• We need more than twenty times the amount of lithium mined last year to meet demand
  • Ragusa receives new NT tenement grant 
  • Winsome begins drilling at the Cancet and Adina Lithium Projects in Quebec, Canada

All your lithium news, Friday October 14. 


According to the latest data out of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence (BMI), the world needs more than twenty times the amount of lithium mined last year to meet demand by 2050.

This means annual production of 11.2 million tonnes LCE will be needed by 2050 with energy storage making up two-thirds of battery demand by that date, the price reporting agency highlights.

“The long term path for lithium is set, yet the supply chain scaling challenge has just begun,” Simon Moores, chief executive of Benchmark, says.

“What this data shows is that we are at just the beginning of a generational challenge, not one that’s going to be solved in the 2020s.”

By 2040, all of the lithium mined last year will only meet one month’s demand, even with the supply from recycled batteries.


Pic: Benchmark Mineral Intelligence


“Lithium miners and refiners not only have to sensitively scale their supply base within the economics of today and near-term future,” Moores said.

“But they also attempt to plan for a world lithium ion economy that is an order of magnitude bigger than today.”


Here’s how ASX lithium stocks are tracking:

TSC Twenty Seven Co. Ltd 0.0025 25% 25% 25% -29% $10,643,256
CZL Cons Zinc Ltd 0.028 17% 40% 17% 17% $11,110,115
SHH Shree Minerals Ltd 0.009 13% 0% 6% -10% $9,907,895
MTM Mtmongerresources 0.125 9% 0% -14% -22% $4,313,654
BNR Bulletin Res Ltd 0.13 8% 4% -16% 88% $35,110,932
EFE Eastern Resources 0.042 8% 0% 50% 20% $40,839,843
IR1 Irismetals 1.665 6% -14% -19% 505% $98,799,750
AML Aeon Metals Ltd. 0.028 6% -3% -13% -49% $28,975,915
KGD Kula Gold Limited 0.039 5% 11% 95% -20% $12,439,841
WCN White Cliff Min Ltd 0.02 5% -5% -17% 67% $14,204,464
NVA Nova Minerals Ltd 0.65 5% -7% -28% -64% $113,869,991
GL1 Globallith 2.41 5% 2% 0% 534% $365,005,989
1MC Morella Corporation 0.022 5% -4% -21% -65% $121,832,672
PGD Peregrine Gold 0.585 4% -3% -13% 63% $21,684,071
GT1 Greentechnology 0.76 4% -3% -8% 0% $139,239,027
MMG Monger Gold Ltd 0.38 4% -5% -23% 46% $14,614,600
TUL Tulla Resources 0.4575 4% -6% -11% -9% $70,495,424
INF Infinity Lithium 0.1975 4% 7% 7% 58% $79,042,483
LTR Liontown Resources 1.5775 4% -2% -11% 13% $3,338,581,732
JRL Jindalee Resources 2.28 4% 1% -10% 10% $126,233,725
KAI Kairos Minerals Ltd 0.029 4% -19% -12% -3% $54,994,618
AM7 Arcadia Minerals 0.305 3% 2% 17% 61% $13,775,878
STM Sunstone Metals Ltd 0.032 3% -6% -24% -27% $80,489,839
QPM Queensland Pacific 0.165 3% 14% 3% -33% $251,474,101
WC8 Wildcat Resources 0.034 3% -3% -6% -21% $21,508,500
LNR Lanthanein Resources 0.036 3% -16% -33% 100% $33,698,895
AZL Arizona Lithium Ltd 0.077 3% -5% -23% 83% $180,744,417
AKE Allkem Limited 14.285 3% 0% -11% 69% $8,876,200,557
