Long Shortz with Anax Metals: It’s a full-blown copper busy bee in the Pilbara
Long Shortz
Long Shortz
Stockhead’s Sarah Hughan sits down with Anax Metals (ASX:ANX) managing director Geoff Laing to get the short end of the long story on the company’s latest news.
Anax Metals owns the Whim Creek copper-zinc project in the Pilbara and plans to make the site a copper processing hub with its permitted infrastructure.
Whim Creek has an initial eight-year mine life with economics highly-leveraged to the formidable copper price.
Tune in to hear Anax Metals’ Geoff Laing on near-term production, the base metals market, and more.
This video was developed in collaboration with Anax Metals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
The interviews and discussions in this video are opinions only and not financial or investment advice. Viewers should obtain independent advice based on their own circumstances before making any financial decisions.