• DHEM survey spots a large >400m x ~50-100m conductor plate at Shelby target
  • Conductor target may represent a new deeper discrete mineralised horizon
  • Potential follow-up drill program planned to further test Shelby target


Special Report: GreenTech Metals has identified a large conductor plate at the Shelby target at its Whundo copper-zinc project in the Pilbara.

The conductor was identified by a Down Hole Electromagnetic (DHEM) survey conducted on the first of three drill holes from an initial campaign targeting copper and zinc at the Austin, Shelby and Ayshia targets within the Whundo project.

GreenTech Metals (ASX:GRE) says the conductor target may represent a new deeper discrete mineralised horizon, with Shelby drilling previously demonstrating the potential for both thickness and high grade and could potentially add significantly to the combined Whundo resources.

The assay results from drill samples along with DHEM survey results at Austin and Ayshia will be reported when they are received and interpreted.


GreenTech, Metals, ASX, GRE, Copper, Shelby, Target, Whundo
Pic: Shelby section showing conductor plates and drill holes. Source: GRE


Potential to increase copper resources

“We are very excited to see such a large conductor materialise at depth at our Shelby target,” GRE executive director Tom Reddicliffe said.

“This is exactly the scale of anomaly that we are targeting at Whundo which has the potential to significantly increase our copper resources.

“Although our drill hole fell short of this target, the drill hole has proved perfect for using DHEM to search the deeper reaches of Shelby.

“Importantly, the conductive response was 15,000 siemens which is significantly greater than previous responses of known mineralisation intersected by drilling at Shelby.

“As the target represents the down dip extension to a previously drilled mineralised zone, we are keen to get a follow-up drill program underway to test this target at depth.”

Once all results are received and interpreted, a follow-up drill program will be planned and implemented.



This article was developed in collaboration with GreenTech Metals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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