• As it hits a 13-year high, silver bulls online are trying to arrange a new silver squeeze
  • But experts warn it’s prudent to be sceptical about co-ordinated short squeezes
  • More moderate forecasters continue to be constructive on silver prices

Folk on the internet are calling for a new silver squeeze, branding March 31 as “BUY SILVER DAY”, promoting a buy up to break the so-called “price manipulation” of major financial institutions they claim suppresses the internet’s favourite metal.

One has even written a fictional anticipatory history predicting a breakdown of the world order in just days as silver hits US$1000/oz by mid-April.

In this Cormac McCarthy-esque rendering of reality, the balance of power shifts from the JPMorgans of this world to the silver stackers.

The bullion banks are husks; two have fallen, the rest cling to lifelines that might not hold. Governments raid vaults, but apes are way swifter – silver slips into private hands like a secret too big to keep. I’ve sold a few ounces to prop up a friend’s pub – loyalty cuts through the chaos – but the rest I grip tight. This isn’t just wealth; it’s a weapon. The banks ruled us; now they’re dust. 

Christ, it’s freaking wild. Give it a read in case you missed your last microdose of LSD.

*This is not a vision of the future shared by Stockhead


WTF is Buy Silver Day?

#silversqueeze has been a popular community and catch phrase for precious metals investors for years on reddit and Twitter (now Elon Musk’s X).

In short, they think the metal’s price, in the doldrums for years, has been manipulated by large banks which have placed shorts on the commodity – effectively bets that allow them to profit when the price goes down.

Silver stackers claim to be accumulating the precious metal, around half of which is used in industrial applications largely thanks to a surge in solar PV production, in the hope it breaks out.

The commodity has followed its shinier cousin gold higher in the past year as investor sentiment has shifted in favour of safe haven metals. At US$33.76/oz on Wednesday, silver sat near decade long highs, but at a ratio of a 90:1 discount to the gold price, well above the 35:1 ratio seen in the last silver bull run in 2011.


Pic: Gold/Silver.com


But it’s gathering fresh steam on the internet of weird things ahead of March 31, which an X user called SqueakyMouse has branded as Buy Silver Day, dovetailing with the launch of a new Silver Squeeze community to coordinate a run on physical silver in an attempt to outmanouevre the banks.

It all evokes memories of March 27, 1980 – 45 years ago yesterday – when oil barons the Hunt brothers tried and failed to corner the silver market, sending prices surging to US$50/oz (~US$180/oz adjusted for inflation) before losing big when the price collapsed and they faced a margin call.

Buy Silver Day’s facade is counter-cultural, but it’s also got a thick veneer of marketing that welcomes a sceptic’s perspective.


Experts say, be cautious

Experts say it’s important not to be sucked into the Robin Hood tropes used by promoters of short squeezes, who often stand to benefit from whipping retail investors into a frenzy.

Noah Rule’s Sean Russo, who advises companies on hedging and project finance, is long silver because the trend is positive. But he says he’s longer on gold and warned “you don’t need to believe in a conspiracy to be positive about having silver in your portfolio.”

He cautioned that movements like “Buy Silver Day” create a “sense of urgency because they want you to act”.

Instead, people should invest in assets sensibly with a long term strategy in mind. The history of past sharp silver spikes – 1980, 2010-11 and 2021 – was that they retraced as buyers piled in.

“Every parabolic market ends the same way, it retraces 80%. Unless you’re in and out very quickly you’re going to be a spotter for that run,” he said.


Wall Street Bets

The original ‘silver squeeze’ of the Covid era came when a push from reddit forum Wall Street Bets led a sharp lift in silver prices in January 2021, a follow on from other anti-establishment, anti-short movements carried out through the community like the GameStop run.

It was short-lived and prices had collapsed under US$20 by mid-2022.

Russo says a lot of that comes down to India. While the run to US$28/oz in January 2021 was modest compared to today’s US dollar silver price, in Rupee terms it was a record.

Silver stocks may not all be recorded in official ledgers, but they are plentiful. When prices surge, the temptation to melt down silverware for profit or sell to trade up to gold is strong.

Indian market participants sold into the domestic record price, levels which have been hit again in India in this year’s run.

“During Covid, the Reddit crowd, convinced the banksters were short silver, tried to ramp #silvertothemoon but got it to 28 USD/oz. On the other side of the world, that buying was presenting Indians, that were not getting government stimmy checks, with local silver prices around all-time record highs of 2000 INR/oz,” Russo reminded clients in a note last April.