QXR Qx Resources Limited 0.083 2% 9% 159% 453% $71,430,848
IMI Infinitymining 0.215 2% -7% 5% 0% $13,254,938
MXR Maximus Resources 0.045 2% -10% -10% -44% $14,031,854
LLL Leolithiumlimited 0.5925 2% -4% -12% 0% $572,261,009
PSC Prospect Res Ltd 0.097 2% 2% 2% 361% $43,914,649
RGL Riversgold 0.05 2% 28% 32% 130% $38,038,751
LIT Lithium Australia 0.054 2% -5% -11% -51% $64,641,090
PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc 0.825 2% -4% -9% 4% $427,332,348
WES Wesfarmers Limited 44.92 2% 0% -7% -14% $50,013,693,075
MIN Mineral Resources. 70.3 2% -4% -5% 66% $13,113,818,730
LRD Lordresourceslimited 0.3 2% 7% 7% 0% $9,818,963
CRR Critical Resources 0.061 2% -6% -8% 126% $89,411,259
ZNC Zenith Minerals Ltd 0.315 2% 2% 3% 34% $106,876,306
AGY Argosy Minerals Ltd 0.4775 2% -5% -9% 151% $647,556,762
WR1 Winsome Resources 0.345 1% -5% 3% 0% $45,938,758
AAJ Aruma Resources Ltd 0.07 1% -4% 3% -13% $10,830,344
MNS Magnis Energy Tech 0.35 1% -9% -29% 13% $334,764,362
RIO Rio Tinto Limited 97.01 1% -1% 0% -2% $35,503,118,707
GW1 Greenwing Resources 0.37 1% -8% 32% 30% $46,064,994
LKE Lake Resources 0.9925 1% -3% -22% 80% $1,362,174,235
AUN Aurumin 0.083 1% -12% -28% -59% $10,275,185
SYA Sayona Mining Ltd 0.2225 1% -9% -37% 48% $1,828,310,677
PNN Power Minerals Ltd 0.45 1% -9% -31% 23% $32,109,880
ESS Essential Metals Ltd 0.505 1% 2% -5% 237% $124,181,341
LPI Lithium Pwr Int Ltd 0.54 1% -8% -26% 64% $209,292,602
RAS Ragusa Minerals Ltd 0.2875 1% -10% 13% 174% $37,338,599
CAI Calidus Resources 0.3575 1% -36% -41% -42% $155,412,505
CXO Core Lithium 1.1425 1% -2% -31% 141% $2,082,180,996
DRE Dreadnought Resources Ltd 0.0945 1% -10% -18% 155% $285,998,154
VUL Vulcan Energy 6.5 0% -15% -26% -44% $927,379,397
GLN Galan Lithium Ltd 1.195 0% -1% -19% 14% $362,438,158
ADV Ardiden Ltd 0.007 0% 8% -13% -36% $18,678,347
ASN Anson Resources Ltd 0.28 0% -8% -33% 222% $328,939,493
AVZ AVZ Minerals Ltd 0.78 0% 0% 0% 156% $2,752,409,203
EMH European Metals Hldg 0.69 0% -2% -20% -50% $82,585,884
LPD Lepidico Ltd 0.019 0% -20% -38% -20% $125,061,633
RLC Reedy Lagoon Corp. 0.014 0% 0% -13% -33% $7,803,977
TKL Traka Resources 0.007 0% 0% 0% -50% $4,821,422
BMM Balkanminingandmin 0.27 0% -16% 1% -62% $11,612,904
ARN Aldoro Resources 0.225 0% 7% -12% -44% $22,407,146
CHR Charger Metals 0.48 0% -1% -17% -2% $20,930,897
AX8 Accelerate Resources 0.034 0% -6% -17% -19% $9,195,603
BYH Bryah Resources Ltd 0.025 0% -4% -11% -49% $6,981,337
DTM Dart Mining NL 0.078 0% -3% -26% -32% $12,075,192
FG1 Flynngold 0.11 0% 0% 5% -33% $7,046,716
FRS Forrestaniaresources 0.2 0% 16% -20% -43% $8,562,261
RAG Ragnar Metals Ltd 0.028 0% 8% -28% -33% $10,617,177
TMB Tambourahmetals 0.145 0% -9% -3% -26% $5,972,927
TEM Tempest Minerals 0.032 0% -6% -16% 68% $16,152,518
WML Woomera Mining Ltd 0.015 0% -35% 0% -26% $10,302,496
LRS Latin Resources Ltd 0.099 0% -10% -14% 141% $195,127,443
SCN Scorpion Minerals 0.07 0% -4% -16% 25% $23,359,433
