This ASX small cap just struck a deal with AdBlock to show ads to AdBlock users

Pic: Yuichiro Chino / Moment via Getty Images


In what appears to be a somewhat ironic move, engage:BDR (ASX:EN1) has reached a deal with Acceptable Ads Exchange (AAX) that enables the company to show ads to users of the world’s largest ad blocking solution – AdBlock Plus.

While it may seem a little strange at first, AdBlock Plus actually allows certain advertisements that have been whitelisted through its filters.

They just have to meet a stringent set of requirements such as being respectful, not interfering with website content and clearly labelled with the word advertisement or its equivalent.

What Adblock Plus actually seeks to block is advertising that is too annoying (pop-ups anyone?), intrusive or potentially misleading.

Given that AAX publishers are amongst the top 20 per cent most trafficked sites globally, there is good reason for advertisers to comply with its standards.

Adblock deal to go live soon

engage:BDR is currently testing the integration with the adblocker, which is expected to be fully live and producing recurring revenues as early as next week.

The deal is expected to provide incremental reach for its specialised cloud-based platform that enables real-time programmatic advertising transactions between publishers and media buyers.

engage:BDR (ASX:EN1) share price chart

Categories: Tech


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