• Gold smashes through all time high as ECB cuts rates and US GDP disappoints
  • Demand for physical gold surging as world gets jittery on Trump agenda and global geopolitical uncertainty
  • Aston up big on Torque merger, Emmerson gets love for NT resource update

Read it and weep, the only colour that matters on the markets today is beautiful, glistening gold.

A bit blue that graph, actually. Pic: LBMA

Futures have pushed as high as US$2849/oz in New York, US investors having upped their purchases of bullion from vaults in Switzerland by a factor of 11 in the past month.

It puts paid to any concerns gold was overheated after hitting 41 new all time highs in 2024 after breaking the mark again, with official LBMA prices hitting US$2787/oz. In Aussie dollar terms that clocked up to over $4500/oz, yet another milestone with the promise of handsome rewards for gold miners, who are sitting on costs at the moment in the range of $2150/oz.

ANZ Research’s Jack Chambers, Brian Martin and commodities guru Daniel Hynes summarised the factors that pushed gold beyond the previous mark set ahead of the fractious 2024 US Presidential Election on October 30 last year, an event that returned the erratic Donald Trump to the White House.

“Gold surged to a new record high as a weaker USD and ongoing concerns of Trump’s tariffs increased investor demand. The USD fell after the ECB cut interest rates by 25bp and the latest economic data showed inflation adjusted gross domestic product in the US increased at an annualised rate of 2.3% in Q4,” they said in a note.

“Trump’s tariffs are likely to lead to measurably higher inflation, a concern the broader market continues to hold. This was borne out in trade data released yesterday.

“Swiss exports of gold to the US surged to the highest level since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in a sign that investors were keen to protect themselves from the impact of Trump’s economic policies. Switzerland shipped 64.2t of gold to the US in December, the most since March 2022. That was 11 times more than it shipped in the previous month. Swiss exports to the UK jumped more than 13-fold to 14t in the December from the previous month.”


Beating analyst projections

It was only two weeks ago that UBS tipped $4500/oz gold by mid year. To be fair, the capitulation of the Aussie dollar has played a role. In the bank’s estimation the $4500 equivalent in benchmark USD was US$2900.

But it still goes to show the capacity of gold to outshine predictions, a regular occurrence for several years.

ASX gold stocks were buoyed by the news, with the All Ords gold sub-index up 2.67% on Friday and 44.7% for the past year. In fact, the sub-index has only held a higher value once, on October 25 last year.

It’s been an outlier against other commodities. The ASX 300 Metals and Mining sector is down over 10% over the same period and fundies we’ve spoken to are mulling where to head next if they take some of their gold winnings off the table.

Catalyst Metals (ASX:CYL) and Emerald Resources (ASX:EMR) led the more established producers with 4% and 4.3% gains on Friday. Speccy names like small producer Beacon Minerals (ASX:BCN) pulled out even bigger gains, with the Coolgardie gold miner up 8%.

The question remains where gold can go next, and numerous experts have US$3000/oz pegged for sometime this year.


Winners & Losers

Here’s how ASX-listed precious metals stocks are performing:

MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.008 0% 7% -11% -27% 14% $ 8,678,940.02
NPM Newpeak Metals 0.015 15% 36% 15% -7% 36% $ 4,831,075.97
ASO Aston Minerals Ltd 0.013 -7% 8% 44% -32% 44% $ 15,540,771.23
MTC Metalstech Ltd 0.125 -4% -14% -36% -24% -11% $ 24,692,435.38
GED Golden Deeps 0.024 9% -4% -20% -35% -4% $ 3,542,514.03
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.009 -10% 13% -10% -25% 0% $ 3,969,782.84
LAT Latitude 66 Limited 0.035 -3% -19% -67% -77% -8% $ 5,019,024.68
NMR Native Mineral Res 0.056 22% 37% 180% 180% 44% $ 32,349,714.16
AQX Alice Queen Ltd 0.009 0% 13% 50% 80% 13% $ 9,175,120.54
SLZ Sultan Resources Ltd 0.008 33% 33% 33% -46% 33% $ 1,388,819.46
MKG Mako Gold 0.011 0% -21% 22% -65% -15% $ 10,852,809.83
KSN Kingston Resources 0.08 11% 8% 10% 7% 13% $ 66,537,987.11
AMI Aurelia Metals Ltd 0.205 5% 11% 21% 91% 21% $ 363,686,385.13
GIB Gibb River Diamonds 0.037 -3% -10% -8% 9% -8% $ 7,936,849.47
KCN Kingsgate Consolid. 1.295 3% -2% -4% 11% 1% $ 350,542,301.12
TMX Terrain Minerals 0.0045 -10% 13% 13% 13% 50% $ 9,016,004.70
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.04 5% 5% -13% -52% 3% $ 11,744,532.92
NXM Nexus Minerals Ltd 0.054 10% 6% 64% 59% 20% $ 26,841,383.80
SKY SKY Metals Ltd 0.051 -7% -2% 46% 59% -6% $ 37,667,267.80
LM8 Lunnonmetalslimited 0.2325 13% 8% 45% -3% -7% $ 48,538,198.28
CST Castile Resources 0.073 20% 6% -8% -19% -9% $ 20,098,616.45
YRL Yandal Resources 0.16 0% -9% 10% 45% -9% $ 52,569,946.94
FAU First Au Ltd 0.002 0% 0% 0% -20% 0% $ 4,143,986.55
ARL Ardea Resources Ltd 0.415 14% 26% -15% 5% 26% $ 77,876,336.85
GWR GWR Group Ltd 0.086 -3% 4% 9% -2% 8% $ 29,873,148.92
IVR Investigator Res Ltd 0.026 18% 30% -37% -28% 30% $ 41,310,868.92
GTR Gti Energy Ltd 0.003 -14% -14% -25% -73% -14% $ 8,888,848.99
IPT Impact Minerals 0.011 10% 10% -21% -8% 10% $ 30,594,337.18
BNZ Benzmining 0.41 9% 15% 273% 141% 19% $ 61,582,599.54
MOH Moho Resources 0.004 -20% 0% -11% -50% -20% $ 2,865,898.30
BCM Brazilian Critical 0.008 -6% -20% -43% -68% -11% $ 8,403,668.70
PUA Peak Minerals Ltd 0.013 18% 44% 420% 528% 63% $ 30,625,323.17
MRZ Mont Royal Resources 0.025 -17% -42% -58% -77% -42% $ 2,550,893.79
SMS Starmineralslimited 0.033 0% -6% 4% -23% -8% $ 3,897,812.90
MVL Marvel Gold Limited 0.008 -20% -11% 0% -20% -11% $ 7,774,116.33
PRX Prodigy Gold NL 0.002 -20% 0% 12% -44% 0% $ 7,937,638.88
AAU Antilles Gold Ltd 0.005 25% 25% 67% -77% 67% $ 7,431,504.23
CWX Carawine Resources 0.1 -5% 0% 11% -13% 0% $ 23,612,544.90
RND Rand Mining Ltd 1.625 3% 10% 12% 20% 7% $ 91,570,297.21
CAZ Cazaly Resources 0.013 18% -4% -41% -35% -7% $ 5,074,332.90
BMR Ballymore Resources 0.14 8% 14% 17% 12% 17% $ 24,742,281.90
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.0105 -13% -5% -38% -38% -13% $ 41,482,466.66
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.044 5% 5% -2% -63% 10% $ 17,519,981.15
