Eye on Lithium: Pilbara Minerals smashes yet another record at its latest spodumene auction
All your ASX lithium news for Wednesday, September 21.
In the latest and ninth auction of spodumene concentrate on Pilbara Minerals (ASX:PLS) Battery Material Exchange platform, the company has pulled in an outrageous US$6988/t for 5000t of 5.5% Li20 concentrate.
For context, that’s a single shipment raking in more than $52 million Aussie dollars.
Adjusted for the 6% benchmark grade normally used by reporters of lithium spot prices, the pull is US$7708/dmt CIF China.
Compare that to the first auction over a year ago, which was one of the biggest price discovery events in the young history of the battery lithium market, and pulled in US$1250/t for a 5.5% Li2O cargo.
Madness. Stockhead’s Josh Chiat outlined the progress here.
Code | Company | Price | % Month | % Week | % Today | Market Cap |
RAS | Ragusa Minerals Ltd | 0.315 | 66% | 24% | 17% | $34,733,898.36 |
AM7 | Arcadia Minerals | 0.315 | 62% | 21% | 15% | $12,841,920.30 |
FG1 | Flynngold | 0.12 | 20% | 14% | 14% | $6,726,410.25 |
TYX | Tyranna Res Ltd | 0.058 | 45% | 14% | 14% | $120,148,894.02 |
AOA | Ausmon Resorces | 0.009 | 29% | 13% | 13% | $6,858,314.74 |
RAG | Ragnar Metals Ltd | 0.041 | -11% | 5% | 11% | $14,029,840.89 |
BMM | Balkanminingandmin | 0.35 | 84% | 31% | 8% | $10,643,750.00 |
LSR | Lodestar Minerals | 0.007 | 0% | -13% | 8% | $11,299,842.76 |
LNR | Lanthanein Resources | 0.049 | 23% | -9% | 7% | $44,289,976.22 |
TMB | Tambourahmetals | 0.17 | 10% | 13% | 6% | $6,590,815.68 |
VKA | Viking Mines Ltd | 0.0085 | 6% | 6% | 6% | $8,202,067.45 |
AGY | Argosy Minerals Ltd | 0.5675 | 49% | 8% | 5% | $738,910,324.62 |
FRS | Forrestaniaresources | 0.21 | 45% | -16% | 5% | $6,672,260.80 |
PGD | Peregrine Gold | 0.63 | -24% | -6% | 5% | $23,232,933.60 |
ALY | Alchemy Resource Ltd | 0.022 | 16% | 5% | 5% | $20,014,595.06 |
EMS | Eastern Metals | 0.145 | 0% | 12% | 4% | $5,411,875.00 |
EMH | European Metals Hldg | 0.875 | 9% | 2% | 3% | $101,777,702.90 |
LRV | Larvottoresources | 0.215 | -20% | -10% | 2% | $8,721,825.00 |
ZNC | Zenith Minerals Ltd | 0.305 | 2% | 0% | 2% | $103,428,683.70 |
AAJ | Aruma Resources Ltd | 0.064 | -11% | -6% | 2% | $9,888,574.69 |
TKM | Trek Metals Ltd | 0.067 | -6% | -8% | 2% | $20,500,269.90 |
GT1 | Greentechnology | 0.785 | 13% | -5% | 1% | $148,775,946.54 |
PLS | Pilbara Min Ltd | 4.915 | 61% | 4% | 1% | $14,595,354,771.03 |
ADV | Ardiden Ltd | 0.008 | 0% | 0% | 0% | $21,346,682.85 |
1MC | Morella Corporation | 0.025 | -7% | -11% | 0% | $144,141,144.65 |
AVZ | AVZ Minerals Ltd | 0.78 | 0% | 0% | 0% | $2,752,409,203.44 |
LIT | Lithium Australia | 0.059 | -26% | -3% | 0% | $71,958,949.39 |
LPD | Lepidico Ltd | 0.027 | -7% | -13% | 0% | $175,694,163.29 |
RLC | Reedy Lagoon Corp. | 0.015 | -12% | -6% | 0% | $8,361,403.68 |
TKL | Traka Resources | 0.008 | 14% | 14% | 0% | $5,510,196.49 |
