These stocks have 3 months to prove they should stay in the ASX

Pic: John W Banagan / Stone via Getty Images


Two companies have until June to prove they are worthy of stay listed on the ASX.

Lachlan Star (ASX:LSA) has three more months to find anyone willing to recapitalise it, and Novarise Renewable Resources (ASX:NOE) has asked for a final three months to conclude the same.

If they do not, the companies will be automatically removed from the ASX under a rule that allows companies to have their shares in suspension for up to three years before being given the boot.

Chile-focused gold miner Lachlan Star has been in administration since February 2015.

Chinese company Novarise on the other hand had promised to make products out of recycled polypropylene at a factory in China.

However, while the Nan’an factory was eventually completed and production began, the company couldn’t out run its ever increasing and very high finance and admin costs.

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By March 2015, it was suspended on concerns by it auditors about the 2014 accounts. It said these would be lodged within four weeks.

With a week to go before it’s due to be kicked off the bourse, Novarise has asked for a three month reprieve promising that it’s restructured about 80 per cent of debt due in 2016 and that it plans to set up a new factory — in Indonesia.

Categories: Mining


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