REZ Resourc & En Grp Ltd 0.029 0% 16% 32% 190% 26% $ 20,149,173.66
LEX Lefroy Exploration 0.085 20% 20% 17% -39% 21% $ 20,787,854.41
ERM Emmerson Resources 0.11 12% 34% 100% 112% 43% $ 73,096,171.09
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.02 0% 0% -50% -70% 5% $ 2,347,668.66
ADT Adriatic Metals 4.375 9% 14% 48% 24% 12% $ 1,211,529,460.68
AS1 Asara Resources Ltd 0.03 20% 67% 233% 150% 58% $ 28,903,148.90
CYL Catalyst Metals 4 20% 50% 113% 641% 55% $ 897,154,669.68
CHN Chalice Mining Ltd 1.1475 7% 2% 15% 30% 4% $ 478,502,949.24
KAL Kalgoorliegoldmining 0.087 444% 358% 295% 295% 383% $ 6,281,493.25
MLS Metals Australia 0.022 5% -4% 22% -27% -4% $ 16,396,189.29
ADN Andromeda Metals Ltd 0.0065 8% -7% -62% -70% -7% $ 24,001,093.82
MEI Meteoric Resources 0.0815 3% -8% -12% -49% -4% $ 188,834,748.12
SRN Surefire Rescs NL 0.004 14% 14% -43% -67% 14% $ 9,665,231.25
WA8 Warriedarresourltd 0.046 -6% 1% -22% 5% 5% $ 43,005,690.41
HMX Hammer Metals Ltd 0.032 3% -3% -18% -11% -3% $ 28,408,278.40
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.02 0% 18% 33% 25% 25% $ 36,013,944.21
AVM Advance Metals Ltd 0.05 28% 32% 108% 51% 47% $ 7,582,462.83
ASR Asra Minerals Ltd 0.0025 -17% -17% -50% -58% -17% $ 6,937,890.37
ARI Arika Resources 0.034 21% 31% 70% 70% 26% $ 20,905,785.05
CTO Citigold Corp Ltd 0.004 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% $ 12,000,000.00
SMI Santana Minerals Ltd 0.52 9% 14% 21% 13% 7% $ 349,556,315.54
M2R Miramar 0.004 0% 0% -33% -79% 33% $ 1,587,293.14
MHC Manhattan Corp Ltd 0.021 -9% -16% 5% -64% 11% $ 5,167,775.76
GRL Godolphin Resources 0.016 23% 23% 33% -59% 10% $ 5,027,381.10
SVG Savannah Goldfields 0.023 31% 10% -6% -29% 25% $ 5,340,613.40
EMC Everest Metals Corp 0.15 3% 15% 43% 88% 11% $ 35,805,413.76
GUL Gullewa Limited 0.056 0% 0% -20% 2% 0% $ 12,209,241.63
CY5 Cygnus Metals Ltd 0.1175 -10% 2% 114% 78% 18% $ 101,798,358.00
G50 G50Corp Ltd 0.145 -22% -6% 0% 32% -6% $ 24,825,470.53
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.145 4% 7% 12% -19% 7% $ 8,752,450.84
AAR Astral Resources NL 0.14 -7% 0% 97% 106% 4% $ 174,041,713.72
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.074 14% 9% 28% -26% 10% $ 14,317,393.86
NAE New Age Exploration 0.0035 17% -13% -13% -13% 0% $ 7,503,646.19
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.009 13% 13% 29% -31% 13% $ 11,953,325.88
LCL LCL Resources Ltd 0.0085 6% -6% 21% -29% -15% $ 9,558,501.66
MTH Mithril Silver Gold 0.385 3% -10% 208% 93% -4% $ 57,537,091.19
ADG Adelong Gold Limited 0.005 0% 0% 25% 11% 11% $ 6,148,939.27
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.009 13% 0% -10% -66% 0% $ 3,719,662.37
PRS Prospech Limited 0.028 33% 4% -22% -15% -3% $ 6,576,517.74
TTM Titan Minerals 0.45 11% 20% -6% 137% 18% $ 110,483,960.85
AKA Aureka Limited 0.155 3% 3% -98% -98% 15% $ 15,877,408.88
AAM Aumegametals 0.05 11% 25% 25% 43% 19% $ 29,601,539.06
