• Surveying identifies 14 copper anomalies, eight REE anomalies and numerous faults
  • Faults are similar to the Money Intrusion Dyke which hosts nickel-copper-PGE occurrences
  • Follow-up ground exploration to be carried out in the upcoming weeks


Aeromagnetic and radiometric surveying has identified abundant copper, rare earths, and nickel-copper-PGE targets at Argent’s Copperhead project in Western Australia.

Historical exploration at Copperhead, about 300km east-northeast of Carnarvon and 950km north of Perth, between 1966 and 1967 returned rock chips of up to 14.2% copper and drill intercepts of up to 8.7m grading 2.44% copper.

This has not been followed up, until now. Aeromagnetic and radiometric surveys by Argent Minerals (ASX:ARD)  over E08/3369 and E08/3001 has now identified extensive base metal and rare earth potential targets.


Plenty of targets to test

Argent has identified numerous faults that are similar in occurrence to the Money Intrusion Dyke which host nickel-copper-PGE occurrences to the project’s southeast, which is being explored by Dreadnought Resources (ASX:DRE).

The largest northeast-southwest striking fault has a length over 17.8km spanning both exploration licence areas.

The company has also identified 14 extensive copper anomalies from examination of the magnetic, radiometric, and wide spaced AEM in comparison to the historical copper occurrences and recent rock chip sampling.

Additionally, eight prospective REE anomalies have been defined that are associated with magnetic responses representing potential ironstone dykes or ironstones.

The company notes that several of the northeast-southwest striking faults are more evident across the project and represent late-stage features that may be preferential sites for dolerite and or intrusive gabbroic dykes, similar to the Money Intrusion, which hosts nickel-copper-PGE.

Meanwhile, most of the known copper occurrences are associated with or close to anomalous uranium responses which has been used to define more prospective targets for copper mineralisation.

Argent highlighted the Anomaly C (a) and (b) copper prospects, which are located in close proximity to a strong stratigraphic magnetic response within the Discovery Formation and close to a northeast-southwest trending structure.

Distinct uranium responses are also evident around and extending from the Prospect Anomaly A and C copper occurrences defining clear zones up to 1km in length.

These along with additional anomalous uranium zones correlate with the Discovery Formation, and recent rock chip samples from local ironstones which returned anomalous copper and zinc.

Additionally, there are untested copper targets south of the Anomaly A copper prospect that range between 1,000m and 1,700m in length that will be systematically followed up during the next reconnaissance program.

“We are pleased to have completed the first closely spaced airborne geophysics survey over our Copperhead project,” managing director Pedro Kastellorizos said.

“The results have highlighted potential and previously unknown base-metal, REE and nickel-copper-PGE (Money Intrusion Dyke style of mineralisation) target anomalies.

“Based on the new findings from the geophysics program, we have now refined our targets based on geophysics, geochemistry, geology and structural interpretation. The results have further expanded and upgraded the prospectivity which further supports ongoing ground exploration to systemically explore these areas.”


Further activity

All target areas will be further investigated by ground follow up through helicopter support in the upcoming weeks.

The company is seeking to expand the copper and rare earth footprint by surface rock chip testing over all defined anomalies and verifying the uranium anomalism associated with copper mineralisation.

Argent will also carry out detailed rock chip sampling over E08/3463 to further investigate the high tenor lithium anomalies defined by the July 2023 sampling within the classified lithium-caesium-tantalum enriched pegmatites.




This article was developed in collaboration with Argent Minerals, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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