Anax Metals Limited (ANX) is a listed development company with an 80% interest in the Whim Creek Copper Project. Anax is focused on delivering leveraged financial outcomes for investors through the near term development of the Whim Creek Copper Project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Using a combination of smart sorting and associated technologies Anax plans to deliver sustainable copper within 18 months through a low CAPEX development at the Project which already has significant infrastructure in place.

Anax’s strategy to integrate smart particle sorting and associated technologies delivers a unique combination of leveraged economic outcomes, significant carbon footprint reductions and environmental benefits. Exploration is also taking place on the Project’s prospective land package in the Pilbara region.


  • Geoff Laing ASX ANX Anax

    Geoff Laing | Managing Director

    Chemical Engineer, with 30 years in mining and project development in operations design and corporate roles. He has been involved in the exploration and junior mining sector for the last fifteen years in corporate and advisory roles. A key player in the Exco Resources divestment of a substantial copper asset for $175M to Xstrata Copper and as MD delivered the successful takeover of the company by WH Sol Pattinson.

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  • Philip Jackson ASX ANX Anax

    Phillip Jackson | Chairman

    Barrister and solicitor with significant legal and international corporate experience, specialising in the areas of commercial and contract law, mining and energy law and corporate governance. He has been a Director and Chairman of a number of ASX and AIM listed minerals companies.

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  • Peter Cordin ASX ANX Anax

    Peter Cordin | Non-Executive Director

    Civil engineer with over 45 years’ global experience in mining and exploration both at operational and senior management level. He has direct experience in the construction and management of diamond and gold operations in Australia, Fenno-Scandinavia and Indonesia.

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  • Phil Warren | Non-Executive Director

    Chartered Accountant with over 25 years experience in board governance, corporate advisory and capital raising advice. Phil has spent a number of years working overseas for major international investment banks. Phil is currently a Non-Executive Director of ASX Listed companies Family Zone Cyber Safety Limited, Narryer Metals Ltd, Killi Resource Ltd and Limited and was a founding director of Cassini Resources Ltd, which was subsequently acquired by Oz Minerals.

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