Impact finds first ever lithium at WA project
Impact Minerals has identified spodumene and yttrium-bearing apatite in pegmatite veins at its Kalahari prospect of its Hopetoun project in WA.
It’s the first-time lithium has been found at the project, which covers an interpreted extension of the Ravensthorp greenstone belt – host to mines such as Allkem’s (ASX:AKE) Mt Cattlin lithium project.
The spodumene crystals are up to 5cm in dimension and exhibit classic pink fluorescence under ultraviolet light.
Plus, some of the veins contain similar-sized crystals of aquamarine apatite, a phosphate mineral which has measurable levels of yttrium on a handheld XRF instrument and which may be prospective for rare earth elements.
Grab samples of these veins have been submitted for geochemical assay with results expected by mid-May.
Impact Minerals (ASX:IPT) MD Dr Mike Jones said it’s an exciting development for the company and its JV partners at Hopetoun.
“Most of the previous work in the area has been focused on the precious and base metal potential of the Albany Fraser belt given it hosts the Nova-Bollinger deposit,” he said.
“It is possible however that the belt also may host significant lithium and rare earth deposits and we look forward to the assay results from our initial samples.
“In the meantime, we will extend our soil geochemistry surveys over more of the project area to define areas for follow up work.”
The company has now applied for a new exploration licence lodged to cover part of the Jerdacuttup Fault and the southern extension of the Ravensthorpe greenstone belt, extending the JV ground holdings in the area to 185 square kilometres.
The drill ready targets identified at Hopetoun include targets for nickel-copper-gold-silver and lithium, and the company has almost completed diamond drilling at the Top Knotch and Silverstar prospects.
Anomalous copper was discovered at Top Knotch and a detailed soil geochemistry survey has been undertaken over the target area to better refine the target.
Samples will be dispatched to Perth shortly for assay, with results expected in June.
This article was developed in collaboration with Impact Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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