Crypto airdrops, eh? Once again, the process has made some particularly focused people quite rich. The hyped Blur marketplace has now released its native, airdropped token into the wild… although its price has plummeted since launch.


BLUR (‘woo hoo’) token launches via airdrop

The Blur non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace launched its native token overnight (AEDT). And that means over the next 60 days, all those who’ve taken part in the project’s “care packages” airdrop process can claim all tokens allotted to them so far.

The newest rival to leading NFT marketplace OpenSea launched its product in October last year and has been gaining in buzz and trading volume ever since, largely due to anticipation for the airdrop of its Ethereum-based $BLUR token. We first flagged the BLUR airdrop on Stockhead in October.

The airdrop care-package token allotment system has so far happened in three waves over the past few months, with token receivers being rewarded in accordance with their level of participation – for example listing and trading/bidding NFTs on the new marketplace.

Self-described as the “marketplace for pro traders,” Blur aims to be majority-owned by its community, but has also previously raised US$11 million in a seed round led by Paradigm and well-known crypto angel investors including Cozomo Medici (aka Snoop Dogg), Punk 6529, Deeze and others.


BLUR token starts high, then swings low

So… how’s the $BLUR token performing so far, then? Erm… it began in pretty lofty territory at around US$5, but, probably extremely predictably, dropped off a cliff not long after launch. Airdrop flippers will be flippers.

At the time of writing, the token is changing slightly less-enthusiastic hands at around US$0.85.


Meanwhile, according to a Decrypt article citing public blockchain data curated by Dune Analytics, the top claimant in the BLUR airdrop managed to bag more than 3.2 MILLION tokens. That’s worth about US$2.72 million at the current token price. And if he or she (or the group of individuals) had managed to sell at the top… then yeah, only about US$16 million.

How’d Coinhead go in the airdrop process? Put it this way, we’re not retiring on our magic internet money gainz any time soon. If we actually spent hours trying to game airdrop processes with multiple wallets (a highly dubious strategy that could see us disqualified) and undertaking every last little action to effectively participate… instead of, you know, writing articles about crypto, then maybe we would be on a beach in the Bahamas somewhere by now. (Okay, maybe the Bahamas is a bad example, right SBF?)

But like us, don’t feel too bad for missing out on that kind of insane level of airdropped wealth. As Decrypt points out, whoever owns the wallet that claimed that amount of tokens has likely been illegally “wash trading”.

“A look at the trading activity from the wallet shows that the holder has been buying and selling loads of the same NFTs over and over again, suggesting wash trading or at least a coordinated effort to game the Blur trading model,” wrote the Brooklyn-based crypto media outlet, adding:

“The sale prices aren’t high enough to raise suspicion, but the assets are being flipped at such frequency to generate enormous trading volume.”

Other highly successful anonymous claimants raked in similar numbers (e.g. 2.97M and 2.5M BLUR), with reportedly similarly suspicious wash-trading activity.

Here are some other, slightly less anon claimants, well known across Crypto Twitter, who bagged themselves a nice parachuted payday from the crypto skies…

As for this… it’s better than a kick in the head, I suppose…

So, like the required-for-claiming tweet-engagement says, “Season 2 begins NOW”. Does that mean there’s still time to participate and become FILTHY CRYPTO RICH?

Part of that sentence is right, and so it might still be worth a shot with a higher level of involvement in “season 2”. That said, the bulk of airdropped BLUR goodness might be behind us now.

If interested, check out our original Blur-based airdrop article again to follow how to potentially participate (it’ll involve listing NFTs on the Blur marketplace and bidding for some as well). Or just head to and try to follow instructions there.

Oh, and maybe keep an ear to the ground, or eye to the digital sky, for other upcoming crypto airdrops, too.


Note: absolutely none of the contents of this article should be construed as financial advice. We recommend researching airdrop opportunities, and participating in them, with due diligence and care.