High Voltage: Battery storage could power the next lithium boom
Our High Voltage column wraps all the news driving ASX stocks with exposure to lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel, rare earths, and vanadium.
A lot of lithium players abandoned the sector through the price downturn, but a few are standing stoic and strong, timing the development of their projects for a rebound.
Green Technology Metals (ASX:GT1) is one of those companies, confident of a recovery by the time they get the Seymour project in Canada into production in 2027 – when Fastmarkets expect 5.5% spodumene concentrate to be trading at around US$1146/t.
For comparison, investment bank RBC thinks spodumene prices will rise to US$1125/t on a 6% Li2O basis in 2026.
But Arcane Capital Advisors director and co-fund manager YueJer (YJ) Lee thinks it could rebound even sooner, and said he is among the (very) short list of people that think the lithium market will turn around as early as Q4 2025.
“Low battery prices are driving down EV prices and that WILL have an effect on EV penetration rates,” he said.
“This year we will see EVs becoming cheaper than their ICE counterparts in many markets.
“Drivers get lower upfront costs, lower maintenance over the vehicle lifetime, and nearly cost-free driving (and if paired with solar/batteries in the house, literally cost-free.)”
Why will the #lithium market be MUCH bigger than anyone thinks in 2030? Because humans are just innately BAD at forecasting!
1. Solar went EXPONENTIAL vs all linear forecasts.
2. $ALB, Feb 2018 prez, forecast lithium demand “800kt LCE” in 2025. The world hit that in early 2023. pic.twitter.com/AJlmBq9hSx— Energy Transition Investor (@usuallyYJLee) November 1, 2024
That’s just the first tipping point, the second is the growth of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), Lee said.
“This is growing exponentially, far faster than companies and analysts realise,” he said.
“Last year’s BESS market was 160GWh (not including behind-the-meter of another 45GWh), and I expect this year the BESS market to be in the 300GWh range (plus another 80GWh BTM).
“Many forecasters are still calculating 200GWh in the whole storage market.
“The difference here is equal to, or greater than, their entire lithium oversupply.”
He’s not alone in that opinion. Liontown Resources (ASX:LTR) Tony Ottaviano sees energy storage systems as the next big growth area for lithium demand.
“The one that I want to draw out is energy storage systems. If we look at this and seeing … the growth we’ve experienced over the last 12 months and what is being projected, we see this as a tremendous growth engine for demand of lithium units,” he said in the company’s earnings call last week.
“Just to give you a bit of colour, I don’t know how many people have seen the recent CATL prospectus, but they are projecting a significant increase in battery shipments for stationary batteries.
“And if they are accurate in their forecast by the end of the decade, they believe that market will be as big as in terms of lithium carbon equivalents to the EV market today.
“That’s how strong they believe this market will grow.”
Lee says there’s one more element to the recovery scenario, that every other large demand source is not well-covered.
“Each e-bus is 300kWh, each truck 600-800kWh,” he said.
“Even ships and ferries are going electric now (LV Shui 01 has a 50MWh battery!).
“With everything electrifying at a faster rate than before, driven by exceptionally low prices of batteries, I see a positive demand shock that should make lithium investors very happy.”
Among the lithium players holding steady are Arizona Lithium (ASX:AZL) who just launched a $2m share purchase plan (SPP) to advance its 6.3Mt lithium carbonate equivalent Prairie lithium project in Canada as it looks toward phase 1 production.
Future Battery Minerals (ASX:FBM), is advancing the promising Big Red lithium deposit within the Kangaroo Hills project in WA – where recent hits include 29m at 1.36% lithium oxide from 38m and 31m at 1.13% lithium oxide from 86m, including 20m at 1.43% – as they wait for the market to turn.
Then there’s Chariot Corporation (ASX:CC9), who picked up seven exploration licences in WA which lie between the 189Mt Earl Grey Mine, jointly owned by Wesfarmers and SQM – the largest lithium producer in the world – and the Marvel Loch gold mine operated by St Barbara (ASX:SBM) as part of its plan to position itself ahead of the next lithium cycle alongside a host of projects in the United States.