TON | Triton Min Ltd | 0.022 | -21% | -29% | 0% | $30,421,251.89 |
ARN | Aldoro Resources | 0.22 | -19% | -14% | 0% | $21,909,209.74 |
AX8 | Accelerate Resources | 0.041 | 11% | 0% | 0% | $11,088,814.86 |
DTM | Dart Mining NL | 0.09 | 18% | -14% | 0% | $13,908,597.75 |
GSM | Golden State Mining | 0.049 | -11% | -2% | 0% | $5,733,696.00 |
IMI | Infinitymining | 0.245 | 53% | 20% | 0% | $14,087,500.00 |
MMC | Mitremining | 0.175 | 52% | -3% | 0% | $4,739,892.50 |
SHH | Shree Minerals Ltd | 0.009 | 0% | 6% | 0% | $11,146,382.03 |
TSC | Twenty Seven Co. Ltd | 0.002 | -5% | 0% | 0% | $5,321,627.81 |
KGD | Kula Gold Limited | 0.03 | 20% | 50% | 0% | $8,069,086.14 |
QXR | Qx Resources Limited | 0.034 | 13% | 6% | 0% | $29,218,318.91 |
ENT | Enterprise Metals | 0.012 | 20% | 20% | 0% | $7,835,768.26 |
AVW | Avira Resources Ltd | 0.004 | 0% | 0% | 0% | $8,475,160.00 |
RMX | Red Mount Min Ltd | 0.006 | -14% | 0% | 0% | $9,854,183.15 |
SRZ | Stellar Resources | 0.014 | -18% | -7% | 0% | $13,512,766.76 |
NWM | Norwest Minerals | 0.043 | -7% | -23% | 0% | $9,550,617.64 |
IPT | Impact Minerals | 0.008 | -11% | 14% | 0% | $19,850,964.45 |
VMC | Venus Metals Cor Ltd | 0.17 | 0% | -1% | 0% | $27,213,376.11 |
EVR | Ev Resources Ltd | 0.028 | -13% | -7% | 0% | $25,927,553.99 |
CZL | Cons Zinc Ltd | 0.022 | 0% | -8% | 0% | $8,521,871.89 |
MXR | Maximus Resources | 0.05 | -9% | 0% | 0% | $15,945,288.40 |
XTC | Xantippe Res Ltd | 0.009 | -10% | 13% | 0% | $73,307,068.65 |
WMC | Wiluna Mining Corp | 0.205 | 0% | 0% | 0% | $74,238,030.68 |
AUN | Aurumin | 0.1 | -31% | -13% | 0% | $12,530,713.80 |
ZEO | Zeotech Limited | 0.048 | -25% | 0% | 0% | $74,971,942.56 |
GW1 | Greenwing Resources | 0.3 | 13% | 7% | 0% | $36,974,204.70 |
DAF | Discovery Alaska Ltd | 0.08 | 1% | 7% | 0% | $17,938,775.84 |
FTL | Firetail Resources | 0.25 | -2% | 4% | 0% | $15,445,625.00 |
DAL | Dalaroometalsltd | 0.13 | 33% | 0% | 0% | $3,883,750.00 |
LIS | Lisenergylimited | 0.58 | -11% | -6% | -1% | $97,059,799.40 |
CHR | Charger Metals | 0.545 | -1% | -6% | -1% | $17,933,319.25 |
ESS | Essential Metals Ltd | 0.48 | 5% | -9% | -1% | $120,296,386.70 |
VUL | Vulcan Energy | 7.8 | -3% | -11% | -1% | $1,130,915,524.89 |
PAM | Pan Asia Metals | 0.43 | -9% | -7% | -1% | $32,155,305.27 |
AZL | Arizona Lithium Ltd | 0.086 | -4% | -14% | -1% | $209,663,523.81 |
TEM | Tempest Minerals | 0.0365 | -11% | -4% | -1% | $18,676,348.51 |
IGO | IGO Limited | 14.685 | 19% | -2% | -2% | $11,306,008,448.09 |
A8G | Australasian Metals | 0.295 | 5% | -2% | -2% | $12,351,148.20 |
PNN | Power Minerals Ltd | 0.555 | 9% | -15% | -2% | $34,792,761.59 |
CAI | Calidus Resources | 0.55 | -13% | -10% | -2% | $245,157,754.80 |
PLL | Piedmont Lithium Inc | 0.9275 | 3% | 2% | -2% | $498,554,406.00 |
MIN | Mineral Resources. | 70.19 | 15% | -5% | -2% | $13,557,320,788.38 |
WES | Wesfarmers Limited | 45.14 | -8% | -7% | -2% | $52,202,004,741.68 |
