Here’s a bit of cuteness overload to make you smile in iso.

Proof animals need just as much affection as people:

Just a little bit of love
by inMadeMeSmile


Now, here’s what you might have missed on Stockhead this week, but everyone else didn’t, and liked the most.


1. StockTalk: How Aussie fintechs are responding to the COVID-19 economy

Pfft who needs Netflix when you’ve got top viewing right here! Leading our top 10 today is our vid on how Aussie fintechs are responding to the brave new world.

Populating the experts panel this week is Max Bluvband, CEO of AppsVillage (ASX:APV), Cathryn Lyall, Advisor at Seed Space Australia and John Rayment, CEO of Identitii (ASX:ID8).

The panel looks at how fintech-focused funds have changed their investment strategies in response to COVID-19, what factors are driving regulatory change, how fintech R&D strategies are shifting and more.

So tune in if you missed it or you just can’t get enough.


2. These four ASX gold explorers are shining extra bright today

Investors are still in love with gold. And who could blame them? Those with good projects are enjoying good share price rallies right now.

Reuben Adams pointed out four on Thursday that were on investors’ radars.

One gained over 90 per cent. Nice.

Read on to see who these lucky four were.


3. COVID-19 has only strengthened Europe’s resolve to build its own battery metals supply chain

And our readers are still curious to see what’s going on with battery metals.

Supply chains right now are a very big focus for countries, brought even further to the fore thanks to COVID-19.

Government-backed utilities are also getting into the game, as they ramp up their shift away from coal towards renewables and energy storage.

But in countries like Europe, strong government relations are crucial to gaining necessary financial support.

I spoke with the head of one company that just received a cash injection from one of Central and Eastern Europe’s largest power utilities and the CEO of a German firm that helps small and mid-cap companies strengthen ties in Europe and secure funding.

Read on if you missed it.


4. Medtech needs more than a TGA tick to hit the big $$$

While a nod from Australia’s drug and device regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), is permission to sell, only a handful of medical device companies will be able to make good on that promise.

Why? Because if a medtech hasn’t done its research then it may be pushing a product nobody wants to buy.

Rachel Williamson runs through the companies who’ve got the TGA tick but have been unable to sell their product.


5. Major miners, oilies doing everything from recruiting AFL coaches to repurposing caravans for COVID-19

It certainly is an interesting time. I mean we’ve all heard of alcohol makers switching to making hand sanitiser… but miners recruiting professional football coaches?

There just may be something in that. If you can coach footballers, why not coach miners in personal motivation, health, nutrition and wellbeing.

All the major miners have jumped in to help during COVID-19.

Bevis Yeo runs through exactly what initiatives everyone from BHP (ASX:BHP) to Australia’s richest woman are putting in place to do their bit during the pandemic.


6. Happy days for gold as investors continue to flee markets

It wouldn’t be a typical news day without yet another mention of gold. It was just an added bonus that we were able to use it as an excuse to get a pic of “the Fonz” up on the site.

Investors are fleeing the continued market uncertainty in droves, and this is helping keep gold prices high.

For Aussie gold producers it’s even better because our sucky dollar to the greenback means they are making the big bucks.

Find out what the goldies are up to in this bull run.


7. TGA may make CBD legal in pharmacies this year

It’s all happening in the pot market right now.

The Australian drugs regulator is weighing whether to allow cannabidiol-only (CBD) products to be sold over the counter in pharmacies, bringing it into line with other countries where medical marijuana is legal.

A change would massively widen the market for cannabis-based drugs, medications and hemp-based CBD supplements in Australia.

So, in short, good news for those Aussie listed companies looking to sell medicinal cannabis.


8. Tim Knapton: What to buy in e-commerce, the hottest sector of the global economy

The video headline may be racy but there is no sector that’s grown faster and evolved more in the last 25 years than e-commerce.

In 1996, indeed, the fledgling e-tailing industry was barely worth $US1bn ($1.5bn) globally and that’s now approaching $US40 trillion!

Tim Knapton runs through some of the better listed players worth taking a look at.


9. ‘Future-proof’: Here’s how ASX-listed tech players are responding to the new remote-working landscape

Among the investment thematics emerging in the wake of COVID-19, the shift to remote working solutions is one of the most prevalent.

Enforced lockdowns have left many companies scrambling to maintain their business operations without the use of a central office.

Many investors are now wondering how to position if the crisis results in a permanent change of working conditions.

Sam Jacobs spoke to a number of companies and investors in the space to learn more about the broader trends underway.


10. The US wants to revitalise its domestic uranium industry. What does this mean for explorers?

While, there aren’t many surprises in the newly released, long-delayed report from the US Nuclear Fuel Working Group (NFWG), the recommendations add momentum to an already bullish outlook for uranium.

The US Administration’s 2021 budget request, unveiled February 10, had already included an extra $US150m ($234.7m) per annum to purchase uranium from US mines and for US conversion services.

But Alex Molyneux, advisor to the Eightstone-Oclaner OAM Uranium Opportunity Fund, says there are some other very interesting details in the new report.

Read what he had to say about it.


Have a good weekend!