“Ironically, perhaps the reason silver is not rising is because retail in the US (including the Reddit crowd), is happy to sell because they are finally back at break even after 3 years. There are plenty of stories of dis-hoarding and retail sales in the US. Might silver go to the moon and leave many of them behind in Mom and Pop’s basement?” he added elsewhere in the note at the time.

Some large investors have spread extraordinarily bullish silver cases. Eric Sprott, the billionaire founder of the asset manager named after him which runs a prominent silver ETF, recently told Kitco at the PDAC conference he could see the logic in arguments silver could get to US$250 or US$500/oz (well above even the inflation adjusted highs of the Hunt Brothers squeeze), repeating an argument that the silver:gold ratio could go to 15:1, closer to their proportional production rates.

In that scenario gold could get to US$8000-10,000/oz. A boy can dream.

Many mainstream analysts are also long silver, but are substantially more moderate in their projections.


Long silver

Capital Economics revised its target this year to an “above consensus” US$35/oz for 2025, upping 2026 levels to US$38/oz.

Melbourne fund manager Roscoe Widdup’s T8 Capital, which holds positions in silver equities in both its gold and energy vision portfolios, last year suggested in a note it could run to US$50/oz within 1-2 years, a forecast Widdup said remains in tact.

But its logic is far more fundamental than conspiratorial, centred on the presence of large deficits and growing demand from a dramatic expansion in Chinese solar PV production.

While the silver market isn’t as liquid as gold – Widdup estimates it would around a tenth of the size of the US$230bn a day gold market – he said its scale made it relatively efficient in enabling price discovery compared to equities and the retail market. Squeezes are more likely to occur in silver than gold, given the smaller size of the market and the access of retail investors to physical-backed ETFs, Widdup noted.

But that doesn’t mean a price spike will persist.

“If you get a spike, it will only be a spike for a short time because at some point supply which is not mine supply will enter the market,” Widdup said.

Nor is there evidence of institutional price manipulation.

Russo says many short positions are being held to hedge against positions elsewhere.

“That’s just beyond most of their understanding and some guy who runs a silver thing that sells silver coins at a premium whips them up into a fever that they’re going to stick it to the man, they’re going to be like a guy in the Big Short,” he said of Reddit led silver squeeze marketing.

Average breakeven points for pure silver miners, most of them Canadian listed, were around US$27/oz in 2024, though a large portion of primary silver supply comes as a by-product of gold, copper and base metals mining.

Silver moved beyond US$34/oz on Thursday night, trading around 13 year highs, while gold surged in the direction of US$3060/oz, hitting a new record after markets digested Donald Trump’s declaration of 25% tariffs on foreign made autos.

Trump recently couched some of his language on the April 2 reciprocal tariffs, as he looked to arrest market negativity that has pulled US stocks from record highs and lit up recession fears for the world’s largest economy.

Still, safe haven buying and central bank purchasing has powered unprecedented demand for bullion.

Winners & Losers

Here’s how ASX-listed precious metals stocks are performing:

MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.008 0% 0% 0% -41% 14% $ 8,678,940.02
NPM Newpeak Metals 0.014 -7% 0% -7% 43% 27% $ 4,186,932.50
ASO Aston Minerals Ltd 0.019 0% 12% 36% 46% 111% $ 24,606,221.11
MTC Metalstech Ltd 0.11 0% -15% -33% -29% -21% $ 22,717,040.55
GED Golden Deeps 0.0195 -7% -19% -49% -60% -22% $ 2,926,424.63
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.009 0% -18% -10% -25% 0% $ 4,898,230.70
LAT Latitude 66 Limited 0.07 8% -5% -48% -65% 84% $ 9,321,045.83
NMR Native Mineral Res 0.087 13% 16% 314% 263% 123% $ 62,370,500.50
AQX Alice Queen Ltd 0.0055 -15% -31% -31% 10% -31% $ 6,307,895.37
SLZ Sultan Resources Ltd 0.008 14% -11% 33% -33% 33% $ 1,851,759.28
KSN Kingston Resources 0.09 7% 15% 5% 4% 27% $ 72,332,031.46
AMI Aurelia Metals Ltd 0.255 0% 21% 50% 70% 50% $ 431,606,023.20
GIB Gibb River Diamonds 0.0385 -8% 10% -4% 48% -4% $ 7,936,849.47
KCN Kingsgate Consolid. 1.535 3% 15% 11% 32% 19% $ 382,761,262.62
TMX Terrain Minerals 0.003 -25% -25% -25% -25% 0% $ 6,010,669.80
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.042 0% -7% -13% -33% 8% $ 12,038,146.24
NXM Nexus Minerals Ltd 0.07 -4% 9% 52% 46% 56% $ 35,139,263.54
SKY SKY Metals Ltd 0.051 2% -4% 28% 55% -6% $ 35,535,158.30
LM8 Lunnonmetalslimited 0.22 5% 5% 38% -20% -12% $ 47,435,057.41
CST Castile Resources 0.073 -4% 18% -4% 3% -9% $ 22,319,646.34
YRL Yandal Resources 0.15 0% -19% 67% 67% -14% $ 49,477,597.12
FAU First Au Ltd 0.002 -20% 0% 0% 0% 0% $ 5,179,983.19
ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 0.435 5% -6% 7% -40% 32% $ 83,866,824.30
GWR GWR Group Ltd 0.083 -10% -13% -1% -17% 4% $ 26,660,982.37
IVR Investigator Res Ltd 0.025 4% 9% -31% -39% 25% $ 36,544,230.20
GTR Gti Energy Ltd 0.003 20% 0% -33% -57% -14% $ 8,996,848.99
IPT Impact Minerals 0.006 0% -29% -53% -55% -36% $ 18,583,246.55
BNZ Benzmining 0.39 0% -7% 105% 179% 13% $ 49,094,405.52
MOH Moho Resources 0.004 33% 0% -43% -20% -20% $ 2,923,498.30
BCM Brazilian Critical 0.008 0% -20% -33% -62% -11% $ 8,503,668.70
PUA Peak Minerals Ltd 0.011 10% 10% 467% 356% 42% $ 33,687,855.48
MRZ Mont Royal Resources 0.041 0% 0% -23% -41% -5% $ 3,486,221.51
SMS Starmineralslimited 0.03 11% 0% -36% -13% -17% $ 3,946,972.98
MVL Marvel Gold Limited 0.012 20% 9% 9% 20% 33% $ 11,877,122.17
PRX Prodigy Gold NL 0.002 0% 0% 0% -44% 0% $ 6,350,111.10
AAU Antilles Gold Ltd 0.004 -11% -20% 0% -80% 33% $ 8,481,504.23
CWX Carawine Resources 0.099 -6% 3% 5% -8% -1% $ 23,376,419.45
RND Rand Mining Ltd 1.765 7% 4% -1% 29% 17% $ 100,386,071.17
CAZ Cazaly Resources 0.015 7% 0% 0% -21% 7% $ 6,919,544.87
BMR Ballymore Resources 0.125 -7% 14% -11% 0% 4% $ 22,091,323.13
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.013 -19% -24% -19% -24% 8% $ 62,388,000.00
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.052 2% 24% 21% -43% 30% $ 21,186,953.94
REZ Resourc & En Grp Ltd 0.019 -14% -27% -24% 58% -17% $ 13,432,782.44
LEX Lefroy Exploration 0.085 -8% -6% 12% -13% 21% $ 21,115,711.73
ERM Emmerson Resources 0.15 15% 25% 233% 206% 95% $ 88,986,643.06