MMG | Monger Gold Ltd | 0.5 | 16% | 1% | -2% | $20,420,400.00 |
MLS | Metals Australia | 0.049 | -14% | -11% | -2% | $30,351,809.55 |
DRE | Dreadnought Resources Ltd | 0.1175 | 12% | 2% | -2% | $365,104,026.12 |
GL1 | Globallith | 2.6 | 36% | 8% | -2% | $422,137,360.96 |
LTR | Liontown Resources | 1.65 | -2% | -7% | -2% | $3,711,975,741.50 |
LKE | Lake Resources | 1.025 | -15% | -19% | -2% | $1,459,472,394.45 |
AKE | Allkem Limited | 15.58 | 26% | -3% | -2% | $10,177,023,052.56 |
SCN | Scorpion Minerals | 0.08 | 3% | -4% | -2% | $27,210,157.74 |
RGL | Riversgold | 0.04 | 11% | 5% | -2% | $31,782,787.38 |
MM1 | Midasmineralsltd | 0.195 | -25% | -7% | -3% | $11,426,352.80 |
ASN | Anson Resources Ltd | 0.375 | 159% | -11% | -3% | $396,743,085.59 |
INF | Infinity Lithium | 0.185 | 28% | 0% | -3% | $79,042,482.54 |
KAI | Kairos Minerals Ltd | 0.037 | 28% | 12% | -3% | $74,635,552.66 |
AOU | Auroch Minerals Ltd | 0.074 | 1% | 21% | -3% | $28,204,496.72 |
CXO | Core Lithium | 1.4 | 0% | -16% | -3% | $2,501,561,312.64 |
TUL | Tulla Resources | 0.465 | -11% | -10% | -3% | $76,904,098.56 |
NVA | Nova Minerals Ltd | 0.755 | -11% | -16% | -3% | $143,255,794.50 |
AML | Aeon Metals Ltd. | 0.03 | -9% | -6% | -3% | $33,896,353.96 |
QPM | Queensland Pacific | 0.15 | 0% | -6% | -3% | $242,360,035.31 |
RIO | Rio Tinto Limited | 91.64 | -7% | -5% | -3% | $35,161,599,790.08 |
EUR | European Lithium Ltd | 0.086 | -4% | -13% | -3% | $124,621,286.58 |
CRR | Critical Resources | 0.082 | 58% | 24% | -4% | $126,481,295.32 |
BYH | Bryah Resources Ltd | 0.027 | -4% | -4% | -4% | $7,819,097.27 |
NMT | Neometals Ltd | 1.205 | -13% | -21% | -4% | $690,433,135.00 |
MRR | Minrex Resources Ltd | 0.05 | -11% | -9% | -4% | $56,314,228.98 |
LPI | Lithium Pwr Int Ltd | 0.59 | 1% | -19% | -4% | $240,588,692.49 |
KZR | Kalamazoo Resources | 0.235 | 0% | -10% | -4% | $36,087,121.63 |
JRL | Jindalee Resources | 2.5 | -8% | -2% | -4% | $149,759,101.26 |
AS2 | Askarimetalslimited | 0.34 | -11% | -19% | -4% | $15,999,590.85 |
GLN | Galan Lithium Ltd | 1.345 | 7% | -9% | -4% | $427,920,682.81 |
INR | Ioneer Ltd | 0.67 | -4% | -4% | -4% | $1,468,693,853.20 |
LRS | Latin Resources Ltd | 0.11 | -4% | -4% | -4% | $226,263,470.37 |
WR1 | Winsome Resources | 0.32 | 25% | -4% | -4% | $45,263,187.99 |
PSC | Prospect Res Ltd | 0.084 | -16% | -12% | -5% | $40,678,832.66 |
EPM | Eclipse Metals | 0.021 | 5% | -9% | -5% | $44,533,650.66 |
M2R | Miramar | 0.1 | -23% | -17% | -5% | $6,739,599.62 |
MQR | Marquee Resource Ltd | 0.066 | -20% | -14% | -5% | $21,935,421.81 |
LLL | Leolithiumlimited | 0.715 | 42% | 6% | -5% | $744,925,968.56 |
MNS | Magnis Energy Tech | 0.435 | 1% | -12% | -5% | $446,352,482.18 |
RDT | Red Dirt Metals Ltd | 0.6 | 18% | -14% | -6% | $193,392,060.51 |
WML | Woomera Mining Ltd | 0.016 | 7% | 7% | -6% | $11,676,162.12 |
G88 | Golden Mile Res Ltd | 0.032 | -6% | -6% | -6% | $6,956,051.70 |
