Iltani steps out 550m at Orient West, hits more thick high grade silver
Special Report: Results from three RC drill holes have delivered a 550m strike extension to Iltani Resources’ Orient silver-indium discovery.
Iltani Resources’ (ASX:ILT) Orient project in north QLD hosts Australia’s highest grades of indium, up to a whopping 1070g/t.
Prior to the start of the latest program, the company had already drilled ~20 RC holes that showed multiple silver-lead-zinc-indium-tin hits indicating Orient’s potential to be a world-class discovery.
The explorer believes that the tenure contains a large-scale system of outcropping mineralisation which is likely hosted in a deeper porphyry complex.
RC holes ORR026 to ORR28 tested the northwest extension of the Orient West vein system, stepping out 550m along strike from previous drilling and successfully intersecting extensive silver-lead-zinc-indium mineralisation.
Multiple zones of mineralisation were hit, including one up to 69m thick at 45g/t silver equivalent from 111m at hole ORR026.
Other highlights include:
The northern part of the Orient West vein system continues to be open to the northeast and down dip and complements the results out of hole ORR025 650m southwest of Orient West.
Based on mapping, old workings and geophysical exploration, Iltani estimates the vein system could extend more than 600m northeast of ORR028, representing a compelling drill target.
Drilling has now defined mineralisation over a >1,250m strike extent and to 150m depth at Orient West, with results pending for the remaining seven holes, and once received an initial exploration target will for the project will be defined.
“Iltani’s recently completed 11 hole RC drilling program at Orient West continues to deliver,” ILT MD Donald Garner says.
“We are pleased to report multiple material assay results for ORR026 to ORR028, which have demonstrated that the Orient West vein system extends a further 550m to the northeast of our previous drilling.
“The Orient West vein system is open down dip and to the northeast of our current drilling, and based on our exploration work, we believe that there is at least an additional 600m of strike length to be drill tested to the northeast. This represents a compelling drill target.
“The drilling continues to expand the size of the Orient West system and more importantly demonstrates we have the room required for the tonnage needed to develop a significant ore body.
“Assay results are pending for RC holes ORR029 to ORR035, which could extend drill tested mineralisation a further 350m to the southwest.
“When all results have been received, work will commence on an initial exploration target estimate for Orient West.”
Additional drilling will be conducted to infill the current relatively broad-spaced drill pattern to as part of a maiden mineral resource estimation and to test down dip and strike extensions to the current drilling.
This article was developed in collaboration with Iltani Resources, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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