Auroch strikes again with nickel sulphide intersection at Horn
Special Report: Auroch Minerals has capped a busy morning by announcing the intersection of massive nickel sulphides in the first diamond drill hole at its Horn prospect, within the Leinster nickel project in Western Australia.
Auroch (ASX:AOU) has revealed drill hole HNDD001 successfully intersected around five metres of nickel-bearing semi-massive to massive sulphides from a depth of 120m at the project.
The drill hole was the first of a six-hole diamond drilling program planned for the Horn prospect targeting massive nickel sulphide mineralisation intercepted in historic drilling.
The hole was drilled 20m along strike from a historic intercept of 7m at 2.58% nickel and 0.63% copper.
Auroch managing director Aidan Platel said the hole confirmed the thickness, continuity and depth of the massive nickel sulphide mineralisation at Horn.
“We are thrilled to have successfully intersected a thick zone of nickeliferous semi-massive to massive sulphides in our first diamond drill hole at the Horn prospect,” he said.
“The intersection has confirmed the thickness and continuity of nickel sulphide mineralisation at a relatively shallow depth, which is a significant and attractive attribute of the Horn prospect.”
HNDD001 is currently being geologically logged, with sampling to be fast-tracked to return lab results as soon as possible.
Platel said follow-up drill holes would now be undertaken.
“The second hole of six drill holes planned to validate and potentially extend the strike of the nickel sulphide mineralisation at Horn is now underway,” he said.
The news caps a busy morning for Auroch, which also announced the acquisition of the historic Nepean nickel project near Coolgardie this morning.
A single diamond drill hole was also completed at a depth of 400m at the Valdez Prospect, also within the Leinster project, with the aim of targeting a strong drillhole electromagnetic (DHEM) conductor defined by deep RC drilling in October.
DHEM surveying of the completed hole is currently underway, with logging and sampling pending, though no massive sulphides were observed in the core.
Auroch said the company would use the results from the logging and sampling of the hole, along with pending assay results from RC drill holes, to update its litho-geochemical model at Valdez.
Combined with results from the current DHEM survey, this is expected to be used to generate further targets at Valdez.
This article was developed in collaboration with Auroch Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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