Azure Minerals hits more high-grade lithium at Andover as drilling steps out to the west

Going forward, Azure expects to have a total of five to six drill rigs operating on site to ensure rapid testing and delineation of potential lithium resources. Pic via Getty Images.


A further four holes at the Andover project in Western Australia has intersected broad widths of mineralised pegmatites containing grades up to 1.70% of lithium.

Azure Minerals (ASX:AZS) says these latest drill holes confirm lithium mineralisation extends from the pegmatite outcrops down-dip for more than 350m.

Particularly, the lithium rich AP0011 pegmatite has been confirmed over 400m length with drilling extending mineralisation further to the west with large step-outs.

Best mineralised intersections include 112.4m at 1.05% Li20 from 263.3m, including 30.3m at 1.18% Li20 from 263.3m and 13.5m at 1.55% Li20 from 280.01m, as well as 59m at 1.24% Li20 from 316.7m, which also includes 10.1m at 1.70% Li20 from 330.4m.

True thicknesses of the mineralised intersections have been estimated at more than 80% of the intersected widths, validating the exceptional thickness of the mineralisation.

World-class scale

AZS managing director Tony Rovira says it is also pleasing that these latest assay results correlate closely with the presence of spodumene, supporting the company’s exploration model and allowing it to accurately plan and execute drilling in advance of receiving assays.

“Given the substantial widths and strike lengths of individual pegmatites, and the overall scale of the Andover pegmatite swarm with hundreds of outcropping pegmatites, we’re confident that our project has the potential to host lithium resources of world-class scale,” he explains.

Plan going forward

Diamond drilling (two rigs) and RC drilling (two rigs) are currently focused on testing the AP0009, AP0010 and AP0011 pegmatites to the west with sequential step-outs on 200m-spaced sections.

To date, 25 diamond core holes have been completed for 9,063m and 15 RC holes for 2,686m.

Laboratory turn-around times have now been reduced to approximately three weeks and further assay results are expected to be received frequently.

Going forward, Azure expects to have a total of five to six drill rigs operating on site to ensure rapid testing and delineation of potential lithium resources.




This article was developed in collaboration with Azure Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

Categories: Mining


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