AZI Altamin Limited 0.08 0% -2% -11% 1% $31,337,340
ENT Enterprise Metals 0.011 0% 10% 10% -21% $7,182,788
AVW Avira Resources Ltd 0.0035 0% 17% -13% -42% $7,415,765
RMX Red Mount Min Ltd 0.006 0% 0% 0% -33% $9,854,183
MRR Minrex Resources Ltd 0.055 0% 6% 0% 206% $59,576,877
A8G Australasian Metals 0.28 0% -7% -7% -40% $11,527,738
MQR Marquee Resource Ltd 0.057 0% -8% -26% -16% $18,104,202
SRZ Stellar Resources 0.013 0% 0% -13% -57% $13,060,202
NWM Norwest Minerals 0.029 0% -29% -48% -68% $6,441,114
AOA Ausmon Resorces 0.007 0% -13% -13% 0% $6,001,025
VKA Viking Mines Ltd 0.007 0% 0% -13% -61% $7,176,809
IPT Impact Minerals 0.007 0% 0% 0% -48% $17,369,594
SRI Sipa Resources Ltd 0.046 0% 5% 2% -16% $9,431,141
VMC Venus Metals Cor Ltd 0.135 0% -7% -22% -25% $21,610,622
G88 Golden Mile Res Ltd 0.026 0% -7% -24% -46% $5,319,334
EPM Eclipse Metals 0.021 0% -5% -9% -54% $42,509,394
EVR Ev Resources Ltd 0.025 0% -7% -17% -19% $23,149,602
THR Thor Mining PLC 0.009 0% 0% -18% -50% $9,916,186
MM1 Midasmineralsltd 0.19 0% 0% -10% 0% $10,855,035
M2R Miramar 0.099 0% -1% -18% -49% $6,354,480
XTC Xantippe Res Ltd 0.008 0% 0% 0% 220% $65,161,839
WMC Wiluna Mining Corp 0.205 0% 0% 0% -77% $74,238,031
ZEO Zeotech Limited 0.039 0% -3% -19% -56% $62,966,781
DAF Discovery Alaska Ltd 0.035 0% -46% -53% -19% $7,848,214
FTL Firetail Resources 0.2 0% -5% -17% 0% $12,356,500
DAL Dalaroometalsltd 0.135 0% 4% 4% -44% $4,033,125
TKM Trek Metals Ltd 0.067 0% 26% -8% -54% $20,810,880
LEL Lithenergy 1.12 0% -3% -7% 91% $67,668,750
NMT Neometals Ltd 1.025 0% -8% -33% 19% $568,916,903
IGO IGO Limited 15.28 -1% 1% 2% 76% $11,646,778,964
RDT Red Dirt Metals Ltd 0.59 -1% -2% -16% -29% $197,537,515
LIS Lisenergylimited 0.505 -1% -4% -19% -76% $84,616,235
CY5 Cygnus Gold Limited 0.49 -1% 32% 63% 326% $72,856,731
EUR European Lithium Ltd 0.078 -1% 0% -21% -12% $110,618,895
AS2 Askarimetalslimited 0.385 -1% -4% -8% 88% $17,736,858
PAM Pan Asia Metals 0.375 -1% -5% -18% -16% $55,805,124
KTA Krakatoa Resources 0.058 -2% -22% -5% -8% $20,337,885
MLS Metals Australia 0.045 -2% 2% -18% 13% $27,923,665
GSM Golden State Mining 0.041 -2% 5% -18% -68% $4,914,597
TYX Tyranna Res Ltd 0.04 -2% -11% -22% 515% $98,355,938
KZR Kalamazoo Resources 0.185 -3% -8% -29% -46% $28,275,681
OCN Oceanalithiumlimited 0.485 -3% -8% -35% 0% $16,762,500
AOU Auroch Minerals Ltd 0.061 -3% -5% 0% -64% $23,380,043
ALY Alchemy Resource Ltd 0.026 -4% -21% 24% 104% $25,733,059
EMS Eastern Metals 0.125 -4% -19% -4% 0% $5,025,313
INR Ioneer Ltd 0.5275 -4% -21% -25% -11% $1,153,973,742
TON Triton Min Ltd 0.023 -4% -4% -26% -34% $33,186,820
PLS Pilbara Min Ltd 4.695 -5% -13% -1% 140% $14,744,591,527
LSR Lodestar Minerals 0.0055 -8% -8% -31% -45% $10,430,624
MMC Mitremining 0.16 -9% 0% -11% -29% $4,739,893
LRV Larvottoresources 0.22 -12% 7% -8% 0% $10,383,125
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57 lithium companies finished in the green, 52 fell flat, and 22 tumbled into red territory.


