• An IP geophysical survey has delineated five strong anomalies along strike with widths up to 140m
  • Mako is seeking a potential strategic partnership at Korhogo to primarily focus on its Napié gold project
  • The objective of the partnership is to get a third party to finance exploration as well as the potential development of the Korhogo manganese project


Special Report: A complimentary IP geophysical survey on Mako Gold’s Ouangolodougou permit at the Korhogo project in Côte d’Ivoire has identified subsurface manganese bands for future drilling.

The pole-dipole IP survey was selected to cover known manganese outcrops from mapping as well as one of the ten RC holes previously drilled by Mako Gold (ASX:MKG).

About five strong chargeability anomalies that continue down to 250m were identified, with four being greater than 100m in width, indicating subsurface manganese mineralisation may be quite wide.

The weakest IP anomaly returned relatively moderate manganese values of between 8.4% and 14.6%, while the strongest – overlain by outcrops – returned pXRF results of 24% manganese in rock chips.

This suggests the intensity of the IP anomalies may be related to the grade of manganese mineralisation and targeting the stronger IP anomalies in future drilling may result in higher grade manganese mineralisation being intersected, MKG says.


Mako Gold ASX MKG
Sheared manganese outcrop at the 140m wide Anomaly D. Pic: Supplied (MKG)


Potential world-class deposits at 250m depth

“We are delighted that the complimentary IP geophysical survey has proved to be successful in identifying manganese,” MKG managing director Peter Ledwidge says.

“This confirms IP as a valid tool to identify sub-surface manganese, which is reassuring, considering the large areas on the permit that are devoid of outcrop.

“It is also very encouraging that the IP anomalies are strong to depths of 250m and that 4 of the 5 IP anomalies are over 100m in width.

“This increases our confidence that we have discovered what could potentially be a world class manganese deposit that extends for 8km along strike and could extend to at least 250m in depth.”


Seeking third party to finance development

MKG is looking to secure a potential strategic partnership at Korhogo and has started the process of sharing data with interested parties.

The company is seeking a third party to finance exploration and potential development of Korhogo while retaining a significant upside in the project, which will allow MKG to concentrate its efforts on advancing Napié.

Ledwidge is currently on the ground at Napié evaluating the new high-grade gold zones, including the Double Zone as well as other priority targets at Tchaga North where mapping and rock chip sampling are ongoing.

The overall objective is to design a drill program to test the east-west structures, which have never been drilled.


Metallurgical testing

Meanwhile, a 100m trench has been excavated, mapped and channel sampled at Korhogo.

Samples have been sent to the lab for preparation.

Once the analysis of the channel samples is completed, MKG management will oversee the sampling of the 170kg sample for metallurgical testing.

A sequence of tests will evaluate options for the recovery of coarse manganese at saleable grade for steel production, with relatively simple flowsheet options.




This article was developed in collaboration with Mako Gold, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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