On a similar track is Pursuit Minerals (ASX:PUR) who’ve taken meaningful strides towards becoming a commercial producer at its Rio Grande Sur asset in Argentina’s Salta lithium region within the prolific ‘Lithium Triangle’. A 339% resource increase late last year put Pursuit squarely on the Argentine map, with the company believing it now commands attention from the major miners (and briners) looking for a significant lithium investment.
One of those major briners could be American Salars (CSE:USLI) which is so confident of a price recovery that it is forging ahead with a strategy to pick up brine projects across the Americas – specifically more lithium brine assets in Argentina.
Here’s how a basket of ASX stocks with exposure to lithium, cobalt, graphite, nickel, rare earths, magnesium, manganese and vanadium is performing >>>
Code Company Price % Week % Month % Six Month % Year Market Cap XTC XTC Lithium Limited 0.2 19900% 19900% 19900% 19900% $17,528,272 EGR Ecograf Limited 0.27 74% 125% 178% 52% $111,262,296 AKN Auking Mining Ltd 0.008 60% 60% 14% -56% $4,598,230 TKM Trek Metals Ltd 0.038 58% 46% 12% 9% $19,825,469 PSC Prospect Res Ltd 0.13 44% 40% 35% 63% $65,856,243 SMX Strata Minerals 0.055 41% 67% 90% 72% $13,310,579 BUX Buxton Resources Ltd 0.035 40% 3% -45% -70% $8,669,016 ARU Arafura Rare Earths 0.2075 38% 54% 34% 1% $455,900,808 AQD Ausquest Limited 0.057 36% 33% 489% 435% $67,284,076 AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.008 33% -11% -60% -60% $1,175,518 CDT Castle Minerals 0.002 33% -20% -50% -67% $3,855,646 KGD Kula Gold Limited 0.006 33% 0% -25% -21% $4,606,268 M2R Miramar 0.004 33% 0% -56% -76% $1,597,214 VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.004 33% 14% 0% -20% $22,646,967 VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.12 29% 35% 94% 40% $22,554,799 DEV Devex Resources Ltd 0.089 29% 20% -34% -70% $37,985,398 MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.009 29% 13% 0% -36% $7,594,073 GCM Green Critical Min 0.014 27% -7% 460% 133% $27,463,496 THR Thor Energy PLC 0.014 27% -7% -18% -44% $9,923,058 LRV Larvottoresources 0.965 26% 13% 144% 1385% $393,559,689 PTR Petratherm Ltd 0.32 25% 10% 611% 1500% $101,956,357 CZN Corazon Ltd 0.0025 25% 25% -38% -72% $2,369,145 RAG Ragnar Metals Ltd 0.02 25% 18% 5% 5% $8,531,748 TMB Tambourahmetals 0.035 25% 25% -8% -55% $4,115,652 YAR Yari Minerals Ltd 0.005 25% 0% 67% -29% $2,411,789 SYR Syrah Resources 0.305 24% 27% 36% -44% $328,275,616 SYR Syrah Resources 0.305 24% 27% 36% -44% $328,275,616 RNU Renascor Res Ltd 0.052 24% 0% -41% -37% $119,475,511 COB Cobalt Blue Ltd 0.063 24% 24% -6% -56% $29,884,184 KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.021 24% 0% 62% 50% $52,618,244 MEK Meeka Metals Limited 0.1475 23% 13% 159% 310% $351,493,474 KM1 Kalimetalslimited 0.092 23% -12% -26% -80% $7,068,141 PMT Patriotbatterymetals 0.3175 22% 9% -16% -67% $180,707,626 MLX Metals X Limited 0.64 22% 19% 45% 73% $585,018,415 AZI Altamin Limited 0.028 22% 12% -1% -39% $16,086,081 BKT Black Rock Mining 0.023 21% -26% -57% -74% $32,327,678 CMO Cosmometalslimited 0.018 20% -8% -24% -40% $2,095,886 LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.003 