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Health & Biotech
Stockhead’s resident Health and Biotech expert Tim Boreham is putting down the microscope and picking up the microphone for another instalment of The Health Kick Podcast.
In this episode Tim interviews Michael Harsh, non-executive director at Imagion Biosystems (ASX:IBX).
Imagion Biosystems is developing a diagnostic imaging tool called Magsense, which is based on injecting nanoparticles with magnetic fields to detect tumors such as breast cancers.
Unlike the traditional and still widely used X-rays, the device does not use radiation.
Magsense is in the preclinical stage but has US Food and Drug Administration status as a ‘breakthrough’ device for early stage detection of the common and aggressive Her-2 positive breast cancers.
While Imagion is headquartered in Melbourne, much of its work takes place in the US at its facility in San Diego, California.
Tune in to hear the pair discuss the future of X-ray, a new way to image the body and challenging clinical practice.
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