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.02 0% 0% -43% -71% 5% $ 2,347,668.66
ADT Adriatic Metals 4.62 2% 8% 29% 16% 18% $ 1,397,280,617.60
AS1 Asara Resources Ltd 0.041 21% 21% 173% 356% 116% $ 44,047,113.92
CYL Catalyst Metals 5.51 20% 31% 98% 754% 114% $ 1,215,888,306.72
CHN Chalice Mining Ltd 1.21 -17% -21% -19% 20% 10% $ 517,405,628.04
KAL Kalgoorliegoldmining 0.07 11% 3% 192% 192% 289% $ 24,984,059.40
MLS Metals Australia 0.021 5% 5% -13% -9% -9% $ 13,845,670.96
ADN Andromeda Metals Ltd 0.008 14% 14% 0% -65% 14% $ 24,001,093.82
MEI Meteoric Resources 0.07 -5% 0% -39% -71% -18% $ 158,906,669.18
SRN Surefire Rescs NL 0.003 -14% 0% -57% -73% -14% $ 7,248,923.44
WA8 Warriedarresourltd 0.064 0% 36% 5% 45% 45% $ 59,252,284.56
HMX Hammer Metals Ltd 0.028 -10% -10% -24% -24% -15% $ 25,745,002.30
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.017 -6% -6% -11% 13% 6% $ 32,223,002.72
AVM Advance Metals Ltd 0.048 0% 9% 100% 37% 41% $ 9,343,702.48
ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.0035 17% 17% -30% -30% 17% $ 8,305,943.90
ARI Arika Resources 0.021 0% -43% -28% 5% -22% $ 13,620,435.72
CTO Citigold Corp Ltd 0.004 0% 14% 33% 0% 0% $ 12,000,000.00
SMI Santana Minerals Ltd 0.59 0% 4% -24% 43% 22% $ 411,949,644.75
M2R Miramar 0.004 0% 33% -43% -76% 33% $ 1,825,387.11
MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.018 0% -10% -40% -57% -5% $ 4,228,180.16
GRL Godolphin Resources 0.012 -14% -25% -8% -67% -17% $ 4,309,183.80
SVG Savannah Goldfields 0.017 21% 6% -7% -25% -7% $ 10,906,809.66
EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.17 0% -3% 36% 113% 26% $ 38,043,252.12
GUL Gullewa Limited 0.048 -13% -14% -26% -13% -14% $ 10,465,064.26
CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0.11 -8% -12% 38% 112% 10% $ 89,169,325.46
G50 G50Corp Ltd 0.15 0% 11% -14% 11% -3% $ 23,286,660.56
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.14 0% -7% 0% -15% 4% $ 8,127,275.78
AAR Astral Resources NL 0.16 0% 19% 52% 167% 19% $ 220,421,744.00
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.11 5% 39% 80% 0% 64% $ 21,574,155.13
NAE New Age Exploration 0.005 11% 25% -17% 25% 43% $ 11,967,295.10
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.007 -22% -13% 0% -30% -13% $ 10,625,178.56
LCL LCL Resources Ltd 0.008 14% -11% -20% -33% -20% $ 8,363,688.95
MTH Mithril Silver Gold 0.425 6% 27% -30% 113% 6% $ 56,847,773.58
ADG Adelong Gold Limited 0.005 -9% -17% 25% 25% 11% $ 6,987,430.99
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.008 -11% -11% -20% -54% -11% $ 3,719,662.37
PRS Prospech Limited 0.023 0% -15% -36% -45% -21% $ 7,562,995.40
TTM Titan Minerals 0.445 7% 2% 1% 59% 17% $ 109,237,934.82
AKA Aureka Limited 0.155 0% 3% -98% -98% 15% $ 16,901,757.84
AAM Aumegametals 0.043 -7% 8% -4% -4% 2% $ 25,372,747.76
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.08 -1% 3% 1% -14% 8% $ 16,332,694.33
BCN Beacon Minerals 0.027 4% 8% 17% 17% 23% $ 111,998,651.09
MAU Magnetic Resources 1.505 0% 11% 10% 56% 36% $ 392,138,890.50
BC8 Black Cat Syndicate 0.94 12% 10% 104% 370% 66% $ 525,629,474.30