20% 0% 0% 0% $4,887,272 LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.003 20% 0% 0% 0% $4,887,272 MRD Mount Ridley Mines 0.003 20% 0% -70% -85% $2,335,467 TON Triton Min Ltd 0.006 20% -14% -57% -60% $9,410,332 ASL Andean Silver 1.185 20% 0% 4% 270% $187,353,031 LOT Lotus Resources Ltd 0.2025 19% 9% -19% -49% $437,090,609 SRZ Stellar Resources 0.016 19% 0% -3% 7% $34,315,884 AR3 Austrare 0.084 18% -2% 38% -24% $13,355,137 AVL Aust Vanadium Ltd 0.013 18% 0% -13% -24% $112,250,555 AXE Archer Materials 0.3125 18% -11% 42% -26% $77,728,339 CAE Cannindah Resources 0.086 18% 39% 100% 43% $63,342,956 MEI Meteoric Resources 0.0765 18% 3% -21% -67% $181,926,160 NTU Northern Min Ltd 0.02 18% 11% -13% -39% $167,143,116 RXL Rox Resources 0.3275 17% 17% 134% 100% $203,640,922 DM1 Desert Metals 0.022 16% 5% -4% -21% $6,842,232 LTR Liontown Resources 0.7 16% 12% 5% -44% $1,784,189,519 GRE Greentechmetals 0.067 16% -7% -39% -76% $7,289,261 MHK Metalhawk. 0.41 15% 19% 141% 486% $47,250,451 GW1 Greenwing Resources 0.031 15% -18% -34% -61% $7,460,196 NC1 Nicoresourceslimited 0.086 15% 0% -22% -48% $8,865,497 EUR European Lithium Ltd 0.047 15% -2% 18% -29% $67,923,529 CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0.12 14% -14% 64% 140% $93,415,484 DYM Dynamicmetalslimited 0.4 14% 38% 105% 105% $19,633,736 VUL Vulcan Energy 4.83 14% 12% 28% 59% $1,066,116,618 NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.33 14% 5% 106% 25% $104,642,661 PLS Pilbara Min Ltd 1.945 13% -3% -32% -50% $6,435,860,012 WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.017 13% -15% -15% 21% $34,118,473 TOR Torque Met 0.105 13% 5% 5% -30% $28,314,712 ANX Anax Metals Ltd 0.009 13% -10% -57% -59% $7,945,268 GRL Godolphin Resources 0.0135 13% -16% -21% -58% $5,027,381 LEG Legend Mining 0.009 13% -10% -36% -36% $26,185,295 IG6 Internationalgraphit 0.055 12% 0% -24% -69% $10,065,033 IGO IGO Limited 4.285 12% -8% -18% -45% $3,286,542,308 WA1 Wa1Resourcesltd 13.705 12% 7% -8% 17% $914,162,976 ASO Aston Minerals Ltd 0.019 12% 12% 46% 36% $25,901,285 NVX Novonix Limited 0.485 11% -10% -13% -46% $305,299,326 EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.1725 11% 11% 44% 118% $36,924,333 MIN Mineral Resources. 23.47 11% -3% -38% -66% $4,692,864,264 AS2 Askarimetalslimited 0.01 11% -17% -47% -88% $2,717,860 NH3 Nh3Cleanenergyltd 0.02 11% 0% -13% -26% $10,442,491 OD6 Od6Metalsltd 0.031 11% -31% -31% -67% $4,936,618 CHN Chalice Mining Ltd 1.465 11% 1% 0% 34% $577,704,780 RAS Ragusa Minerals Ltd 0.021 11% -9% 40% -30% $2,994,575 STK Strickland Metals 0.087 10% 26% -7% 1% $196,459,912 INF Infinity Lithium 0.022 10% -24% -39% -69% $10,639,618 PGM Platina Resources 0.022 10% 10% 10% 22% $13,709,967 VR8 Vanadium Resources 0.022 10% -15% -50% -46% $12,377,754 LPM Lithium Plus 0.067 10% 12% -39% -57% $8,900,280 BSX Blackstone Ltd 0.068 10% 13% 48% 16% $41,269,159 DVP Develop Global Ltd 3.04 9% 6% 54% 27% $806,733,316 ICL Iceni Gold 0.075 9% -19% 103% 226% $24,322,953 ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.051 9% 24% 21% -49% $18,334,864 AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.013 8% 30% -28% -28% $2,664,698 IXR