Kula Gold Ltd is a discovery-focused explorer on the hunt for new mineral deposits in WA.

The company is advancing projects across the highly prospective South West region, where it’s looking for lithium and gold at its Kirup and Brunswick assets just a stone’s throw from the world-class Greenbushes Lithium Mine.

As it works towards future discoveries, Kula is galvanised by its 93.3mt Boomerang kaolin project, which declared its maiden resource back in 2022. The project is currently in the economic study phase and is expected to move to PE funding or trade JV.

Kula’s other key projects are located in the Southern Cross goldfields at Westonia (adjacent to the producing Edna May Gold Mine), Rankin Dome, Marvel Loch and Lake Rebecca. Diversifying the company’s commodity base, these projects contain gold, copper, lithium, nickel, PGEs, rare earths, halloysite and kaolin.

Ultimately, Kula remains dedicated to proving up expansive land packages that are capable of hosting large gold and/or lithium deposits. The explorer has a proven history in Papua New Guinea, where its +1Moz Woodlark Island gold project was eventually joint ventured and sold to Geopacific Resources (ASX:GPR).


  • Mark Stowell | Chairman

    Mark Stowell is a chartered accountant with over 25 years of corporate finance and resource business management experience.

    He served as manager in the corporate division of Arthur Andersen and subsequently in the establishment and management of a number of successful ventures as principal, including resource companies operating in Australia and internationally.

    He was a founder of Anvil Mining Ltd (DRC) and on its board for seven years until 2000. He was also a founder and non executive director of Incremental Petroleum Limited, an oil and gas producer with operations in Turkey and the USA.

    He was Chairman and founder of Mawson West Ltd, a Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:MWE) listed copper miner operating in Africa.

    Mark is also a non executive Chairman of exploration company Southern Hemisphere Mining Ltd.

    Mr Stowell is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and has a Bachelor of Business degree.

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  • Mark Bojanjac | Director

    Mark Bojanjac is a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years’ experience in developing resource companies.

    Mr Bojanjac was a founding director of Gilt-Edged Mining Limited which discovered one of Australia’s highest-grade gold mines and was managing director of a public company that successfully developed and financed a 2.4m oz gold resource in Mongolia.

    He also co-founded a 3 million oz gold project in China. Mr Bojanjac was most recently Chief Executive Officer of Adamus Resources Limited and oversaw its advancement from an early stage exploration project through its definitive feasibility studies and managed the debt and equity financing of its successful Ghanaian gold mine.

    Mr Bojanjac is currently the Executive Chairman of PolarX Limited, a mineral exploration company with assets in Alaska.

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  • Ric Dawson | Managing Director

    Ric Dawson holds a BAppSc (Geology) from Curtin University and an MBA from the University of Western Australia.

    He has over 20 years’ experience in gold, nickel, copper and kaolin projects throughout Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and as a stockbroker/analyst during that time.

    Mr Dawson has previously held the Manager Director roles with ASX listed companies Prosperity Resources Ltd and Altech Ltd.

    Mr Dawson’s particular fields of expertise are in target generation and evaluation of Archean shear-vein style, IOGC and hydrothermal porphyry gold in Australia and Indonesia. He was also involved in the development of the initial Australian studies into production of high purity alumna from kaolin deposits.

    He played key roles in the advancement and development of gold deposits, including Melville Deposit, the Masuparia Project and various Tennant Creek projects and the research and development of the process of converting kaolin to high purity alumina at the Meckering Project in Western Australia.

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  • Keith Bowker | Company Secretary

    Keith Bowker is a qualified Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce with Curtin University.

    Mr Bowker has experience in company secretarial, corporate compliance and financial accounting matters.

    Mr Bowker is also Company Secretary of ASX listed Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited, a successful copper-gold explorer in Chile.

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  • Adam Anderson | Technical Consultant

    Adam Anderson has extensive hands-on technical experience as an exploration manager in a range of demanding and complex geological and geographical environments.

    He is a subject matter expert in exploration interpretation and resource definition to advanced project development status including JORC compliance and reporting requirements.

    Adam has managed numerous exploration field teams on a number of locations around the world including Australia, Africa, Europe, and S America.

    Adam has a BASc, Geology/Earth Science from the University of WA. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

    He is qualified to act as a Competent Person for the purpose of verifying information provided to ASX.

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