EM2 Eagle Mountain 0.006 20% -25% -87% -87% -33% $ 6,810,223.73
EMR Emerald Res NL 3.82 -8% -4% -5% 31% 18% $ 2,484,518,090.04
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.004 0% 0% 0% -64% 33% $ 2,507,202.91
HCH Hot Chili Ltd 0.66 -3% -11% -22% -38% -6% $ 107,633,265.79
WAF West African Res Ltd 2.39 4% 36% 34% 104% 67% $ 2,610,088,972.76
MEU Marmota Limited 0.042 -11% -19% 15% -5% 8% $ 49,488,843.18
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.295 -9% 2% 119% 18% -20% $ 99,812,999.27
SVL Silver Mines Limited 0.11 5% 36% 17% -33% 41% $ 177,977,539.20
PGD Peregrine Gold 0.19 27% 65% -5% -10% 36% $ 13,906,194.75
ICL Iceni Gold 0.078 -1% -3% 100% 225% 10% $ 24,322,952.84
FG1 Flynngold 0.026 18% 0% -16% -42% 4% $ 8,030,531.75
WWI West Wits Mining Ltd 0.018 -5% 0% 29% 20% 29% $ 49,877,217.74
RML Resolution Minerals 0.0095 0% 19% -41% -53% -21% $ 4,723,899.88
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.011 -15% 10% -35% -35% -8% $ 2,442,639.89
HWK Hawk Resources. 0.023 0% -8% -23% -48% 5% $ 6,231,377.33
GMN Gold Mountain Ltd 0.002 0% 0% -33% -50% -33% $ 9,158,446.37
MEG Megado Minerals Ltd 0.015 25% 0% -2% 57% -12% $ 6,295,248.93
HMG Hamelingoldlimited 0.078 0% 42% 15% 8% 22% $ 12,648,000.00
BM8 Battery Age Minerals 0.064 7% -4% -39% -39% -39% $ 7,505,243.36
TBR Tribune Res Ltd 4.6 -3% -5% -7% 24% 7% $ 241,877,834.97
FML Focus Minerals Ltd 0.205 -2% 3% 52% 11% 21% $ 58,744,522.23
VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.005 25% 25% 25% -9% 67% $ 21,081,500.92
ARV Artemis Resources 0.009 13% 13% -31% -47% 13% $ 22,756,763.77
HRN Horizon Gold Ltd 0.4175 1% 3% 13% 61% -13% $ 61,556,967.28
CLA Celsius Resource Ltd 0.007 -13% -36% -42% -50% -36% $ 20,352,998.40
QML Qmines Limited 0.045 2% 2% -53% -36% -17% $ 18,871,726.98
RDN Raiden Resources Ltd 0.0055 10% 10% -88% -77% -50% $ 18,979,902.93
TCG Turaco Gold Limited 0.395 10% 16% 22% 132% 55% $ 315,833,511.35
KCC Kincora Copper 0.023 -8% -15% -47% -45% -15% $ 5,302,345.82
GBZ GBM Rsources Ltd 0.008 0% 14% -11% -11% 0% $ 9,368,559.82
DTM Dart Mining NL 0.005 0% 0% -71% -68% -44% $ 3,438,819.57
MKR Manuka Resources. 0.026 -19% -10% -26% -66% -7% $ 21,890,727.06
AUC Ausgold Limited 0.56 3% 24% 12% 75% 33% $ 196,138,141.10
ANX Anax Metals Ltd 0.008 -11% -16% -67% -62% -33% $ 7,062,460.54
EMU EMU NL 0.035 21% 13% 52% 27% 30% $ 5,420,839.45
SFM Santa Fe Minerals 0.04 -2% -2% 14% -11% 29% $ 2,912,751.56
SSR SSR Mining Inc. 17.7 1% 5% 101% 188% 62% $ 60,070,248.00
PNR Pantoro Limited 0.165 0% 18% 43% 170% 83% $ 1,086,410,097.47
CMM Capricorn Metals 8.15 -1% 3% 38% 59% 30% $ 3,441,549,399.10
X64 Ten Sixty Four Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% $ 129,844,903.32
VRL Verity Resources 0.018 38% 20% -10% -70% -10% $ 3,318,130.10
HAW Hawthorn Resources 0.052 21% 16% -16% -26% 27% $ 17,755,827.49
BGD Bartongoldholdings 0.335 5% 8% 43% 31% 37% $ 70,042,600.64
SVY Stavely Minerals Ltd 0.017 0% -11% -41% -43% 0% $ 8,704,673.49
AGC AGC Ltd 0.195 8% 18% -24% 179% 26% $ 48,753,472.18