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.08 7% 10% 25% -20% 8% $ 15,416,721.75
BCN Beacon Minerals 0.026 4% 18% 8% 8% 18% $ 114,111,833.18
MAU Magnetic Resources 1.2 -3% 3% -25% 21% 9% $ 314,778,157.00
BC8 Black Cat Syndicate 0.705 8% 22% 124% 236% 25% $ 427,863,682.68
EM2 Eagle Mountain 0.009 13% -10% -78% -82% 0% $ 3,205,262.21
EMR Emerald Res NL 4.44 7% 34% 31% 47% 37% $ 2,910,711,148.58
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.004 33% 0% 0% -60% 33% $ 2,013,147.42
HCH Hot Chili Ltd 0.66 -1% -6% -14% -35% -6% $ 101,451,701.50
WAF West African Res Ltd 1.755 6% 19% 28% 109% 22% $ 2,000,308,361.22
MEU Marmota Limited 0.0535 -15% 34% 37% 1% 37% $ 58,675,231.01
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.335 5% -23% 158% 14% -9% $ 103,032,773.44
SVL Silver Mines Limited 0.081 14% 9% -44% -40% 4% $ 147,721,357.54
PGD Peregrine Gold 0.14 -7% -18% -32% -52% 0% $ 11,124,955.80
ICL Iceni Gold 0.076 -3% -6% 145% 95% 7% $ 23,399,296.40
FG1 Flynngold 0.024 -8% -8% 0% -50% -4% $ 6,271,595.28
WWI West Wits Mining Ltd 0.017 6% 6% 21% 48% 21% $ 46,137,049.81
RML Resolution Minerals 0.009 -18% -25% -55% -63% -25% $ 2,684,377.13
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.009 0% -31% -31% -57% -25% $ 1,998,523.55
HWK Hawk Resources. 0.026 24% 13% -3% -16% 18% $ 5,710,306.78
GMN Gold Mountain Ltd 0.002 0% -33% -33% -43% -33% $ 9,158,446.37
MEG Megado Minerals Ltd 0.013 0% -13% 24% -20% -24% $ 5,455,882.41
HMG Hamelingoldlimited 0.056 -22% -10% -41% -27% -13% $ 8,695,500.00
BM8 Battery Age Minerals 0.078 -20% -22% -26% -44% -26% $ 8,261,931.20
TBR Tribune Res Ltd 4.85 5% 12% 28% 67% 13% $ 253,945,492.68
FML Focus Minerals Ltd 0.2 -5% 14% 67% 18% 18% $ 57,311,729.00
VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.0035 17% 17% -13% -30% 17% $ 13,588,180.10
ARV Artemis Resources 0.008 0% 0% 0% -47% 0% $ 17,643,059.41
HRN Horizon Gold Ltd 0.53 15% 4% 89% 93% 10% $ 75,316,759.96
CLA Celsius Resource Ltd 0.0095 -14% -5% -14% -14% -14% $ 25,357,765.29
QML Qmines Limited 0.056 -10% 10% 10% -28% 4% $ 17,185,257.15
RDN Raiden Resources Ltd 0.007 0% -30% -68% -67% -36% $ 24,156,240.09
TCG Turaco Gold Limited 0.34 10% 15% 58% 224% 33% $ 298,797,501.68
KCC Kincora Copper 0.027 -7% -10% -40% -16% 0% $ 6,268,488.69
GBZ GBM Rsources Ltd 0.008 -11% 0% -11% -11% 0% $ 9,368,559.82
DTM Dart Mining NL 0.007 -22% -22% -58% -36% -22% $ 4,186,389.04
MKR Manuka Resources. 0.023 0% -21% -30% -69% -18% $ 20,269,191.73
AUC Ausgold Limited 0.47 6% 11% 59% 81% 12% $ 171,175,104.96
ANX Anax Metals Ltd 0.01 -5% -17% -47% -52% -17% $ 8,764,517.42
EMU EMU NL 0.026 -10% 0% 37% -6% -4% $ 4,617,100.49
SFM Santa Fe Minerals 0.041 21% 32% 21% -5% 32% $ 2,985,570.35
SSR SSR Mining Inc. 14.49 16% 27% 102% 2% 33% $ 50,865,751.96
PNR Pantoro Limited 0.125 19% 29% 54% 221% 39% $ 839,023,966.82
CMM Capricorn Metals 7.91 4% 24% 44% 82% 26% $ 3,323,661,634.02