Ionic Rare Earths 0.0065 8% 8% -19% -64% $34,049,784 PEK Peak Rare Earths Ltd 0.105 8% -16% -46% -43% $36,969,882 PEK Peak Rare Earths Ltd 0.105 8% -16% -46% -43% $36,969,882 KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.082 8% 4% 5% -8% $16,332,694 CXO Core Lithium 0.0795 7% -9% -21% -49% $167,155,212 WC8 Wildcat Resources 0.1825 7% -13% -19% -74% $254,572,376 TVN Tivan Limited 0.088 7% -11% 83% 49% $172,662,107 ETM Energy Transition 0.076 7% 6% 217% 111% $116,265,651 PNT Panthermetalsltd 0.016 7% -6% -33% -40% $4,814,473 E25 Element 25 Ltd 0.25 6% -6% 16% -4% $57,153,100 RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.0085 6% -6% -15% -51% $3,952,141 RR1 Reach Resources Ltd 0.0085 6% -39% -39% -38% $7,432,666 RR1 Reach Resources Ltd 0.0085 6% -39% -39% -38% $7,432,666 A11 Atlantic Lithium 0.175 6% -10% -27% -53% $128,232,253 GL1 Globallith 0.175 6% -13% -8% -68% $45,803,122 LKE Lake Resources 0.035 6% 3% -24% -50% $57,655,943 ABX ABX Group Limited 0.037 6% -5% -10% -44% $9,761,444 1MC Morella Corporation 0.019 6% -5% -37% -75% $6,275,045 EVG Evion Group NL 0.019 6% -16% -17% -10% $8,263,479 LIT Livium Ltd 0.0095 6% -32% -53% -69% $16,785,784 LYC Lynas Rare Earths 7.435 5% 11% 6% 30% $7,159,941,297 FBM Future Battery 0.02 5% 0% 0% -68% $13,307,119 NWC New World Resources 0.021 5% 0% 24% -48% $70,825,634 JMS Jupiter Mines. 0.1625 5% 5% 5% -12% $313,766,682 IPX Iperionx Limited 3.3 5% -27% 15% 65% $1,011,740,402 SCN Scorpion Minerals 0.022 5% -8% 10% -27% $11,481,742 PGD Peregrine Gold 0.13 4% -7% -13% -43% $10,330,316 ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.14 4% -13% 4% -15% $8,752,451 EFE Eastern Resources 0.028 4% -7% -38% -63% $3,530,519 ESR Estrella Res Ltd 0.028 4% -10% 300% 600% $59,506,169 KNI Kunikolimited 0.14 4% -7% -22% -47% $12,147,698 SLM Solismineralsltd 0.084 4% -16% -11% -13% $8,304,959 INR Ioneer Ltd 0.16 3% -3% -14% 0% $400,464,328 ILU Iluka Resources 4.19 3% -8% -31% -43% $1,821,458,780 EMN Euromanganese 0.037 3% -24% -29% -60% $7,483,108 PUR Pursuit Minerals 0.075 3% 0% -25% -70% $6,192,547 ASM Ausstratmaterials 0.38 3% -16% -28% -62% $68,909,459 CTM Centaurus Metals Ltd 0.38 3% -3% -8% 27% $191,229,967 BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.042 2% 11% -2% -36% $12,478,566 FGR First Graphene Ltd 0.043 2% -26% -10% -25% $34,438,878 FLG Flagship Min Ltd 0.045 2% 18% -33% -72% $9,161,740 VHM Vhmlimited 0.275 2% -10% -51% -47% $60,801,987 FTL Firetail Resources 0.061 2% -14% -36% 42% $22,801,679 OMH OM Holdings Limited 0.32 2% -4% -11% -22% $245,202,176 TLG Talga Group Ltd 0.43 1% -10% 4% -47% $189,092,745 BHP BHP Group Limited 39.13 0% -5% -3% -10% $200,723,530,997 A8G Australasian Metals 0.075 0% 9% -32% 6% $4,341,729 ADD Adavale Resource Ltd 0.002 0% -20% -20% -60% $4,574,558 AGY Argosy Minerals Ltd 0.022 0% -10% -49% -86% $32,030,261 ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.007 0% -22% 17% -13% $8,246,534 AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.02 0% -5% -46% -71% $2,347,669 AML Aeon Metals Ltd. 0.005 0% 0% 0% -29% $5,482,003 AOA Ausmon Resorces 0.002 0% 0% -33% 0% $2,179,455 ARR American Rare Earths 0.28 0% -13% 4% -2% $139,541,407 ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.0025 0% 0% -50% -50% $7,119,380 ATM Aneka Tambang 0.995 0% 0% -3% -10% $1,297,131 AUZ Australian Mines Ltd 0.009 0% -10% 20% -31% $12,586,609 AXN Alliance Nickel Ltd 0.032 0% -15% -9% -20% $23,226,868 BOA BOA Resources Ltd 0.017 0% -23% -29% -29% $2,096,998 BUR Burleyminerals 0.058 0% 18% -16% -3% $8,721,515 CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% -98% $1,544,026 CMX Chemxmaterials 0.026 0% 0% -28% -48% $3,354,580 CNB Carnaby Resource Ltd 0.29 0% -24% -23% -48% $66,232,769 CNJ Conico Ltd 0.007 0% -13% -65% -72% $1,662,411 CRI Criticalim 0.016 0% -20% 23% -20% $45,703,626 CRR Critical Resources 0.0045 0% -10% -59% -74% $7,392,664 CTN Catalina Resources 0.003 0% 0% 0% -25% $4,548,786 DLI Delta Lithium 0.17 0% -3% -19% -47% $118,229,396 DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.0155 0% 29% 3% -9% $66,547,200 EMH European Metals Hldg 0.18 0% 38% 16% -44% $35,265,600 EMS Eastern Metals 0.01 0% -9% -58% -66% $1,023,086 ENT Enterprise Metals 0.003 0% 50% -25% 0% $2,945,793 EV1 Evolutionenergy 0.016 0% 14% -33% -85% $5,802,408 EVR Ev Resources Ltd 0.0045 0% -18% -2% -55% $8,936,265 FIN FIN Resources Ltd 0.006 0% 0% 20% -68% $3,895,612 G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.009 0% -25% 0% -18% $4,898,231 GAL Galileo Mining Ltd 0.13 0% -10% -21% -46% $25,691,241 GED Golden Deeps 0.021 0% -9% -46% -51% $3,234,469 GLN Galan Lithium Ltd 0.11 0% -8% 5% -70% $87,602,477 GSM Golden State Mining 0.009 0% 0% -18% -10% $2,514,336 HAW Hawthorn Resources 0.043 0% -2% -28% -39% $14,405,671 IDA Indiana Resources 0.077 0% 4% 49% 77% $49,490,399 IMI Infinitymining 0.014 0% 56% 0% -83% $5,922,221 IPT Impact Minerals 0.006 0% -29% -51% -58% $20,131,850 JRV Jervois Global Ltd 0.011 0% 0% 0% -54% $29,730,402 KNG Kingsland Minerals 0.125 0% 4% -26% -51% $9,070,114 KOR Korab Resources 0.008 0% 0% 0% -20% $2,936,400 KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.009 0% 0% -25% -10% $5,311,206 LEL Lithenergy 0.37 0% 0% 19% -36% $41,440,581 LIN Lindian Resources 0.096 0% -4% -20% -23% $110,704,535 LLL Leolithiumlimited 0.332997 0% 0% 0% 0% $401,204,047 LMG Latrobe Magnesium 0.014 0% -13% -53% -71% $32,879,523 LPD Lepidico Ltd 0.002 0% 0% -33% -58% $17,178,371 LSR Lodestar Minerals 0.012 0% 0% -40% -50% $2,527,404 LTM Arcadium Lithium PLC 9.33 0% 2% 161% 37% $1,994,929,982 MAN Mandrake Res Ltd 0.019 0% -14% -27% -50% $11,917,938 MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.018 0% -10% -10% -64% $4,228,180 MLS Metals Australia 0.02 0% -5% -17% -9% $14,574,390 MNS Magnis Energy Tech 0.042 0% 0% 0% 0% $50,378,922 MRC Mineral Commodities 0.026 0% 0% 0% 8% $25,596,288 MTM MTM Critical Metals 0.15 0% -17% 100% 100% $68,749,937 NMT Neometals Ltd 0.067 0% -11% -25% -52% $50,012,630 OM1 Omnia Metals Group 0.078 0% 0% 0% 0% $5,233,153 PBL Parabellumresources 0.04 0% -22% -29% -26% $2,492,000 PRL Province Resources 0.041 0% 0% 0% 0% $48,441,219 PVT Pivotal Metals Ltd 0.007 0% 0% -50% -50% $6,350,581 PVW PVW Res Ltd 0.015 0% 25% -29% -40% $2,983,572 QPM QPM Energy Limited 0.048 0% -21% 45% 12% $115,978,684 QXR Qx Resources Limited 0.004 0% 0% -33% -75% $5,240,311 REE