Each Monday, Stockhead’s resident day trader gives us a peek at the highs and lows of his trading diary and hints at what might be coming this week.

Platform used: Marketech
Round Trip: $10 (previously $40 on alternative platform)
Rules of engagement: Never hold any positions overnight (unless forced) and try to avoid any suspensions (if possible). No shorting.


Monday March 29

Big action on Friday in USA, with some big margin call related trades and I wonder how APT will go today. They actually open up higher, then fall, then bounce but my gut tells me they are going lower. Put in an alert to ping me if they go under 100.00. Never happens.

CBA take a dive of about 50c after the 11am gong and buy 500 at 85.67. Time is 11.35am. An alert tells me that they have hit 85.85, they fall back but eventually out they go at that level. Time 11.56am.

Buy some Z1P as % wise they are down 4% plus at 7.41. Don’t know why I bother as had to cut them just before the close at 7.39, so lose A$20.

Managed to sneak in another 500 CBA at 85.53, just after 2pm and sell them on a limit at 85.69, whilst having a nana nap. All up +A$150.

Image: Marketech
Image: Marketech
Image: Marketech

+500 CBA at 85.67; -500 CBA at 85.85; +500 CBA at 85.53; -500 CBA at 85.69; Profit A$170
+1000 Z1P at 7.41; -1000 Z1P at 7.39; Loss A$20 (time to give ‘em up?)


Tuesday March 30

It’s my birthday today, so going to take it easy. APT manage to give me a nice present. They get sold down heavily heading towards 11am (see snapshot). Go long of 100 at 101.00. Time 10.51am. Then 200 at 100.82. Time 10.54am. Get an alert that they are trading below 100.00 so buy 300 at 99.82. Time 11.04am.

Soon get an alert that they are trading above 101.00 and at 101.50 limit I’m out of the 600. So all up I make A$690, with the perfect trade for a trader. I thank the trading God and head off to lunch.

Image: Marketech
Image: Marketech

+100 APT at 101.00; +200 at 100.82; +300 at 99.82; -600 APT at 101.50; Profit A$690 (Happy Birthday to me!)


Wednesday March 31

In post-birthday recovery mode and find out my car’s brake lights are stuck on. Arrange to get them fixed after 11am (ha!) and then alerted that APT are trading below 99.50 whilst driving to the auto electrician.

I pull over, buy 100 at 99.30 and keep going.

Get brakes fixed and on way back home, get an alert ping telling me they are trading above 100.30. Pull over and sell them at 100.51.

Car cost me A$20 and a six pack to get fixed and made A$121.00 going there and back. Nice!

Image: Marketech

+100 APT at 99.30; -100 APT at 100.51; Profit A$121 (Loving the alert feature!)


Thursday April 1

Coming into a long weekend, so tip toeing around my watch list. Snaffle up 500 CBA at 85.77, 14 mins in.

Buy 1000 WEB at 5.27 a min later. At 10.40am, out go the CBA at 85.91 and two mins later out go the WEB at 5.34. They touch there three times before deciding to sell.

Selling the CBA produces a 20c rally up to 86.10. Make A$140 for the day. APT rally above 105.00 and Z1P reach a high of 7.74.

Image: Marketech
Image: Marketech

+500 CBA at 85.77; -500 CBA at 85.91; Profit A$70
+1000 WEB at 5.27; -1000 WEB at 5.34; Profit A$70 (that’s a flight somewhere)

Gross Profit: A$1001
Brokerage: A$102
Net Profit: A$899
Most Satisfying: APT Tues
Least satisfying: Z1P