Heavy Rare Earths gets the ball rolling with 10,000m of drilling at Cowalinya
Special Report: Newly listed Heavy Rare Earths has boots on the ground at its clay-hosted rare earths project in WA’s Norseman-Esperance region where drilling is targeting the expansion of the Cowalinya resource.
Back in 2021, the company completed a program of 3,098 metres of air core drilling in 109 vertical holes in the southeastern part of the tenement where rare earth grades exceeded 1000ppm TREO.
With only 1% of the area drilled to date, inferred resources currently sit around 28Mt at 625ppm TREO using a cut-off grade of 300ppm TREO-CeO2.
This latest drill program comprises 10,000m of air core drilling in 330 holes to the immediate west and southeast of the Cowalinya South resource, containing 75% of the project’s resource inventory.
Subject to delineating the necessary continuity to rare earth mineralisation in saprolite, this drilling density is designed to deliver inferred resources on an additional 11.5% of the area of the tenement.
Heavy Rare Earths (ASX:HRE) says drilling will be completed in December with samples to be dispatched on a fortnightly basis from Esperance to LabWest Minerals Analysis in Perth for sample preparation and assay by Lithium Borate Fusion/ICP-MS.
Assay turnaround will take roughly six weeks from receipt of samples at the lab.
A second phase of the program involves drilling of up to 4,500m along existing access tracks to explore the central and western parts of the tenement for rare earth mineralisation.
These holes will be drilled on 400m centres immediately after cultural heritage surveys are completed along these drill traverses in the latter part of October.
This article was developed in collaboration with Heavy Rare Earths, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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