While drilling of the key Mukuyu-1 is imminent, Invictus is already looking to future exploration with multiple drill-ready prospects mapped in its expanded licence area.
It follows the company securing the exploration rights to EPO 1848 and EPO 1849, which are contiguous to its current SG 4571 licence, giving it complete coverage over the entire conventional oil and gas play fairway in Zimbabwe’s Cabora Bassa Basin.
The new drill-ready targets in the new Basin Margin play, which were identified by Invictus Energy’s (ASX:IVZ) CB21 seismic survey, have been mapped along the southern basin bounding fault.
This new play displays similarities to the East Africa Rift “String of Pearls” that resulted in material discoveries in the Lokichar Basin in Kenya and Albertine Graben in Uganda.
Additional large leads on trend with the Mukuyu prospect have also been identified along the basement high in the Central Fairway play, which provide follow-on prospectivity that can be matured at low cost.
“We are extremely pleased with the material upgrade to our prospect and lead inventory in our expanded exploration footprint in the Cabora Bassa Basin,” managing director Scott Macmillan said.
“Prior to the acquisition of the CB21 Seismic Survey we recognised the potential for the Basin Margin to evolve into a substantial play due to the structural similarities we observed with the East Africa Rift System.
“The exceptional results delivered through the planning and execution of the CB21 Survey has enabled us to mature this conceptual play initially identified on sparse vintage data to multiple drill ready prospects which provides us substantial follow-up potential.
“Additional large leads on trend with the Mukuyu prospect, which can be matured at low cost, provide further running room in the Central Fairway play.”
Maiden drilling
The company is poised to drill the Makuyu prospect in early September to test stacked Triassic and younger sandstones within a 200km2 four-way dip closure on the basement high trend which could host gross mean recoverable conventional potential of 20 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) and 845 million barrels of conventional gas condensate.
It will be followed by the Baobab-1 well, which targets stacked Cretaceous and younger sandstones, within four-way and three-way dip closures, against the southern basin bounding rift fault.
Baobab has similar structural characteristics to the basin opening Ngamia discovery drilled in the Lokichar Basin in Kenya.
This article was developed in collaboration with Invictus Energy, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.
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