Stockhead’s Top 10 at 10, published at 10.15am each trading day, highlights the best (and worst) performing ASX small caps in morning trade using live data.

It’s a short, sharp update to help frame the trading day by showing the biggest movers in percentage terms.

The market opens at 10am (eastern time) and the data is taken at 10:15am, once every ASX stock has commenced trading.

Stocks highlighted in yellow have made market-moving announcements (click headings to sort).


Code Company Price % Volume
ANL Amani Gold Ltd 0.0015 50 1968749
CLZ Classic Min Ltd 0.0015 50 20514867
ROG Red Sky Energy. 0.003 50 67639425
REZ Resourc & En Grp Ltd 0.056 40 6129479
TZL TZ Limited 0.089 37 160
DTR Dateline Resources 0.004 33 500000
88E 88 Energy Ltd 0.022 29 96475408
LSR Lodestar Minerals 0.013 18 122300
CWN Crown Resorts Ltd 11.64 18 1084526
ELT Elementos Limited 0.014 17 33391832
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Oil and gas microcap Red Sky Energy (ASX:ROG) led the charge after announcing it had identified 16 metres of net pay for its Killanoola project in South Australia.

Speaking of oil plays, Alaska focused 88 Energy (ASX:88E) rose after an operational update. It reported a surface hole at Merlin-1 was successfully drilled to 1,512 feet and drilling on the Merlin-1 production hole would commence imminently.

Tin play Elementos (ASX:ELT) and gold play Resource & Energy Group (ASX:REZ) both rose after drilling results.

Among large caps casino operator, Crown Resorts (ASX:CWN), received an $8 billion takeover offer from US investment manager Blackstone at $11.85 a share.


Code Company Price % Volume
FNP Freedom Food Ltd 0.3 -90 17324173
UUV UUV Aquabotix Ltd 0.002 -20 2000000
CXM Centrex Metals 0.059 -16 741236
MOB Mobilicom Ltd 0.06 -15 272533
RHI Red Hill Iron 0.35 -13 1250
VRC Volt Resources Ltd 0.017 -11 3667457
OSP Osprey Med Inc 0.018 -10 7281495
PKD Parkd Ltd 0.046 -10 12000
LNY Laneway Res Ltd 0.005 -9 71600
RBR RBR Group Ltd 0.01 -9 240000
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Freedom Foods Group (ASX:FNP) re-entered the ASX after completing a recapitalisation – which was at a hefty discount to the price it last traded at.