RGL Riversgold 0.004 0% -20% -20% -43% 0% $ 6,734,850.37
TSO Tesoro Gold Ltd 0.03 -3% -3% -19% -3% 50% $ 49,709,249.31
GUE Global Uranium 0.065 -2% -12% -6% -35% 8% $ 19,451,486.60
CPM Coopermetalslimited 0.039 0% -11% -28% -63% -15% $ 3,055,870.35
MM8 Medallion Metals. 0.23 28% 35% 342% 290% 92% $ 102,229,891.41
FFM Firefly Metals Ltd 1.03 -5% -1% -3% 51% 11% $ 561,843,587.39
CBY Canterbury Resources 0.024 0% -4% -29% -33% 9% $ 4,738,581.50
SLA Solara Minerals 0.12 -4% -14% -61% -29% 33% $ 6,668,254.65
SFR Sandfire Resources 10.8 -6% 0% 1% 25% 16% $ 5,123,737,005.81
SMG Silvermetalgroupltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% $ 4,881,135.48
TAM Tanami Gold NL 0.029 4% 0% -15% -12% -3% $ 34,077,814.33
NWM Norwest Minerals 0.01 0% -17% -55% -64% -29% $ 4,851,195.10
ALK Alkane Resources Ltd 0.67 6% 6% 43% 16% 31% $ 393,602,229.80
BMO Bastion Minerals 0.004 0% 0% -43% -50% 0% $ 3,378,898.66
IDA Indiana Resources 0.078 1% 7% 44% 84% 28% $ 50,133,131.72
GSM Golden State Mining 0.009 0% 13% -25% -10% 13% $ 2,514,335.67
NSM Northstaw 0.039 -17% 30% 105% 8% 144% $ 9,816,354.00
GSN Great Southern 0.024 0% 0% 33% 20% 60% $ 22,926,498.67
VAU Vault Minerals Ltd 0.46 -1% 15% 33% 26% 39% $ 3,027,100,654.99
DEG De Grey Mining 2.17 1% 7% 57% 80% 23% $ 4,987,997,772.16
THR Thor Energy PLC 0.013 -7% 0% -19% -46% 0% $ 8,505,478.02
CDR Codrus Minerals Ltd 0.017 6% 0% -15% -59% 0% $ 2,811,587.57
MDI Middle Island Res 0.018 6% 6% 13% 13% 50% $ 4,684,105.80
WTM Waratah Minerals Ltd 0.18 3% 20% -36% 125% 16% $ 35,417,812.33
POL Polymetals Resources 0.89 7% 31% 162% 224% 12% $ 206,842,301.10
RDS Redstone Resources 0.003 -14% 0% 0% -25% 20% $ 2,776,135.38
NAG Nagambie Resources 0.02 25% 18% 25% 54% 11% $ 14,459,442.19
BGL Bellevue Gold Ltd 1.145 -15% -4% -13% -38% 2% $ 1,469,907,307.95
GBR Greatbould Resources 0.074 7% -3% 32% 35% 72% $ 51,618,822.71
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.022 0% 16% 76% 76% 83% $ 49,987,331.59
KAU Kaiser Reef 0.16 -6% -6% -3% 7% 0% $ 41,697,689.60
HRZ Horizon 0.063 -5% 2% 31% 85% 58% $ 136,974,437.63
CDT Castle Minerals 0.003 50% 0% 0% -57% 50% $ 5,783,468.64
RSG Resolute Mining 0.47 6% 27% -39% 21% 19% $ 990,008,256.05
MXR Maximus Resources 0.08 4% 29% 95% 192% 38% $ 31,254,313.75
EVN Evolution Mining Ltd 7.2 5% 14% 54% 105% 50% $ 13,865,718,897.80
CXU Cauldron Energy Ltd 0.009 -18% -18% -60% -76% -25% $ 13,152,641.48
DLI Delta Lithium 0.175 0% 3% -27% -39% 3% $ 128,977,522.56
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.007 0% -13% 0% 17% 0% $ 8,246,533.79
NH3 Nh3Cleanenergyltd 0.023 5% 5% 10% -12% 28% $ 14,115,119.63
OBM Ora Banda Mining Ltd 1.13 1% 22% 75% 319% 74% $ 1,986,971,840.71
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.008 -11% -27% -60% -60% -60% $ 1,175,517.95
LCY Legacy Iron Ore 0.011 10% 22% -12% -24% 10% $ 107,382,468.42
PDI Predictive Disc Ltd 0.395 7% 14% 46% 76% 72% $ 966,504,468.80
MAT Matsa Resources 0.055 -8% -8% 57% 83% 57% $ 41,772,618.04
ZAG Zuleika Gold Ltd 0.012 0% 9% -14% -29% -8% $ 8,902,559.12
GML Gateway Mining 0.022 5% 10% -4% -8% 5% $ 8,994,046.49
