Metal Hawk hits massive nickel sulphide on the first try at Commodore
Metal Hawk’s maiden RC drilling at the Commodore prospect near Kalgoorlie has yielded massive nickel sulphide mineralisation consistent with that found at the world-class Kambalda province
Reverse circulation drilling, targeting previously identified end-of-hole nickel-copper-platinum group elements geochemistry intersected in aircore drilling, returned a 2m intersection of massive and semi-massive nickel sulphide mineralisation from a depth of 144m in BVNC002.
This was located directly beneath 12m of intensely weathered gossanous ultramafic rocks, at the interpreted basal contact with footwall felsic rocks.
Metal Hawk (ASX:MHK) noted that the greenfields discovery is consistent with high-grade Kambalda style komatiite-hosted massive nickel sulphide deposits.
Here’s the kicker. Prior to the company’s drilling, there had been no nickel sulphide exploration at the prospect within its Berehaven nickel project.
“This is a fantastic result from Metal Hawk’s first RC drilling program that has confirmed our belief in the potential for massive nickel sulphide discoveries to be made on this exciting and underexplored project,” managing director Will Belbin said.”
“We look forward to ramping up our nickel sulphide exploration at Berehaven and plans for diamond drilling are well underway.”
Downhole electromagnetics underway with diamond drilling to follow.
Berehaven is located about 20km east of Kalgoorlie and is prospective for nickel and gold with alluvial gold discovered by prospectors recently at Snake Hill.
Three holes were drilled for a total of 485m at the Commodore prospect about 5km north of the Blair nickel mine that produced 1.26 million tonnes grading 2.62% nickel for 32,900t of contained nickel.
Metal Hawk noted that the 30m thick cover of ferruginous lateritic material and extreme weathering of the underlying Archaean bedrock had made surface electromagnetic surveys completed at the prospect to date ineffective.
Assay results from mineralised samples in BVNC002 are expected in three to four weeks.
This article was developed in collaboration with Metal Hawk, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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