Rarex Limited 0.008 0% -20% -33% -50% $7,207,613 RIL Redivium Limited 0.004 0% 0% -20% 33% $13,609,422 RLC Reedy Lagoon Corp. 0.002 0% -33% 0% -50% $1,553,413 S32 South32 Limited 3.58 0% -2% 12% 15% $16,305,215,789 SBR Sabre Resources 0.008 0% -11% -43% -56% $3,143,695 SLZ Sultan Resources Ltd 0.007 0% -13% 17% -46% $1,620,289 SRI Sipa Resources Ltd 0.011 0% -8% -27% -42% $4,580,382 SRN Surefire Rescs NL 0.003 0% -14% -50% -70% $7,248,923 STM Sunstone Metals Ltd 0.006 0% 0% 20% -45% $25,750,018 TEM Tempest Minerals 0.005 0% -17% -52% -42% $3,172,649 TKL Traka Resources 0.001 0% 0% -33% -50% $2,125,790 TMX Terrain Minerals 0.004 0% 0% 33% -11% $8,014,226 WIN WIN Metals 0.018 0% -5% -51% -66% $10,451,104 WKT Walkabout Resources 0.095 0% 0% -10% -17% $63,769,838 WMG Western Mines 0.1 0% -23% -59% -39% $9,035,334 WR1 Winsome Resources 0.27 0% -16% -45% -71% $68,290,166 EG1 Evergreenlithium 0.08 -1% 0% 100% -16% $4,498,400 LLI Loyal Lithium Ltd 0.077 -1% -8% -41% -74% $7,756,446 ARN Aldoro Resources 0.305 -2% -9% 277% 291% $55,884,838 QEM QEM Limited 0.061 -2% -5% -51% -60% $11,640,855 CWX Carawine Resources 0.098 -2% -2% 7% -7% $23,140,294 ITM Itech Minerals Ltd 0.046 -2% -8% -30% -40% $7,858,428 PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc 0.1125 -2% -10% 2% -39% $71,513,647 BC8 Black Cat Syndicate 0.835 -2% 4% 129% 318% $478,872,596 SYA Sayona Mining Ltd 0.0205 -2% -11% -27% -49% $242,409,216 VTM Victory Metals Ltd 0.4 -2% -2% -17% 45% $43,401,086 L1M Lightning Minerals 0.071 -3% -8% 4% 8% $7,336,311 HAS Hastings Tech Met 0.31 -3% 0% 11% -47% $56,229,702 KOB Kobaresourceslimited 0.058 -3% -3% -42% -50% $9,196,574 NIC Nickel Industries 0.6325 -3% -18% -24% -21% $2,702,580,224 CHR Charger Metals 0.048 -4% -23% -45% -62% $3,096,810 FRB Firebird Metals 0.096 -4% 3% -9% -22% $13,666,694 OCN Oceanalithiumlimited 0.024 -4% -20% -30% -55% $3,299,913 GBR Greatbould Resources 0.07 -4% 9% 46% 17% $52,757,473 BM8 Battery Age Minerals 0.06 -5% -25% -52% -52% $7,386,113 JLL Jindalee Lithium Ltd 0.2 -5% 3% -17% -74% $14,350,411 PAT Patriot Lithium 0.04 -5% -9% 14% -47% $5,056,719 SGQ St George Min Ltd 0.019 -5% -50% -37% -10% $50,688,626 PNN Power Minerals Ltd 0.071 -5% -10% -25% -62% $7,969,841 PFE Pantera Lithium 0.017 -6% -11% -26% -56% $7,580,539 BMM Bayanminingandmin 0.046 -6% -4% 0% -30% $4,520,904 HRE Heavy Rare Earths 0.023 -6% -15% -23% -42% $4,784,779 BCA Black Canyon Limited 0.061 -6% -16% 9% -39% $6,471,126 CLA Celsius Resource Ltd 0.0075 -6% -32% -38% -50% $21,353,908 SRL Sunrise 0.225 -6% -18% -49% -52% $20,752,325 FRS Forrestaniaresources 0.027 -7% 50% 125% 50% $7,086,270 1AE Auroraenergymetals 0.04 -7% -11% 0% -65% $8,415,996 M24 Mamba Exploration 0.013 -7% -7% -7% -48% $3,837,153 S2R S2 Resources 0.06 -8% -12% -28% -52% $28,077,196 RBX Resource B 0.033 -8% 10% -3% -27% $3,801,088 DTM Dart Mining NL 0.005 -9% -17% -67% -64% $3,438,820 FG1 Flynngold 0.02 -9% -26% -31% -49% $7,066,868 LCY Legacy Iron Ore 0.01 -9% 0% -20% -26% $97,620,426 LML Lincoln Minerals 0.005 -9% -17% -17% 0% $10,281,298 NWM Norwest Minerals 0.01 -9% -29% -44% -60% $4,851,195 ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 0.41 -10% -8% 0% -45% $86,862,068 