Southern Cross Gold Ltd is a Victorian natural resources company, which is engaged in the exploration of precious and base mineral interests.
Southern Cross Gold Ltd owns three subsidiaries which are:
Clonbinane Goldfield Pty Ltd: which holds the tenements forming the Sunday Creek Project and has entered into an agreement to acquire freehold land on a portion of that project.
Mawson Victoria Pty Ltd which holds the rights and interests under Option Agreements with Nagambie Resources Limited (ASX:NAG) to:
Mawson Queensland Pty Ltd which holds the tenements forming the Mt. Isa Project.
SXG Share Price and Trading History
Tom Eadie, Non Executive Chairman
Explorer, mining executive and company director with many significant mineral discoveries and several successful companies to his name.
Mr Eadie has over 40 years’ experience as an explorer and geologist in the resources industry.
He is the former Executive Chairman of Copper Strike, founding Chairman of Syrah Resources and previously Executive General Manager – Exploration and Technology at Pasminco.
He is a past board member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Mineral Industry Research Association.
He is a current board member of Strandline Resources Ltd and Alderan Resources Ltd.
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Michael Hudson, Managing Director
Professional geologist, explorationist and entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in exploration, project development and management in Australia and internationally.
Mr Hudson commenced his career underground for three years in Broken Hill in 1990 with Pasminco Ltd. He has managed and developed exploration to pre-feasibility projects in Pakistan, Australia, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Finland, Spain, Portugal and Sweden for major and junior mining companies. He was an integral team member for the discovery of the Portia gold deposit in the Olary district of South Australia, the Duddar Pb-Zn mine in Pakistan, the Norra Karr REE deposit in Sweden, the San Martin Cu-Ag discovery in Peru and the Rompas-Rajapalot gold-cobalt resource in Finland.
He is the founder and director of Mawson Gold Ltd (TSX:MAW) and Hannan Metals Ltd (TSXV:HAN) and a director of Sixty Six Capital (CVE:SIX).
He is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Member of both the Society for Economic Geologists and Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
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Georgina Carnegie, Non Executive Director
Ms Carnegie is an economist and international business consultant with extensive board experience in the corporate, government and education sectors.
She has over forty years’ experience in international research and advisory work, particularly in Asia where she co-owned Market Intelligence (Asia), a Singapore based strategic research firm. Her early career involved senior positions in the Australian government and life insurance sectors. She recently spent more than a decade as Senior Advisor to the Chairman of a natural resources focused private equity firm.
She is currently a Senior Advisor to Mawson Gold Ltd (TSX: MAW), a Director of Hannan Metals Ltd (TSXV:HAN), a member of the Vice Chancellor’s Industry & Business Advisory Board, University of Newcastle and member of the Australia Japan Business Cooperation Committee (AJBCC).
Ms Carnegie recently served on the Australian Government’s Australia Korea Foundation and the Executive Board of the Australia Korea Business Council. She previously sat on the Advisory Committee to the Emerging Markets Network of the OECD and early in her career worked at the OECD Secretariat (agricultural commodities). Previous corporate board appointments include Capral Aluminium and Australian Airlines. She maintains long standing links to Australian Universities as a Member of the Councils of the Australian National University (three terms) and Curtin University (WA – three terms) and was a Member of the Board for UNSW’s “Unisearch” (two terms).
Ms Carnegie has a B Economics (Monash) and an MPA (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard).
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David Henstridge, Non Executive Director
Mr. Henstridge is a self-employed professional geologist with 50 years’ experience in the mining industry including 30 years managing public-listed companies.
Mr. Henstridge has been associated with many mineral discoveries worldwide including in Australia, Peru and Finland.
Moving into the Canadian capital markets in 1993, he has been associated with companies raising more than $200 million for exploration and project development, been a co-founder of five capital pool companies listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange, all succeeding with qualifying transactions in the exploration industry and the reconstruction and re-listing of several more defunct companies.
Mr. Henstridge is currently a director and member of various audit, compensation, corporate governance and nominating committees of other public-listed mineral exploration companies in Canada.
Mr. Henstridge holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree from the University of Adelaide in Australia. He holds professional designations from each of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Geological Society of Australia.
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