X64 Ten Sixty Four Ltd 0.57 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% $ 129,844,903.32
VRL Verity Resources 0.014 -22% -26% -65% -84% -30% $ 2,075,717.92
HAW Hawthorn Resources 0.049 17% 20% -18% -46% 20% $ 14,070,655.75
BGD Bartongoldholdings 0.29 5% 18% 16% 18% 18% $ 63,459,284.80
SVY Stavely Minerals Ltd 0.017 6% -32% -23% -51% 0% $ 9,248,715.58
AGC AGC Ltd 0.15 15% 0% -33% 111% -3% $ 39,772,569.41
RGL Riversgold 0.003 -14% -25% -40% -67% -25% $ 5,051,137.78
TSO Tesoro Gold Ltd 0.026 8% 30% -4% 0% 30% $ 43,495,593.15
GUE Global Uranium 0.079 1% 13% 39% -41% 32% $ 23,282,840.03
CPM Coopermetalslimited 0.049 14% 14% -18% -83% 7% $ 3,526,004.25
MM8 Medallion Metals. 0.13 24% 8% 136% 124% 8% $ 55,271,209.55
FFM Firefly Metals Ltd 0.9125 4% 7% 22% 96% -1% $ 507,444,229.80
CBY Canterbury Resources 0.023 -23% 5% -36% -15% 5% $ 4,541,140.61
LYN Lycaonresources 0.14 -3% 0% -39% -28% 56% $ 8,212,647.57
SFR Sandfire Resources 10.59 10% 14% 26% 52% 14% $ 4,738,424,643.69
SMG Silvermetalgroupltd 0.06 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% $ 4,881,135.48
TAM Tanami Gold NL 0.029 0% 0% 4% -12% -3% $ 34,077,814.33
NWM Norwest Minerals 0.014 8% -7% -35% -46% 0% $ 6,791,673.14
ALK Alkane Resources Ltd 0.585 3% 11% 46% 6% 15% $ 354,242,006.82
BMO Bastion Minerals 0.004 -11% 0% -43% -64% 0% $ 3,378,898.66
IDA Indiana Resources 0.073 4% 18% 56% 64% 20% $ 48,204,934.35
GSM Golden State Mining 0.008 0% 0% -20% -27% 0% $ 2,234,965.04
NSM Northstaw 0.02 11% 25% 53% -49% 25% $ 5,453,530.00
GSN Great Southern 0.02 0% 25% 18% 11% 33% $ 21,732,082.64
VAU Vault Minerals Ltd 0.4125 13% 25% 20% 27% 25% $ 2,857,038,820.44
DEG De Grey Mining 2.07 6% 13% 80% 80% 17% $ 5,058,754,238.27
THR Thor Energy PLC 0.011 -8% -15% -21% -66% -15% $ 2,951,193.75
CDR Codrus Minerals Ltd 0.0165 -3% -3% -43% -65% -3% $ 2,811,587.57
MDI Middle Island Res 0.015 15% 25% 7% -12% 25% $ 4,096,390.88
WTM Waratah Minerals Ltd 0.15 3% 0% -47% 43% -3% $ 30,358,124.85
POL Polymetals Resources 0.855 -3% 10% 242% 217% 8% $ 168,983,435.48
RDS Redstone Resources 0.003 0% 0% -25% -25% 20% $ 2,776,135.38
NAG Nagambie Resources 0.016 7% -11% 78% -36% -11% $ 12,852,837.50
BGL Bellevue Gold Ltd 1.195 -1% 21% -4% -5% 6% $ 1,566,189,446.02
GBR Greatbould Resources 0.055 15% 22% 15% -7% 28% $ 41,750,518.37
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.016 23% 14% 45% 23% 33% $ 42,094,595.02
KAU Kaiser Reef 0.16 0% -3% 8% 60% 0% $ 44,303,795.20
HRZ Horizon 0.048 4% 9% 14% 41% 20% $ 75,392,170.22
CAI Calidus Resources 0 -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% $ 93,678,205.58
CDT Castle Minerals 0.0025 25% 25% -29% -64% 25% $ 3,793,628.21
RSG Resolute Mining 0.3475 -14% -13% -43% -3% -12% $ 766,458,004.68
MXR Maximus Resources 0.064 2% 8% 121% 105% 10% $ 27,871,199.92
EVN Evolution Mining Ltd 5.9 4% 20% 52% 92% 23% $ 11,836,589,303.00
CXU Cauldron Energy Ltd 0.011 -15% -29% -41% -73% -8% $ 17,536,855.31