MQR Marquee Resource Ltd 0.009 -10% -18% -50% -55% $4,854,805 ASN Anson Resources Ltd 0.051 -11% -23% -42% -45% $72,110,300 SUM Summitminerals 0.057 -11% -42% -79% -7% $5,053,423 KFM Kingfisher Mining 0.048 -11% -4% -29% -45% $2,578,320 RGL Riversgold 0.004 -11% -20% -20% -50% $6,734,850 TAR Taruga Minerals 0.008 -11% -20% 0% 0% $6,354,241 LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd 0.11 -12% -19% 29% 28% $6,896,038 LU7 Lithium Universe Ltd 0.007 -13% -30% -30% -63% $6,287,837 RVT Richmond Vanadium 0.14 -13% 8% -54% -54% $32,165,833 RON Roninresourcesltd 0.165 -15% -6% 57% 57% $6,661,877 ODE Odessa Minerals Ltd 0.005 -17% -29% 100% 0% $7,997,663 WC1 Westcobarmetals 0.015 -17% -38% -46% -67% $2,687,348 ENV Enova Mining Limited 0.0065 -19% -28% -28% -78% $7,383,862 BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.004 -20% 0% -20% -64% $2,507,203 MOH Moho Resources 0.004 -20% 0% -33% -33% $2,865,898 VML Vital Metals Limited 0.002 -20% 0% -20% -50% $17,685,201 REC Rechargemetals 0.014 -22% -26% -42% -75% $3,590,860 AX8 Accelerate Resources 0.006 -25% -40% -40% -82% $5,227,278 EMT Emetals Limited 0.003 -25% -40% -25% -40% $2,550,000 WSR Westar Resources 0.006 -25% -45% -33% -47% $3,588,523 AZL Arizona Lithium Ltd 0.0065 -28% -35% -57% -77% $31,932,702 GT1 Greentechnology 0.04 -31% -20% -55% -73% $15,550,084 OB1 Orbminco Limited 0.001 -40% -20% -52% -70% $2,166,590 CAI Calidus Resources 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $93,678,206 LRS Latin Resources Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $477,661,711 POS Poseidon Nick Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% $23,380,727
Ecograf (ASX:EGR) has completed its environmental and social programs for the Epanko graphite project in Tanzania, which are a key requirement of the financing process for the project.
Key environmental programs include biodiversity surveys and critical habitat assessments; surface and hydrogeological modelling; tailings storage facility evaluation, design and expansion planning; development of a conceptual mine closure plan.
Social and commodity programs include: surveying of households and landholdings to generate updated social data and compensation arrangements; establishment of resettlement working groups; confirmation and valuation of potential resettlement areas proposed by villagers; and community health, human rights, social and labour planning assessments.
And on the larger end of town, Arafura Rare Earths (ASX:ARU) has signed a binding deal with Traxys Europe to supply up to 300 tonnes per year of NdPr oxide from the Nolans Project over five years.
The deal will help Arafura hit its target of securing 80% of planned production under binding agreements. Traxys will market the NdPr globally, helping to diversify the supply chain and manage delivery schedules.
The deal is subject to Arafura completing Nolans’ construction and starting commercial production.
At Stockhead, we tell it like it is. While Arizona Lithium, Future Battery Minerals, Chariot Corporation, Pursuit Minerals, Green Technology Metals, and American Salars Lithium are Stockhead advertisers, they did not sponsor this article.