SBM St Barbara Limited 0.25 11% 9% -29% 52% 11% $ 259,883,121.84
SBR Sabre Resources 0.007 0% -13% -56% -61% -30% $ 2,947,214.50
STK Strickland Metals 0.1 11% 49% 3% 11% 18% $ 176,593,179.36
CEL Challenger Gold Ltd 0.061 0% 9% 13% -24% 30% $ 99,576,641.18
GG8 Gorilla Gold Mines 0.475 19% 83% 197% 1026% 83% $ 266,586,081.60
NST Northern Star 18.63 2% 6% 15% 31% 21% $ 20,530,490,952.66
OZM Ozaurum Resources 0.067 18% -1% 76% 43% 123% $ 14,500,919.87
TG1 Techgen Metals Ltd 0.03 0% 3% -9% 0% -14% $ 4,759,971.30
XAM Xanadu Mines Ltd 0.051 -2% 4% -16% -12% 4% $ 99,434,272.91
AQI Alicanto Min Ltd 0.034 6% -3% 26% 61% -8% $ 27,988,718.21
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.009 0% -10% -25% 13% -5% $ 5,581,206.23
ARN Aldoro Resources 0.37 21% -17% 387% 429% -3% $ 66,529,569.38
WGX Westgold Resources. 2.92 -1% 17% 7% 15% 3% $ 2,706,724,810.30
MBK Metal Bank Ltd 0.016 -11% 14% -19% -26% 7% $ 7,959,343.97
A8G Australasian Metals 0.075 0% 1% -32% 25% -5% $ 4,341,729.38
TAR Taruga Minerals 0.008 0% -11% -11% 33% -20% $ 6,354,241.07
DTR Dateline Resources 0.005 25% 67% -17% -64% 43% $ 12,827,843.10
GOR Gold Road Res Ltd 2.93 19% 16% 68% 88% 43% $ 3,179,519,107.65
S2R S2 Resources 0.089 48% 44% 11% -35% 33% $ 35,322,923.45
NES Nelson Resources. 0.003 0% 0% 0% -14% 0% $ 6,515,782.98
TLM Talisman Mining 0.165 -8% -3% -37% -33% -20% $ 31,072,857.59
BEZ Besragoldinc 0.045 -17% 10% -46% -57% -50% $ 18,697,002.80
PRU Perseus Mining Ltd 3.34 5% 11% 25% 60% 30% $ 4,445,877,873.96
SPQ Superior Resources 0.006 0% 0% -25% -33% 0% $ 15,189,046.59
PUR Pursuit Minerals 0.052 -31% -26% -65% -74% -46% $ 4,293,499.34
RMS Ramelius Resources 2.47 13% -10% 9% 37% 19% $ 2,668,772,166.06
PKO Peako Limited 0.004 33% 33% 0% 30% 33% $ 4,463,225.88
ICG Inca Minerals Ltd 0.006 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% $ 6,160,335.20
A1G African Gold Ltd. 0.12 74% 79% 173% 302% 118% $ 41,986,672.20
NMG New Murchison Gold 0.017 6% 70% 113% 183% 89% $ 145,587,599.72
GNM Great Northern 0.015 7% -12% 0% 15% 7% $ 2,319,436.16
KRM Kingsrose Mining Ltd 0.035 -8% -5% 0% 9% 0% $ 25,619,901.65
BTR Brightstar Resources 0.019 -5% -5% 12% 27% -5% $ 216,717,145.83
RRL Regis Resources 3.9 7% 19% 91% 101% 53% $ 2,817,931,947.82
M24 Mamba Exploration 0.013 -7% -7% 8% -46% 8% $ 3,837,152.93
TRM Truscott Mining Corp 0.072 -1% 3% 0% 39% -8% $ 13,784,296.32
TNC True North Copper 0.335 -9% -12% -91% -95% -89% $ 40,268,485.12
MOM Moab Minerals Ltd 0.001 -50% -33% -75% -80% -50% $ 1,733,666.03
KNB Koonenberrygold 0.045 25% 41% 350% 137% 275% $ 36,697,211.62
AWJ Auric Mining 0.275 0% -5% -25% 62% -19% $ 40,962,177.03
ENR Encounter Resources 0.225 -4% -6% -51% -4% -31% $ 114,722,233.37
SNG Siren Gold 0.054 0% -8% -25% 0% -17% $ 11,386,471.67
STN Saturn Metals 0.26 -5% 24% -19% 44% 27% $ 80,310,069.84
USL Unico Silver Limited 0.27 15% 42% 23% 125% 38% $ 111,675,657.53
PNM Pacific Nickel Mines 0.024 0% 0% 0% -29% 0% $ 10,103,834.52
AYM Australia United Min 0.002 0% -33% 0% -50% -50% $ 3,685,154.97