DLI Delta Lithium 0.19 3% 12% -16% -30% 12% $ 125,394,813.60
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.007 0% 0% 0% -22% 0% $ 7,068,457.54
NH3 Nh3Cleanenergyltd 0.02 0% 0% 43% 67% 11% $ 10,992,095.70
OBM Ora Banda Mining Ltd 0.885 12% 40% 116% 277% 36% $ 1,683,302,420.17
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% -50% 0% $ 2,938,790.00
LCY Legacy Iron Ore 0.01 11% 11% -31% -31% 0% $ 87,858,383.26
PDI Predictive Disc Ltd 0.3475 39% 39% 99% 74% 51% $ 811,061,184.14
MAT Matsa Resources 0.042 5% 14% 75% 45% 20% $ 30,769,225.54
ZAG Zuleika Gold Ltd 0.013 8% 0% -24% -28% 0% $ 9,644,439.05
GML Gateway Mining 0.023 5% 0% 10% 5% 10% $ 9,402,866.79
SBM St Barbara Limited 0.26 8% 11% 27% 63% 16% $ 297,782,743.78
SBR Sabre Resources 0.009 0% 0% -36% -55% -10% $ 3,536,657.40
STK Strickland Metals 0.07 -9% -19% -28% -26% -18% $ 161,141,276.17
CEL Challenger Gold Ltd 0.049 2% 2% 11% -37% 4% $ 81,011,504.69
GG8 Gorilla Gold Mines 0.22 4% -14% 56% 347% -15% $ 114,676,000.01
NST Northern Star 17.75 5% 13% 25% 34% 15% $ 20,782,258,400.24
OZM Ozaurum Resources 0.125 268% 346% 123% 92% 317% $ 26,623,557.77
TG1 Techgen Metals Ltd 0.034 0% 0% 21% 10% -3% $ 5,394,634.14
XAM Xanadu Mines Ltd 0.0495 10% 3% -10% -3% 1% $ 95,609,877.80
AQI Alicanto Min Ltd 0.042 14% 20% 180% 91% 14% $ 33,705,718.96
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.009 -10% 0% -10% -50% -5% $ 5,311,206.23
ARN Aldoro Resources 0.325 16% -3% 328% 246% -14% $ 63,737,666.20
WGX Westgold Resources. 2.45 -4% -14% -16% 24% -13% $ 2,367,205,321.90
MBK Metal Bank Ltd 0.016 7% -6% -10% -26% 7% $ 7,959,343.97
A8G Australasian Metals 0.07 -9% -7% -18% -33% -11% $ 3,936,501.30
TAR Taruga Minerals 0.01 -17% 0% 43% 25% 0% $ 7,060,267.85
DTR Dateline Resources 0.003 -14% 0% -50% -70% -14% $ 7,548,781.41
GOR Gold Road Res Ltd 2.605 5% 23% 56% 78% 27% $ 2,818,454,834.00
S2R S2 Resources 0.063 -16% -9% -43% -57% -6% $ 28,982,911.55
NES Nelson Resources. 0.003 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% $ 6,515,782.98
TLM Talisman Mining 0.195 5% -7% -15% 0% -5% $ 35,780,866.31
BEZ Besragoldinc 0.07 -5% -20% -20% -56% -22% $ 29,915,204.47
PRU Perseus Mining Ltd 2.84 1% 9% 17% 67% 11% $ 4,006,778,824.68
SPQ Superior Resources 0.006 20% -14% -25% -39% 0% $ 15,189,046.59
PUR Pursuit Minerals 0.085 6% -11% -43% -58% -11% $ 7,018,220.08
RMS Ramelius Resources 2.605 9% 19% 40% 78% 26% $ 3,037,872,077.20
PKO Peako Limited 0.003 -25% 0% -25% 30% 0% $ 4,463,225.88
ICG Inca Minerals Ltd 0.007 0% 17% 75% -8% 40% $ 7,187,057.73
A1G African Gold Ltd. 0.072 11% 22% 157% 111% 31% $ 25,573,700.34
NMG New Murchison Gold 0.011 10% 0% 120% 100% 22% $ 93,014,002.15
GNM Great Northern 0.013 -13% 4% 18% -32% -7% $ 2,010,178.00
KRM Kingsrose Mining Ltd 0.0345 1% -4% -18% 11% -1% $ 25,619,901.65
BTR Brightstar Resources 0.02 -5% 3% 25% 82% 0% $ 228,123,311.40
RRL Regis Resources 3.25 9% 26% 105% 70% 27% $ 2,485,521,744.86