KTA | Krakatoa Resources | 0.064 | -2% | 5% | -6% | $23,440,274.36 |
SRI | Sipa Resources Ltd | 0.047 | 4% | 4% | -6% | $10,251,240.15 |
WCN | White Cliff Min Ltd | 0.022 | 83% | -8% | -6% | $17,568,679.01 |
EFE | Eastern Resources | 0.029 | -6% | 4% | -6% | $31,208,651.70 |
OCN | Oceanalithiumlimited | 0.58 | -11% | -23% | -6% | $20,785,500.00 |
MTM | Mtmongerresources | 0.14 | -26% | -3% | -7% | $5,626,504.95 |
AZI | Altamin Limited | 0.082 | -1% | -9% | -7% | $34,471,074.18 |
STM | Sunstone Metals Ltd | 0.039 | -13% | -7% | -7% | $109,050,749.60 |
BNR | Bulletin Res Ltd | 0.13 | -10% | -16% | -7% | $40,962,754.00 |
LEL | Lithenergy | 1.02 | -1% | -15% | -7% | $49,665,000.00 |
IR1 | Irismetals | 1.89 | 144% | -8% | -7% | $124,174,800.00 |
CY5 | Cygnus Gold Limited | 0.25 | 11% | -17% | -7% | $39,740,035.05 |
SYA | Sayona Mining Ltd | 0.245 | -9% | -31% | -8% | $2,200,645,909.56 |
THR | Thor Mining PLC | 0.01 | 0% | -9% | -9% | $12,090,796.58 |
WC8 | Wildcat Resources | 0.035 | 21% | -3% | -10% | $25,165,636.35 |
LRD | Lordresourceslimited | 0.305 | 54% | 9% | -13% | $11,649,617.35 |
Only 23 stocks were in the green, 36 were flat and 72 were red.
The company has kicked off the maiden drill program at its Solaroz brine project in Argentina, with its first diamond drill hole at 60m depth where the pre-collar is being cemented in place.
A further 300-350m of HQ diamond core drilling will follow into conductive brines identified in previous geophysics.
The company says more drilling will come, with discussions currently being advanced with several contractors to secure one or more additional rigs to accelerate the 10 hole, 5000m program.
Assay results from the company’s Karonie Project in WA have returned coincident lithium, beryllium, niobium, tin, tantalum and rubidium across the three areas from 793 infill soil samples.
This data along with the rock chip assay data and detailed mapping has contributed to the planning of the phase 1 reverse circulation (RC) drill program, which is due to commence in October 2022.
The drill program will focus on the Hickory area initially, due to its significant density of pegmatites with associated strong pathfinder anomalism in rock chips and soils.
MMG has flagged soil assay results of up to 540ppm Li defines targets at its Scotty Lithium Project – and says each target holds standalone exploration potential.
“These exceptional assay results from this maiden program across areas never sampled before, discovered higher than anticipated lithium assays over larger and more connected areas than expected on our Scotty Lithium Project,” CEO Adam Ritchie said.
He also flagged that the peak value over Iconic Minerals’ adjoining Bonnie Claire Resource is 264ppm lithium, however on Monger Gold’s claims the peak value is more than double this at 540ppm lithium.
At Stockhead we tell it like it is. While Lithium Energy is a Stockhead advertiser, it did not sponsor this article.