ANL Amani Gold Ltd 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% $ 21,449,587.12
HAV Havilah Resources 0.195 3% 0% -3% 18% -13% $ 66,154,977.72
SPR Spartan Resources 1.94 11% 48% 41% 210% 38% $ 2,337,688,767.40
PNT Panthermetalsltd 0.015 -6% 0% -32% -39% 36% $ 4,212,663.67
MEK Meeka Metals Limited 0.15 3% 15% 134% 317% 95% $ 351,493,473.80
GMD Genesis Minerals 3.72 3% 15% 73% 106% 51% $ 4,202,456,955.60
PGO Pacgold 0.067 -7% 6% -36% -54% -11% $ 8,544,531.97
FEG Far East Gold 0.145 -3% -9% -12% 4% -19% $ 51,383,843.42
MI6 Minerals260Limited 0.13 0% 0% 0% -16% 0% $ 30,420,000.00
IGO IGO Limited 4.2 -3% 0% -26% -39% -12% $ 3,165,379,458.34
GAL Galileo Mining Ltd 0.125 -11% -19% -22% -53% 0% $ 24,703,115.88
ERW Errawarra Resources 0.06 122% 107% -40% 58% 20% $ 5,840,000.00
RXL Rox Resources 0.34 5% 42% 152% 121% 70% $ 200,613,093.12
PTN Patronus Resources 0.077 28% 22% 45% 28% 57% $ 109,705,652.87
CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% -94% 0% $ 1,544,025.56
TGM Theta Gold Mines Ltd 0.15 0% -6% -12% -9% -17% $ 131,661,437.03
FAL Falconmetalsltd 0.135 -7% 23% -29% 8% 17% $ 23,010,000.00
SPD Southernpalladium 0.41 -2% -5% -11% 24% -32% $ 37,289,500.00
ORN Orion Minerals Ltd 0.017 6% 21% 0% 21% 13% $ 123,308,060.72
TMB Tambourahmetals 0.032 -3% 14% -15% -58% 52% $ 3,762,881.47
TMS Tennant Minerals Ltd 0.012 -20% -14% -17% -56% 33% $ 13,382,465.81
AZY Antipa Minerals Ltd 0.475 8% 30% 90% 265% 83% $ 263,829,063.92
PXX Polarx Limited 0.008 0% 14% -11% -38% 23% $ 19,004,007.82
TRE Toubani Res Ltd 0.225 25% 55% -29% 61% 32% $ 48,081,591.39
AUN Aurumin 0.062 -3% -8% 35% 82% -6% $ 30,644,128.93
GPR Geopacific Resources 0.022 -2% 10% -6% 19% 10% $ 70,014,237.17
FXG Felix Gold Limited 0.165 -3% 27% 38% 416% 96% $ 54,269,553.69
ILT Iltani Resources Lim 0.22 -8% -14% -4% 47% 7% $ 9,982,720.35
BRX Belararoxlimited 0.3 150% 122% 22% 13% 71% $ 43,909,054.47
TM1 Terra Metals Limited 0.02 0% -26% -49% -64% -29% $ 8,152,701.24
TOR Torque Met 0.099 -6% 0% 19% -27% 87% $ 26,966,392.60
ARD Argent Minerals 0.026 4% 44% 44% 136% 53% $ 34,695,371.52
LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd 0.15 43% 25% 79% 100% 7% $ 10,537,464.50
SX2 Southgold Consol 4.96 18% 41% 0% 0% 0% $ 622,453,085.80
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Among the biggest winners of the past week was a (newly branded) silver stock, Errawarra Resources (ASX:ERW).

Tom Reddicliffe chaired Errawarra has acquired a package in the Pilbara which includes the historic Elizabeth Hill mine, which closed in 2000 due to low silver prices and from which 1.2Moz of silver was produced from 16,000t of ore at a head grade of 2194g/t Ag in only one year of production.

ERW, which is to be renamed West Coast Silver (ASX:WCE) subject to shareholder approval, is the first explorer to consolidate the additional highly prospective underexplored areas for silver mineralisation.

Read more about it here.


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At Stockhead, we tell it like it is. While Errawarra Resources is a Stockhead advertiser, it did not sponsor this article.