M24 Mamba Exploration 0.0165 10% 38% 65% -68% 38% $ 3,876,795.05
TRM Truscott Mining Corp 0.09 0% 15% 50% 81% 15% $ 16,273,127.60
TNC True North Copper 0.375 1% -88% -91% -95% -88% $ 40,897,680.20
MOM Moab Minerals Ltd 0.002 33% -33% -50% -71% 0% $ 3,133,998.73
KNB Koonenberrygold 0.027 17% 59% 108% -3% 125% $ 24,480,049.27
AWJ Auric Mining 0.315 0% -5% 62% 174% -7% $ 47,665,078.72
ENR Encounter Resources 0.245 2% -22% -54% -8% -25% $ 119,710,156.56
SNG Siren Gold 0.049 -4% -22% -11% -17% -25% $ 10,729,559.84
STN Saturn Metals 0.25 6% 28% 52% 67% 22% $ 78,765,645.42
USL Unico Silver Limited 0.215 16% 10% 48% 122% 10% $ 91,968,188.55
PNM Pacific Nickel Mines 0.024 0% 0% 0% -43% 0% $ 10,103,834.52
AYM Australia United Min 0.0035 17% -13% 17% 17% -13% $ 6,449,021.20
HAV Havilah Resources 0.205 -5% -2% 14% 32% -9% $ 69,547,540.68
SPR Spartan Resources 1.42 7% -11% 26% 221% 1% $ 1,881,437,916.33
PNT Panthermetalsltd 0.007 -22% -22% -72% -75% -36% $ 2,233,536.87
MEK Meeka Metals Limited 0.115 10% 34% 174% 211% 49% $ 261,811,218.48
GMD Genesis Minerals 3.24 4% 26% 60% 104% 31% $ 3,735,945,350.76
PGO Pacgold 0.06 -14% -19% -56% -68% -20% $ 7,361,442.93
FEG Far East Gold 0.175 -3% 3% 25% 25% -3% $ 61,759,836.90
MI6 Minerals260Limited 0.13 0% 0% -16% -19% 0% $ 30,420,000.00
IGO IGO Limited 4.97 -2% 0% 0% -27% 4% $ 3,771,193,708.74
GAL Galileo Mining Ltd 0.14 0% -7% -18% -33% 12% $ 26,679,365.15
RXL Rox Resources 0.225 7% 2% 67% 29% 13% $ 139,813,170.04
PTN Patronus Resources 0.059 4% 18% 4% -6% 20% $ 94,969,072.63
CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.001 0% 0% 0% -98% 0% $ 1,544,025.56
TGM Theta Gold Mines Ltd 0.16 -9% -9% 23% 67% -11% $ 135,908,580.16
FAL Falconmetalsltd 0.135 0% 8% -45% 8% 17% $ 23,895,000.00
SXG Southern Cross Gold 3.45 0% -1% 62% 218% 0% $ 764,630,196.45
SPD Southernpalladium 0.43 -18% -27% 13% 19% -28% $ 38,881,125.00
ORN Orion Minerals Ltd 0.015 0% -6% 0% 15% 0% $ 109,412,482.37
TMB Tambourahmetals 0.026 -4% 13% -28% -69% 24% $ 2,875,341.20
TMS Tennant Minerals Ltd 0.012 33% 20% -37% -60% 33% $ 10,514,794.57
AZY Antipa Minerals Ltd 0.038 15% 31% 280% 217% 46% $ 215,905,278.46
PXX Polarx Limited 0.007 -30% 17% -30% -34% 8% $ 19,004,007.82
TRE Toubani Res Ltd 0.155 19% 0% -11% 24% -9% $ 36,633,593.44
AUN Aurumin 0.069 10% 1% 97% 130% 5% $ 34,400,649.94
GPR Geopacific Resources 0.021 -5% 0% -6% 40% 5% $ 66,831,771.85
FXG Felix Gold Limited 0.135 13% 52% 265% 246% 61% $ 44,402,362.11
ILT Iltani Resources Lim 0.22 5% 13% 13% 33% 7% $ 9,539,043.89
BRX Belararoxlimited 0.16 -6% 0% -38% -24% -9% $ 24,473,899.21
TM1 Terra Metals Limited 0.03 -10% 20% -35% -25% 7% $ 13,044,321.98
TOR Torque Met 0.066 -10% 27% -37% -68% 25% $ 16,727,483.04
ARD Argent Minerals 0.024 33% 41% 85% 200% 41% $ 34,695,371.52
LM1 Leeuwin Metals Ltd 0.12 -4% 4% 64% 30% -14% $ 7,836,407.00
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Top ASX Gold Stories this Week

