before getting on with their day.

But the spectre of a nuclear incident is starting to grow, leading to one expert to offer a unique perspective on the issue.

Cheong Seong-chang, 57, a senior analyst at the Sejong Institute – an organisation that appears to be more tank than think – has suggested that the only way to denuclearise the Korean Peninsula is to give South Korea nuclear weapons.

No word yet from North Korea on whether this cunning ruse has any chance of success, but we’re gonna go on record and suggest that it most probably won’t.

Meanwhile, former Brazilian lunatic Jair Bolsonaro’s “disappearance” since losing a high-stakes election to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – the president-elect so cool he just goes by the single name “Lula”, just like Cher and Madonna – has been explained.

Turns out that the right wing firebrand has picked up some sort of tropical knob-rot and can’t handle the pain of wearing trousers at the moment.

I certainly hope that this explanation is true, because I’ve been using the same excuse to avoid going into the office for months, and I’d hate for my colleagues to think I’ve been less-than-honest with them about how serious my inability to wear pants really is.





Yeah… this is gonna end well. #BuckleUp #EvenTrumpSaidNoThanks



A few quick bits and pieces today, including an announcement from Jaxsta (ASX:JXT), the Sydney-based outfit that is the world’s only official source of music credits, maintaining a massive database that includes details of everyone who worked on any of the more than 290 million songs it holds data on.

Jaxsta recently announced plans to build “an unprecedented retail experience for an invested and innovative community of collectors of music art”, in the words of CEO Beth Appleton – and to that end has launched a new offering at vinyl.com (a URL that can not have been inexpensive to acquire…).

The site is up and running, with a splash page saying that users will be able to “Collect Vinyl, Merch & NFTs, Connect with Creators & Curators, Discover, Curate and Earn”, and potential users can sign up to join a waitlist before the doors are thrown open.

And to think that just a few short decades ago, people were saying that vinyl was “dead”.

Meanwhile, GLobal X has launched its latest ETF “Global X Copper Miners” seeking to take advantage of technology and the wider communities continued heavy reliance on the metal.

Carrying the ASX ticker “WIRE” – yeah, we see what you did there… very clever… – it’s been put together to give investors the opportunity to invest in the metal, its explorers and producers and let someone else do the hard yards of researching it all for you. Simples.

And lastly, I won’t lie – I was slightly disappointed to find out that the ASX announcement headline “Andromeda Signs Binding Offtake Agreement for Great White Concrete Additives” wasn’t quite what my brain originally thought it would be about… but it’s good news for Andromeda Metals (ASX:ADN) anyway.

Andromeda has inked a deal with IMCD – a global leader in the distribution of speciality chemicals and additives – for the exclusive sale of Andromeda’s Great White HRM and Great White SRM additives in Australia and New Zealand.

I had pictured a form of concrete capable of suddenly opening up to become a massive shark mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, and how that might be applied to the construction of something like the skate park down the street from where I live, and how that might significantly reduce the number of high-speed roller-louts outside my house in the early evening…

But Andromeda’s aim of producing a far more environmentally friendly concrete is probably a pretty good thing to be shooting for as well.



Southern Cross Gold (ASX: SXG) – Capital Raise.

Australian Mines (ASX:AUZ) – Capital Raise.


Vectus Biosystems (ASX:VBS) – Material Fundraising.

Aurora Energy Metals (ASX:1AE) – News incoming about a material resource update for the Aurora uranium deposit.

MRG Metals (ASX:MRQ) – Capital Raise.

ReNu Energy (ASX:RNE) – Capital Raise.

Playside Studios (ASX:PLY) – PlaySide has signed a contract and wants to tell everyone all about it.

Life360 (ASX:360) – Capital Raise.

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