Stock Insiders is a podcast series focussed on investing, hosted by TV presenter and news journalist Christina Morrissy. 

In this episode Christina chats to Tom Spurling, managing director at Nova Eye Medical (ASX:EYE).

Nova Eye Medical is a medical technology company that develops, manufactures and sells a portfolio of proprietary glaucoma treatment technologies. Used by eye surgeons in more than 100 countries globally, these technologies include iTrack minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), a consumable surgical device that restores the eye’s natural outflow pathway to lower pressure inside the eye and to eliminate patient reliance on anti-glaucoma medications, and the Molteno3 glaucoma drainage device for cases of severe and complex glaucoma.

The company’s new iTrack Advance is aimed at a broader market as it improves a key glaucoma procedure.

To hear Christina and Tom discuss all this and more, tune in below!

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