Good morning, and welcome to Stockhead’s Top 10 at shortly-before-11-ish, which is meant to highlight the best (and sometimes worst) performing ASX stocks in morning trade using live data, to provide a short, sharp update to help frame the trading day by showing the biggest movers in percentage terms that have made announcements.

The market opens at 10am (eastern time) and the data is taken at 10:15am, once every ASX stock has started trading.

Briefly, here’s what’s been happening already this morning: The ASX has opened higher this morning, travelling at pace to hit a record high – all it needed was an 0.2% jump, which it managed quite handily in the opening minutes of the session.

15 minutes in, the benchmark was up 0.34%, and an early snapshot of how things are tracking shows InfoTech is charging hard, but Energy stocks are in the doldrums again.



Stocks highlighted in yellow have made market-moving announcements (click headings to sort).

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Lepidico (ASX:LPD) was climbing on Monday morning, thanks to an announcement from the  UK  Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government, that the Trelavour Hard Rock Project in Cornwall, which will employ Lepidico’s proprietary hydrometallurgical lithium processing technologies under licence, has been designated as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.

Mithril Silver and Gold (ASX:MTH) was rising on news that the company has completed a LiDAR survey over its entire 70km2 of mining concessions that cover the Copalquin gold-silver district in Durango State, Mexico, revealing a network of historical workings – including mine tunnels and prospecting pits across the site. Exploration at the site is continuing, and sampling from completed holes have been sent for assaying, with that batch of results expected soon.



Stocks highlighted in red have made market-moving announcements (click headings to sort).

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