Who’s got news out?


The Northern Territory’s Mineral Titles Office has granted Ragusa the EL33148 tenement for a period of six years.

Part of the wider NT Lithium Project, the company says it plans to rapidly accelerate development within the proven lithium district as drilling operations continue.

A lithium exploration program is now underway ahead of submission to the Mining Management Plan for Exploration – seeking approval to conduct drilling works in the newly granted tenement area.

RAS will also engage with key stakeholders and seek approval prior to conducting exploration works, which will set out to target lithium bearing pegmatite rocks using a combination of geological mapping, geochemical sampling, and reconnaissance drilling.



Two drilling campaign are underway at Winsome’s Cancet and Adina Lithium Projects in Quebec, Canada.

At Cancet a heli-portable reverse circulation (RC) rig has mobilised set to target an estimated 3,500m across 20 new pegmatites.

The estimated six-week program will also drill targets where gravity anomalies have been identified, as well as confirm mineralisation extensions to the main dyke following recent stripping and channel sampling.

A 5,000m drilling program is also underway at the Adina Project where exploration is focusing on infill holes across previously identified mineralisation, as well as testing new mineralisation following rock chip sample assay results.

Drilling will also investigate gravity anomalies at Adina, which have the potential to reveal under cover extensions to the known pegmatites.



The company continues to receive enquiries regarding Aldoro’s (ASX:ARN) recent mineral resource estimate at the Niobe Rubidium-Lithium Project, which completely surrounds BNR’s Mt Farmer tenement application.

Bulletin’s tenement application (E59/2413) has more than 5km strike of the potential greenstone host to the Rubidium bearing pegmatite unit.

BNR says it originally applied for E59/2413 for its gold and tantalum potential and the tenement application is progressing through the DMIRS tenement grant process.



Positive results have been received from alkali salt roasting of McDermitt ore in Oregon, USA.

Lithium phosphate (Li3PO4) assaying 58,880 ppm (5.89%) Li has been produced from roasting and sequential leaching of a composite sample of McDermitt ore assaying 1,460 ppm Li.

Lithium phosphate has been shown to be a potential precursor chemical for production of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries.

LFP batteries currently comprise 25% of the Li-ion battery market and are expected to grow to 40% by 2030 due to improved battery configurations increasing range performance.

Whilst the company has not committed to a particular processing route, JRL says it is delighted with the results from the initial alkali salt roasting test-work, which suggest a viable alternative processing route to sulphuric acid leaching.

Test-work to develop the most cost effective and energy efficient flow sheet for McDermitt is continuing, with further results to be announced when received.