Aston Minerals (ASX:ASO)

Canadian gold and nickel hopeful Aston is heading into a leftfield merger with Torque Metals (ASX:TOR), the owner of the 250,000oz Paris gold project in WA’s Eastern Goldfields.

Few if any M&A deals really have serious synergy and the addition of Aston’s 1.5Moz Edleston in Ontario to Torque’s higher grade Paris project, which brings with it a reasonable lithium inventory as well, fits the vibe of a week Married at First Sight made its reappearance on Australian screens.

But the deal brings significant corporate heft to the table. Entities related to Aston’s Tolga Kumova and Evan Cranston, key figures in the early days of rags to riches ASX gold story Bellevue Gold (ASX:BGL), will tip $1m into Torque collectively and join its board.

$4m of cash will also be pumped into Torque, which stands well placed to develop its Paris project at a time of rising gold prices, given its proximity to mills like Higginsville, Lakewood, St Ives, Mt Monger and more.

“As Torque already owns the Paris Gold Project, located in the heart of the Western Australian Goldfields, the merger enhances the strategic potential of this asset and aligns with Torque’s broader growth objectives,” Torque MD Cristian Moreno, who will lead the combined company, said.

“With a resource of 250,000 ounces at an impressive grade of 3.1 g/t gold, the project spans a substantial ~1,200km² tenement package, positioning it as a cornerstone of our portfolio. Complementing this, Aston’s Edleston Gold Project in Ontario, Canada, is situated in the renowned Abitibi Greenstone Belt and contributes a significant resource of 1.5 million ounces at 1.0 g/t gold.

“This project’s ~310km² landholding offers additional high-grade exploration opportunities, further solidifying our growth potential.

“A key advantage of this merger is the injection of $4 million cash on a pre-costs basis from Aston into Torque Metals. This strategic funding approach ensures that the company is well-capitalised to advance exploration efforts in the current robust gold price environment.”


Emmerson Resources (ASX:ERM)

And lastly a quick one on Emmerson Resources, which announced a 490,000oz maiden resource at the White Devil deposit near Tennant Creek in the NT at a nice grade of 4.2g/t.

Its bounty in the region now sits at 866,000oz at 4.6g/t.

But White Devil is significant in the context of its JV with London-listed Pan African Resources, which assumed control of the project and Nobles processing plant construction by acquiring Tennant Creek Mineral Group last year.

The South African gold producer will send a 6% royalty ERM’s way on the material it mines.

BUT, White Devil is potentially large enough to hit the major deposit milestone that could see ERM elect to take a 40% stake.

Bridge Street Capital Partners – grain of salt here of course, since they raised money for ERM – told clients this week they were working on a new valuation for the junior, assuming White Devil becomes the main source of supply at Nobles from year 2 or 3 on, “likely to be significantly higher than both our base and upside case estimates”.

Those sat at 13c and 21c respectively on initiation. ERM is currently at 10c.


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